Relics 2: The Crusader's Tomb UPDATED 26 April 2021 - Chapter 6 (post 598 for details!)

Yeah, I think that happens every time you update the Startup file with new variables (which I pretty much have to do each time I put up a new chapter). In theory, because of how I’ve set things up, if you save at the very end of the chapter (i.e. when the demo tells you that you should save), that shouldn’t matter too much, and it should just take you back to the start of the new chapter, but I don’t know whether or not that actually works.


It did work like that for my three saves at the end, but one of the saves in chapter 4 was in the middle, when we get to ask Stevo for the lift, and that save too started from the beginning of chapter 4. I guess it’s just putting us at the beginning of the chapter irrespective of where we saved before the update. But nice to see I don’t have to play the entire game to chapter 6 again :blush:. (Not that I’d mind much)


(Don’t forget you can also chapter-skip from the very beginning if that’s easier!)


Love the update… And also the reference to wayhaven chronicles and Wilhelmina :laughing::orange_heart:

Found a typo , 2nd choice


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Someone knows the answer? I’m horrible with puzzles and things like that and I can’t continue with the storie :cry: and the skip button doesn’t work, sooo everything okay for me :joy::ok_hand:t2:

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The quickest route is go to the cities list and just pick Venice ! And I’d better go take a look at it if the skip puzzle button isn’t working!

EDIT: Ah yeah, to get access to the “Skip Puzzle” thing, you just first have to go down the three “examine” options. Just my way of prodding the reader to have a bit of a go at the puzzle before skipping!


Okayyyy, thank you, I’m sorry, im just so useless with puzzles :pray::pensive::joy: Love your WIP, I bought the first book and I wasn’t dissapointed, just a :sparkles: masterpiece :sparkles:

Smart :joy:


Thank you! :grin:


Excited to see another new chapter, but could I ask for a bit of clarification with the animal abuse, please? Or what part of the text I need to skip over, when that comes up? I’ve got a fairly strong stomach for most stuff, but I work in animal rescue, so really try to avoid that sort of topic when it’s fictional media escapism time.

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Sure. So you don’t actually see anyone commit animal cruelty. You will, however, come across a scene where some horses have been violently killed. It’s in the woods as you approach the village, shortly after the cave with the bats. Also, there’s a scene where you have to defend yourself against a wolf-pack, but it’s totally possible to get past that part without harming the wolves.


Are the choices based around the traps in the prologue supposed to give stat boosts for the full version of the game? And if so, how much? And finally, how far is the public demo going to go?


Turns out this was a good thing (My sleep wasn’t wasted! :joy:) because when I played through chapter 5 again I found two errors.

Chapter 5 errors

There should be a capital letter “i”

So in this route I had taken up Stevo’s offer for a plane ride, and had traveled to Venice in a train, so I had no vehicle. At the end of the chapter, it’s showing the engine of my “none” has been dismantled. Car-less engines to the win!

Chapter 6 errors

There should be a comma in place of the full-stop between about and I

I’m not exactly sure if this is a typo, since I don’t know French of any era, but just got a doubt if this is a typo since sang and real are English words, so felt like pointing it out in case it’s a typo.

There’s a hash

I don’t have a shotgun, but still I’m allowed to choose it. In the previous choice before this one, the shotgun was correctly greyed out, but here it isn’t. I didn’t check what would happen if I did choose the shotgun even if I don’t have it, so I’ll update out here once I check that.

Should be a question mark at the end

Here also it should be a question mark at the end


@Sujan_Dhakal the earliest choices in the prologue set the starting stats for new characters. If you’re beginning Book 2 with a new character, those choices will set that character’s starting levels. If you’re importing a character, they don’t affect your stats at all, you’re just playing that part for the story (I think it does explain this at the beginning) and the import sets your starting stats. The public demo is going all the way! As I did with the first game, I’m putting the whole first draft up here; the last chapter will stay up for 3 weeks or so, then I’ll take it down and submit it to HG.

@UnknownCharacter Thanks so much, those are very helpful! Will fix them ASAP.


Went through the demo and that was great. Just a little gutted with the bad outcome with Ariadne :disappointed: otherwise it was fantastic

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An error in chapter 6 code:-


The wolf should not be dead.

Also,I think an MC who is a linguist should be able to talk and understand Romanian language.

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Thanks for the code error, I’ll correct it ASAP.

So the linguist specialism isn’t “can speak every language”. That wouldn’t be credible. It’s already canon, for example, from Chapter 2 of the first book that the linguist can’t speak Tibetan. They can understand plenty of languages, and there’s a higher chance that wherever they go they’ll be able to speak something that someone will understand, but Romanian ain’t on their list, I’m afraid.


I found 2 other code errors:-


Cleo was my partner in chapter 6 and she was not in jail but:-

Also,I was playing as a MC with African ancestry but during fight with Adriana:-

It says that my MC’s ancestors came from Ireland.


Thanks! I’ll go do the code error now (integrating Cleo was really hard in this chapter: for some players she’s dead, for other players she’s the companion, for others she’s not the companion, for some she’s a romantic partner, for others she’s not, for others she used to be and then got dumped - it was really, really hard to keep all these options straight!!!)

As for the ancestry, remember you only have part-African ancestry. Grandpa Milton fell in love with a white woman. Spillane always has Irish ancestors (it’s an Irish name), regardless of the grandfather’s ethnicity.


NOTE: I’ve had a chat with one of our lovely Moderators, and because Chapter 6 gets into horror territory, and not all of it is PG-13, we’ve decided that the demo should go into the Adult Readers category. The original post on this thread has been updated to reflect this. This does mean that, if you want to keep reading the WIP, you’ll need to have joined the Adult Readers’ Group, which you can do here.


Took me a while to find this!

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