Relationships in Interactive fiction; What would you like to see?

So the project I am currently working on Quiver, a story based on Robin Hood, is going to have more detailed romance paths and hopefully be more intimate in general.

So, as I near the end of the first chapter, I just want to find out the answers to a few questions I’ve had on my mind recently.

  1. What do you like to see when romancing a character?
  2. What don’t you like to see when romancing a character?
  3. How soon would you like the romance to begin? (I’m asking this particularly because Chapter One has three possible romance scenes for three of the potential romance options: Nell, John and Will, but the other three options, Salah, is seen but does not have a romance scene, while the remaining two Marian and Isabelle haven’t been introduced yet).

I’m considering cutting those scenes and keeping them for Chapter Two while bringing forward the introduction of Marian and Isabelle, effectively waiting for all the romanceable characters to be fully introduced before allowing players to romance anyone.


What do you like to see when romancing a character?

I personally like to see growth when romancing a character. I think it feels organic when things take time, so more of a slow burn essentially! I also like to see different relationship dynamics (I.e if the character is standoffish/aggressive, I’d like to see how that may cause conflict and how it would get resolved) Things if that nature ^^

What don’t you like to see when romancing a character?

I’m not a fan of things feeling rushed unless it’s a character flaw/trait. (Like falling in love too quickly, which can be fun to explore as well!) For the most part I’m pretty open to dynamics and romance as long as I’m invested in the character(s).

How soon would you like the romance to begin?

I like when romance happens a few chapters in, honestly. Just to get time to learn about the characters and the world before jumping straight into relationships


Yeah, that’s how I started to feel as I neared the end of Chapter One.

Nell is a courtesan who you first encounter in prison, and later, you can reunite in a Tavern. During the catching up, she could invite Robin up to her room, which, unless you’re too drunk, results in the first romance/love scene. The other two scenes occur at the very end of the chapter, where you choose whether John or Will is waiting for you outside your tent (obviously, there is a third choice for no-one).

As mentioned the other three ROs Salah you can reunite but that doesn’t offer the romance scene as he is busy at the time and the other two haven’t been introduced yet. My initial plan was to introduce Marian and Isabelle in the two possible tournaments that start off the second chapter but considering the fact I want romance to be just as important as the main plotline I’m starting to think I should push the romance scenes back whilst bringing forward the tournament so the players can meet all six ROs before the end of the first chapter


Considering Neil’s occupation I could see that first scene going either way depending on if it’s more of a ‘work/business’ moment versus full on romance. It could be interesting to explore the idea of PC viewing them as something to marvel at since Courtesan are skilled in most things entertainment iirc.

That way you wouldn’t have to do a total overhaul since I don’t think ur ideas are necessarily unusable either :muscle: But ultimately the choice is up to you! Looking forward to seeing your work :slight_smile:

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  1. Let the LI chase the MC. I hate always having the MC chasing the LI like a dog in heat and would like to see the LI make the first move when it fits their character (as in showing interesting, flirting, etc., not as in humping your leg like a dog, unless that’s their way!).
  2. Related to #1: I know there are people who hate being “chased”, but I think that could easily be remedied by letting the MC shut them down. I do think that, if the LI is more forward that way, or not into being “chased” (as some put it), then it should either end the possibility of a romance with that LI or, at the very least, make it very difficult (game difficulty: insanity). It would be interesting to see, in my opinion.
  3. Let the romance happen at a pace that doesn’t result in ending the game with the first kiss or bang or whatever BS is in Harlequin novels from the 1930s. I want to experience the relationship, not a bunch of longing looks and forced crap that could be resolved via an adult conversation. Love doesn’t have to happen immediately, and can build, but I prefer when the slower burns involve more balanced interactions.
  4. Less forced angst between the LI and MC and more external angst for them to handle. I know the YA audience loves to have the LI be the problem, but as an adult, I prefer for the problems to be more external. That is how people grow closer, by dealing with problems together. If personality flaws or emotional baggage is such a huge problem that it can’t start being dealt with by the time you’re a quarter of the way through the game/series so the two characters can at least begin the process of being “together” in some fashion, then what’s the point of the romance? Are you a participant in a romance or an armchair psychologist?
  5. Alone time. This should be self-explanatory.
  6. A “love at first sight” option. It could be “lust at first sight” that quickly shifts into a connection neither can deny because they keep coming back for more until they realize it’s love (it was love at first sight, but the bozos were too stupid to realize it). However, that realization should come in a reasonable amount of time or the characters look like they have the mental capacity of a clipped toenail.
  7. A fastrack to resolution for those who don’t have the patience to deal with six to thirty chapters of longing looks and giggling like an idiot. The fastrack should be LI-specific (what things would make this character realize things faster? what MC qualities would get the walls down faster? that kind of thing).
  8. Reserved flirt options for flirting that don’t involve blushing, flustering, or the like.
  1. Forced angst. See #4 from the previous list.
  2. Constant interruptions as a method to stall progress.
  3. All LIs being passive and requiring the MC to chase them down and beg for a chance.
  4. Taking forever to start the actual relationship (I don’t mean they have to be married, I mean they have to be past the flirting stage and into the “I want to be with this person but we have to still figure each other out” stage).
  5. Character assassination in the name of “slow burn”. Dragging things out just to drag them out is boring and stupid.
  6. MCs being forced to blush and giggle and lose their shit every time their LI looks at them. More subtle reactions are enjoyable.

