[RELEASING 3rd O(R)CTOBER 2024- WISHLIST NOW!] An Unexpectedly Green Journey (orc life-simulator) [1.5+ Million Words]

Hi Lance,

Thanks for giving my WIP a go. You must just have the natural instincts of an orc shaman! There may be a few balancing issues I need to figure out, although I would say that once you get in with Krog, ‘you’re in with Krog.’ The warriors have more competition and few easy way-outs (be a smart and quick warrior with cunning and presence or a powerful warrior with presence and strength). A few of the checks, like with the dragon fight in the western caves, are of deliberately high difficulty. Only experienced warriors could deal with those things.

Did you find success with the warrior in the end?


I thought I wouldn’t be interested in playing as an orc (well, it’s a thousand times better than a goblin). However in the end the game was amazing and i couldn’t stop reading it! I would like to know more about Krog, manage the new city with laws or conquer more kingdoms and and observe the consequences

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Hi C,

Love that you gave the orc life a chance and loved it! I’ve been getting good feedback so far and think I’m really on to something that will be a fun and imaginative journey and game for many readers. I hope the future developments meet or exceed your expectation!


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Will there be artifacts in the future?

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Hi Patrick,

There are items you can buy which give bonuses and penalties. There is an artefact in the very late game, although I don’t have plans at the moment to add a variety of them.

This could be something I add once I have the game fully written, to add more depth and quests. I will have to see how I go and how complex all the different variables make things to know if it will be practical. It is definitely a good idea to scatter a few across the world for an adventuring orc to discover.


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UPDATE 2 (30th June 2023): 57k words added. totalling 327k
-Expanded the War Chief path in this update (which I will focus on for now until I reach the first story conclusions). After rising to be War Chief you will spend your time dealing with the surrounding lands through war and diplomacy with the goal of becoming a King. After this, you can finally deal with the elves, perhaps becoming an Emperor.
-Added a checkpoint save system for use when the game is released since, as far as I know, Choice Of Games doesn’t have an inherent save system. In certain hub areas, you will be given the option to save your progress. At each new relevant hub, your game will be automatically saved. You will then get an option to SAVE or RESTART from your last saved position. This will mean that if you die, you don’t lose all your stats. In death scenes, you’ll also be given the option to RESTART your last save point (unless I missed a death scene.) This should not affect DashingDon saves.
-To facilitate those orcs who wish to relish their conquests, I have added a map to the stats screen which should show the progress of your conquests after you have become a king. If you do not want to pursue the king’s path, the map will just show the continent as is.
- Added the ability to keep your old epithet if you don’t like the new one offered.
-Fixed a few issues with earlier scenes. Added a few new achievements.
-Please feel free to point out any typos you find!!! :pray:


When I subjugate the elves it takes me to an end game screen, rather than kicking me back to the list of available conquests. (If it matters I threatened them into subjugation)

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Hi Lance,

Fixed it. I have a distinct memory of taking out the *ending label there. I must have dreamt it!

Thanks for picking that up!

(EDIT) I added an option to accept the title of Emperor here too. So now you can conquer through force or just threats and be declared emperor.


Some of the maps showing your initial conquests (as King) weren’t showing up. Think I’ve sorted that out now.

They should show a green tint over the plains when you become king, a stripe-shaded area if you grant a homeland to Dark Elves, an expanded green tint northwards if you mop up the final dwarven holds, a large expanse of green tint eastward if you conquer the elves and a slight decrease in the green-tinted area of the plains if you permit the elves to expand the Netherwood (with a few new trees popping up), and a combination of all the above.

Diplomatic and military conquest should result in expansions of your area of control on the map. If you simply make peace, there will be no changes, if it all works out.


Just some typos. Possibly some that I point out are stylistic choices, rather than mistakes, if so I apologise:

Part One

*Unnecessary capitalisation

*I’m having trouble parsing the subject of this sentence. Perhaps missing a “they”?

*I think you meant for these to be commas, not full stops

*Not sure if it’s on my end or a coding issue but I can’t get this image to load. Have tried refreshing a few times.


*Unnecessary capitalisation


*Another image not loading

*Duplicated reasoning

*Missing full stop

*Either “and offer” or “offering”
*Missing full stop

*Missing full stop

*“Take *it and” is what I think it’s meant to be



*Huffing and sighing at the same time? They seem like mutually exclusive sounds.

*Missing full stop


*Could just be me but this doesn’t seem like a particularly orcish sentiment. Why do I find swamp muck distasteful?

*leave? Feels like it changes tenses at the end of the paragraph. Reach instead of reached, find instead of found etc.


*missing word with
*Unnecessary full stop

*I think this would work better as two sentences, rather than with commas, and as a statement rather than a question. i.e “A true horde. In a time of war surely none could turn back this green tide.”

