When you are caught being a peeping tom. While she finishes bathing. Just before the demo end.
This. But that scene has been modified.
Ok, I will read it again
Btw. save doesn’t work
Okay, the save should be fixed. Thanks!
Is the ability Bloodline Arsenal based on The Gates of Babylon (from fate)?, maybe it’s just a coincidence but now i can’t unsee it XD.
It was funny, that new option, but generally the point is she seems so cranky (and I’m glad the MC can say that, lol) and kinda… childish? She was acting more like a teenage girl than immortal divine being. This contrasts with the image of great goddess from chapter 1.
So she’s not the kind of person that could interest me romantically. But I’m not suggesting that she is a badly written character. Don’t worry about my opinion and don’t force yourself to change something in her.
This one is for later since it doesn't need immediate attention, nor is it an error. Just feedback about something that sticks out to me.
The subject of my feedback is the last option in the screenshot a player can pick. Why my version of the prince would go for that isn’t looking for Calix’s backup, he’d choose it in the name of wanting Calix to step up.
The entire context of the decision making I would have liked here is knowing about Calix having a crush on his idol. Stopping Harver is a bonus because the dude is being a creep taking advantage (knowingly or otherwise) of Faye’s “contractual obligation” to be nice to her fans.
There’s a huge issue with not knowing the exact boundaries of said obligation, but it still stands to reason that the Prince, being such a good friend and ‘chosen one’, would back Calix up if he wanted to impress the girl he likes while also standing up to a jerk who deserves a spanking from his pops for being so gawdang embarrassing to his family’s reputation! (Do not for a moment think my ‘revolutionary’ Prince is above tattletelling, and publicly humiliating a creep who can’t even show respect to anyone interested in merely talking to the prince. Get outta here with that “playground bully” and “bratty jealousy” shtick. )
That’s all what I would consider in-character for the choices I’d like to be able to make later, at least relating to these kinds of issues.
@Cingulum_diaboli Ah, I see. Well, I suppose she appears cranky. In her defense, she thinks you were peeping on her.
@LadyUmbreon89 The context in the last option
isn’t that you are looking for backup but for a “suggestion” on what to do. That being said, I think your idea is better than what I had in mind.
Well, I dunno about that necessarily. It was more about voicing what my first impression was, even though actually picking the option makes it clear the prince was looking for a boost of some sort. Confidence? Friendly support? That’s more up to individual interpretation, but I didn’t miss that part of why the choice ‘as it is’, was what it turned out to be. Didn’t stop me from thinking Calex was shirking his chances of making a good impression on Faye, though.
I also thought that was the option to encourage Calix to step up, the first time I chose it.
Because you gave no choice to walk away quietly and meet under less embarrassing circumstances!
@LadyUmbreon89 @Zeom Yea. I’ll probably change it. Although you will have to intervene to stop However from plummeting Calix.
@Cingulum_diaboli Lmao! Where would the fun be if you had managed to just slip away.
Haha! I see some things. But I was thinking more along the lines of this.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII, the game that never was. RMOE is my own wishfulfilment and an attempt to fill the hole left by the cancellation of Versus XIII.
If by “fun” you mean receive a blow from pissed goddess …
@Cingulum_diaboli At least, you were touched by the Queen of Heaven. So, silver linings?
OK, nevermind.
I wonder about MC presence in this world… How does it work? I guess his body doesn’t move there physically while he sleeps? Shouldn’t he be intangible, untouchable?
@Cingulum_diaboli They kinda talk about it. When they talked his the first time he was fully tangible and visible to everyone. It has something to do with their connection. It’s too big of a spoiler to reveal.
@Custodes Hi, thanks for the report. It should be fixed now.