Roller Derby Rookie (WIP)

I’m ready to share Roller Derby Rookie!

Tear up the flat track as Daffodil Valley Roller Derby’s newest skater!

Chapters 1 and 2 are available to play now.

Link to demo:

Any and all feedback is appreciated, but I am particularly concerned about
-typos, bugs, etc.
-the fluency and pacing of the prose
-if the roller derby lingo and skating vocabulary is clear and accessible for non-derby players
-if you enjoyed it!

Update 2/19: I’ve balanced stats a little bit, but it’s still not my primary area of focus at this point.

Coming soon:
Chapter 3: Attend league practice and get drafted to a home team!

Thanks for your time!


I said the concept is unique and fun, i hope you don’t have any problem in the future. Stay healthy

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I like the demo, it’s fun, it’s different, it’s fun (yes, I said fun twice, it’s twice the fun :smile:) I like the characters, the crazy names (I alias named my character Mad Cattitude :laughing:) and I’m curious about the note. I’m looking forward to more :heart:


It’s short but very easily pulls you in. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter. Keep up the good work.


I can honestly say that I was not expecting to like it that much. Congratulations!

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Thanks for the encouraging comments!

Chapter 2 is up! It’s only half of what I had initially drafted, but it seemed like a natural place to break up the story.

The chapter itself probably won’t take very long to play, but it’s pretty rich under the surface. The opportunity to look up teams and players on social media was fun to write and was a good worldbuilding exercise for me as well.

I also added two additional pages in stats, one with a brief overview of roller derby gameplay and one with an informal roller derby glossary. It’s important to me that non-derby players understand the game.