*Missing full stop

*Missing capitalisation

*Axe-head head sounds a bit weird. I think just axe-head works here. Also, I’m not really sure what the difference is between a staff with an axe-head and a normal axe is. Surely a stick with an axe head on it is just an axe?

*Another image not loading

*Another image not loading

*Another image not loading

*ample time to roll

*Either "With a fearful quake or With fearful quakes




Accidentally posted before I was done doing this run through so will split it into a second group below.

Part Two


*This is after I defeated the dwarves in the mountain and chose to remain in the armor of the Green Legion. Seems that choice doesn’t update your current equipped clothes.

*far away






*either “an elven ward-master” or “the elven ward-masters”

*giving up

*Missing capitalisation


*Despite the stat screen not updating to show I am wearing Green Legion armor and, earlier in this same run, Pithogorcas’s followers stating I was wearing shaman leathers, Nocan seems to think I am wearing Green Legion armor (which I should be as I chose to keep wearing it after defeating the dwarves).


*You are or you’re. Admittedly, it is an orc speaking so it could be an intentional speech quirk, but he has been pretty eloquent up until this point.



*It would be nice to receive some shamanic support for your leadership, either based on your piety or based on whether you enlisted the following of Pythagorcas’s temple. In this run through I did have their loyalty and I had shaman’s show up to the battle with the barbarians but not to support my leadership challenge.

*Not sure if gurning is an intentional word choice or not. A google search says it basically means to pull a grotesque face, so I guess it kind of fits? I thought it was meant to be churning.


*dribs and drabs is how I know the saying

*Also I missed highlighting it, but their instead of there
*Another one I missed on first run through. Here he is named Wilderoc but later referred to as Wilderorc. Not sure which one is meant to be correct.

*Missing capitalisation




*Not 100% sure on this one, but perhaps meant to be “heads bowed”?


*Duplicate word with
*Repetitive word choice “swelling the unbearable sadness swelled within”. Maybe instead “swelling the unbearable sadness deep within”




*power and prestige
*this sentence is a little off. Maybe instead “making it as strong as the armour of the Green Legion, though much lighter”?

Just one playthrough using my preferred Krog favoured playstyle. I am a big fan of this WIP, hopefully the typo reports are helpful, very keen to see how this unfolds. The choices that currently lead to the end of the demo are very intriguing.

On a note apart from typos, going through this carefully made me notice some things I missed on previous playthroughs. I loved the three goblins in a trench coat gag that I somehow glossed over in every previous playthrough.


Loved this story, probably one of the best I’ve ever played


Wow! Thanks for putting in the time to find all of those, I really appreciate it. You are the most orcsome of shamans!

Such a big help here, Lance. Great!

I’ll think about adding help from the temple, during the Morcorc challenge. Initially, I didn’t want to provide their support as I reasoned they didn’t want to get involved in internal tribal disputes (what if they picked the wrong side), although they’re fine with getting involved against the enemies of Krog.

Thanks again. I’m very poor at finding my own mistakes. Really amazing help here.


Thanks for your support, Braian,

I’m so happy you enjoyed my tale of orciness. Well, it’s not really my tale, it’s your tale of green shenanigans.

Please let me know if there’s anything you particular would like to see or have any general queries.



I don’t know how granular the variables are surrounding Pythagorcas’ temple. Perhaps if you just study under Pythagorcas then they don’t support you, but if you take the opportunity to win the temple over to be under your control they do? You can leave there with the epithet “Chosen of Krog” if I remember correctly, so it would make sense for the shamans to back you, you’ve proven your piety and devotion to Krog at that stage.

Of course, completely up to you. I just like seeing all the groups you’ve interacted with come back to join you in the battle. Was especially happy when the Dark Elves showed up.

Well, that’s ominous…

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Hi Lance,

Well-reasoned. I’ll give it a look. Perhaps if it was not against Morgorc, such an established chief, they would surely help their ‘Chosen.’ They might even regard your victory as a formality, rightly or wrongly since you are Chosen. Though since the battle is not directly about Krog, but about your orc’s own desires, they may not see it as their place.

I will look through the scene again and consider your points. I also think it is a fulfilling event for a player to see their allies make a reappearance, particularly at a time of significance in your story. It gives meaning to your travels and meetings as a younger orc.

The Dark Elves are very useful allies. But perhaps increasingly demanding ones…

Thanks for investing your interest and time into this. I am always happy to hear your ideas.



UPDATE 2.1 (1st July 2023) (Just a quick one)
-Since the shaman @anon12679161 found some of the keyboard-gremlin droppings during his playthrough, I have swept them away. Thanks, Lance, for helping me catch a few of those typos!
-Added flavour text for diplomacy with other nations on the stats screen. It should be dynamic and change reflecting other nations’ opinion of you.
Note: The Lord of Lard (as mentioned in the flavour text) is a name you’ll become familiar with if you take the big belly path.

Just a quick note 2. If you achieve the right to use an epithet but don’t accept it in preference for your old one, you’ll still get all the options available as if you did accept it. This way you will not miss anything out because ‘what’s in a name.’


