Revolution Diabolique - WIP

@Chris_Conley bug


Could someone explain the stats to me please. Iā€™ve worked out the personal skills but Iā€™m having trouble with the demonology.

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All right, in the version thatā€™s up now Iā€™ve fixed most of these bugs and added some of the options. Good suggestions.

Some of the more in-depth issues will take more timeā€¦

Do you think that should get its own page in the stats menu? Or maybe just a description right there in the middle of the stats?

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I think itā€™s own page would be alot neater including descriptions of what the personality stats are.

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I tried the option to join the military and had a lot of fun. Iā€™m enjoying the different paths I can go down. I found one little issue, though.

In the battle scene, I chose ā€œIā€™ll summon a demon to scare them away.ā€ Even after my demon fails and my fellow soldiers surrender, Iā€™m still able to pick that option. Iā€™m brought back to that screen indefinitely as long as I keep summoning the demon. I think that either Iā€™m not supposed to be able to select that option more than once, or itā€™s supposed to take me somewhere different the second time.

This game is fascinating!

Good catch, thanks!

I like the setting! The addition of demons and the occult in the French Revolution makes for a very interesting game, an approach and a time period that we donā€™t often see in either the official company releases or the Hosted Games categories. I very much enjoyed how the game allowed me to ā€œbuildā€ my MC, as in, it allowed me to make a character from all walks of life. I leaned into an italian foreigner who prefers secrecy and scientific research, myself.

But I did think the game was weighed down a bit. Luckily, I think those problems are easy fixes. The stats, for example, were a bit confusing, at least for me. Adding an extra page that explains each of them, and the situations where they could be used would would troubleshoot it away in most situations. Likewise, I think adding a bit more meat into the choices would make sure people donā€™t pick something incorrect by accident. Thatā€™s just an example, but writing ā€œI speak up! Iā€™m confident in my rhethorical skillsā€ instead of just ā€œI speak up!ā€ helps a reader situate themself in the situation. There are pros and cons to doing it, but I think the pros outweight the cons in this situation.

The other one thing was that I was a bit at a loss, especially at the beginning of the story. I would have liked to have a firmer idea of where my MC stood, where they lived, how their place was like, a bit of the goings-on in the city. I think knowing the stakes a bit better would help the reader navigate the adventures they find themselves in better. But I think I usually lean less into ā€œthrust into the actionā€ beginnings, so thereā€™s that.

Hopefully this helps you as youā€™re writing. Sorry if I came off as brusque or obtuse, I definetely didnā€™t mean it.


I agree with the post above the stats can be pretty confusing at some parts in the story. Overall I liked it and it could be a really good story. I think there should be more of a fleshed out plot as in how the mc got mixed up in the revolution what their life before it was like etc and also more meaningful impacts to some of the choices which are successful i.e when your political party is successful there should be a stat for popularity or something in game which shows your party is more influential and successful. The same goes for the military route


During the talk with Vervaiseā€™s, after I got him to resign the choice of talking with him was repeated twice.

I didnā€™t copy the first time, but after the second this is what happened:


ā€œDo you.ā€ Vervaiseā€™s eyes narrow.

Vervaiseā€™s sudden resignation came as a shock to the local nobles and government officials and, it is rumored, also to the crown.

It is several weeks before a new intendant has arrived from Paris, on the kingā€™s appointment.


the stats are usually like this or are they a bug? because they keep appearing like this!!


Nope. Thats just how they are

Hmmā€¦ itā€™s supposed to look like a bar graph. If the Unicode isnā€™t rendering on most devices Iā€™ll need to pick some more common symbols.

I was going to try typographical bullets, but apparently Choicescript automatically formats them onto their own lines? Thatā€™s not what I was expecting.

I guess Iā€™ll go back to something simpler, at least for now.

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Iā€™ve added an explanation page. Is this clearer now, for those who were confused at the start?


Oh, yes, I think it gives an extra boost towards understanding the stats (sorry for the late reply, by the way).

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after i watched la revolution, i remember this wip. gonna play this wip again :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Wow, this game is so much fun! Reminded me a little bit of Choice of the Vampire, all though itā€™s a little less dark. Itā€™s very interesting how the noble we dislike can be male or female. I have a question about the Intendant, however. I stood by and let the peasants burn his house down because I thought heā€™d been appointed by the King, going by Guyotā€™s words. I accompanied those people and stood by while they set fire to poor Vervaiseā€™s home and my opinions in general were quite pro-peasantry and anti-aristocracy. (Iā€™ve attached a screenshot. The two things that stand out are my strong leanings towards democracy rather than authoritarianism - because of which my atheist PC disapproved of the state clamping down on religion - and my belief that the idea of a Constitutional monarchy was somewhat promising.) I even incited the crowd against Vervaise again when he fired me from the local government. And yet, I was arrested, detained, and tried for being a counter-revolutionary in a Peopleā€™s Court. Is there anything I could have done differently?

Also, I found a typo - the word ā€˜studyā€™ is misspelt.

Oh, and there appears to be no means for me to track my relationship with my friend, Vervais, and the others. Is there a way for you to include that? It would be nice to know exactly how much people like or dislike us.


Thank you for the feedback!

Itā€™s hard to say without knowing all the choices you made. If youā€™re a revolutionary darling, the Sans Culottes probably wonā€™t intervene in your trial, and if youā€™re a pariah they definitely will. But the political situation becoming unstable can also make that revolutionary court more likely to happen. Itā€™s definitely based on your actions, though, not really your opinions.


Not really. Iā€™m tracking things with them on multiple dimensions; they canā€™t really be summarized down to a single number.


Wow, thank you so much for the info! I think Iā€™ll be making a note of all my choices and following the code as well.

Just one question, if there is no relationship bar, will there be no romance? Thereā€™s something about plotting sedition that is just so romantic. :DDD

No, there are. Some or most of them should be accessible already.

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