Always love the new stuff mate keep up the great work and keep making the world a little greener


Thanks. Love that you’re enjoying the unrelenting orciness of a green planet, ruled by carnivorous cabbage-spawned green men. May it long continue!


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I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but you can do some of the Monster Time celebration actions twice. If you bypass the Green Gentleman Inn and go straight to the city and do all the Monster Time activities, then go back to the inn and speak with the conspiring orcs then the Monster Time celebration is magically back in full swing again.

Also, a couple more typos and potential bugs/questions:

Mighty Guts Run


*Both of these options still lead to a “FILL” section.

*What stats are needed to be uplifted to a legend in the grub and grog tents? This has been the highest I’ve been able to get my appetite and constitution (the two stats I thought mattered) and I still end up dying. This is with goblin merchant charms and healing from the shaman.

Never mind, finally managed to get there in the end. May want to reconsider the stats required (or not if you want it to remain a difficult achievement). I feel like I had to do things pretty perfectly to be able to get up to the required level to survive, but that could have just been me.

*Given that this option specifically mentions eating them I would expect it to raise Appetite, but it doesn’t.

No screenshot for this one, but in any of the fighting sections, if neither of the options favour stats you use (or you just aren’t sure which is the correct one to choose) you can go to the stats screen and then back to the game and it refreshes the choices. You can do this as many times as you like with no consequences. Not sure if this is intentional or not. Also not sure if it is a Dashingdon specific thing.

Demon fight

Starting stats

Krog boosted stats

Ending stats after Krog blessing wears off.

So in my run I ended up losing presence but gaining strength over my initial starting stats. Not sure if this is intentional or a bug to do with how you handle the stats being adjusted with the blessing.

*Should be two words


*Full stop, not comma

When you check your rankings in the grub tent they don’t acknowledge if you move higher than third place. Also the {title} placeholder looks like a coding error.

The below is from my “Loser” run, where I tried to fail as much as possible (without dying).

Loser Run Part 1


*Missing capitalisation

*Possibly personal preference but I feel “He is also” works better than “He also is” here

I’m not sure how but I feel like I discovered a loop. After I chose the goblin as my best friend it looped back to how you choose to spend your childhood. So I chose lazing about again, chose to flick my booger at the chief. Everything duplicated up until I got sent back to the long drop where it changed from shoveling manure on the cabborcs to dealing with the hogs.

This is where the loop diverged.

Also had an issue where after the attack on the camp I had to choose where to help for the migration. I chose the shaman (knowing I would be a failure there) but rather than kicking me back to choose a different place to help it went back to this screen pre attack:

*Missing word “you”

The word can feels unnecessary here.


*Not sure what word is missing here, but definitely something missing. Also Clan has an extra capital.


*Missing capitalisation

*This is after I have lost to the barbarian in an arm wrestle then followed him outside and killed him. He has been removed from the list of interact choices, but not from the room description.

*Unnecessary capitalisation

This one seems to have some issues. I ate the poisoned food and then it presents me with the same choices again. If I choose to eat the poisoned food again:

I suddenly teleport downstairs.

*Capitalisation needed

Bug when trying to go back to the capital city

I also have to applaud the depth of this WIP. I’ve done quite a few runs now and I am still encountering brand new things that I had no idea existed. This run was my first time encountering the demon in the north.


Absolutely great, mate. Some of the earlier coding errors were done when I was still learning the basics of choicescript and I found errors with the indenting. Due to the many paths, I find it very difficult to playtest myself to isolate those problems. Thankfully, with the baborc and child portions of the game, the paths are less varied and, since I wrote them first while still learning the basics of choicescript, more prone to mistakes. Sorted the loot and picked up the typos you identified.

Sorted all of those out now!
@Lance_Heyden If you like, I will put in the final credits as a betatester since you’ve done such a great job. Up to you!

STRAY GOBLIN: A few points on some of the things you found, and for anyone else who is interested:
The section where the goblin attacked, which resulted in the text saying ‘Fill,’ is yet to be done. Under certain conditions, you’ll get progressively more vicious bounty hunters after your orc. That goblin is to be the first.

BELLY STUFF: Appetite is the most important stat here. Constituion does not have to be ultra high but must maintain a good level. All that grub really takes its toll and can kill you, if your constitution falls too low.

There is another factor. The most legendary tasks need a high Belly Rank score, representing the training your guts have had. I have now fixed the Belly Board!

At present, many of the fights use temporary random dice roll numbers to choose your opponent’s attacks. It sounds like clicking into the Stats Screen rerolls the die. This would probably not affect the more heavily scripted fights (like with Slappa when you confront Morgorc).

This could be solvable by making the die rolls a permanent rather than a temporary variable. I will put this on the list to check out at a later date.

As always, awesome work. I have uploaded the corrections and fixes.