I agree with @Xiapharre. I’d prefer to start it after a few chapters of character and world building. I don’t like having to wait until three-quarters of the way through a game before starting the romance (or, worse, the end of the first damned game in a series).

  • fully fleshed out characters who have purpose, flaws, and goals in the plot beyond being a romance interest
  • learning more about the character over time, whether that’s before a romance starts, at the early stages, or later
  • feeling like each of us is contributing to the relationship; I’m interested in will-they-won’t-they on occasion, but I like to have a real sense that the other person has an interest even if they’re holding back or prevented from jumping in quickly
  • feeling a sense of romantic spark or chemistry; I enjoy romanceable characters behaving differently with the MC when they’re in a romance

Pretty much the opposite of all the above.

I like seeing a variety depending on what suits the characters. I personally enjoy being able to start a romance early, because I usually have a good idea of who I’d like to romance once I’ve met the romanceable characters. But I also like being able to have a sense of the character before committing to anything.


Thanks for all the responses so far. It is giving me a lot to consider. :slight_smile:

  1. What i like to see when romancing a character
  • character should have a trait that makes you want to get to know them after first interaction as a friend kindness/understanding/mannerism , etc
  • calm demeanor and ability to talk through things even in thr worst scenario , communication basically.
    -a detailed background preferably someone who knows knows the pc before the events of the game begin.
  1. What i dont like
  • as a friend above said forced angst
  • needlessly rude or hostile behavior during first interaction i mean why would i want to even bother talking with them in that case
  • one sided relationships that is main characters needs to make concessions/choices all the time while the other side will get mad at you simply because you didnt accommodate them for one thing, this is always one of my gripes with cog/hg games but i guess stats need a foundation to work.
    -too quick progression i.e you meet this chapter and are proclaiming love next.
  1. When would i prefer to meet the said ro
  • preferably near start so we can get to know them more and also experience the story with them but wouldnt mind near middle as well if we get significant interactions and reasons to care.


-Options to decide how experienced my character is with relationships. A lot of games seem to assume that the protagonist has been in relationships before, knows how they work and what they want out of one. I’d like to see more opportunities to play an inexperienced character, whether that means letting a more experienced partner take the lead or having a shared learning experience with a partner who’s equally inexperienced.

-Opportunities to get to know and befriend the other characters, rather than having to focus exclusively on my chosen romance option. In some games I’m happy for my love interest to also be my best friend, but in other games there’s another character who I’d rather have as a best friend separate from my partner.

-Bonding activities with the character! Anything from talking about favourite books to sparring together to doing chores together. It doesn’t need to be your classical lovey-dovey stuff to create a powerful sense of the characters growing closer.


-Excessive fawning over how attractive/badass/altruistic the character is. Let me decide for myself whether or not I think the character is awesome and/or beautiful, don’t beat me around the head with it.

-Having to choose between physical and emotional intimacy. I understand wanting the romance to still be fulfilling and fleshed-out for people who aren’t interested in physical stuff, but choosing to get physical with a character shouldn’t mean missing out on deep conversations or quiet moments. A good romance should have all of those things!


-I prefer to have a chapter or two to get to know the characters before deciding who I want to romance. And similarly, I prefer not having to pick every single designated “flirt” option in order to romance a character - sometimes the other options are more interesting, you know? Although I’m not sure how that would work in terms of coding etc.


Also, please bear in mind that what some folks find insufferable, may be the best part for someone else. And that can apply to your characters as well as your players.

More importantly, can we all just agree to state our own preferences without denigrating anyone else’s? I like it when my character gets flustered and tongue-tied, and that doesn’t make me stupid or immature, any more than liking it when the characters hop into bed on the first date makes a person an indiscriminate horndog. There should be room in the stories we read for proudly and confidently sexual characters, and for characters who are shy or inexperienced (at any age) or just not very into sex, because there are people like that in the world. There are people like that in this community, and all of us deserve to be treated with respect.


Hopefully, I’ll get this right as I am already trying to be very fluid in the romantic scenes to allow for the player to has freedom in how it progresses.

For example; this is a scene from Nell’s current scene.

Nell's Romance
*label inside_nells_room
*if (drunk > 5)
    You follow Nell, finishing your drink, and find your eyes drawn to the courtesan's hips as she walks in front of you. As you enter her room, it is already starting to spin.

    "Are you okay?" Nell asks as she brushes up against you. Her breath feels nice against your neck. "I think you've had too much to drink after all."

    "Maybe you're right?" you say, chuckling, as she leads you to her bed. You're out before your head hits the pillow. 
    *goto wake_up_nell_alone
    You follow Nell as you finish your drink, finding your eyes drawn to the courtesan's swaying hips as she walks in front of you. She lets you both into her room, and you follow her inside; as soon as you pass through the door, Nell shuts it and turns the lock. She turns to look at you, her cheeks flushed.

    "So what now," she asks huskily.
        #I pull her closer.
            *if (height = "short")
                You pull Nell closer. She lets out a gasp, but it is clearly a pleased one. She looks you right in the eyes as you lean in to kiss her.

                Your kiss is at first…
                    #Soft…but sure.
                        Your lips meet, soft at first, your kiss tender. Nell reacts, kissing you back. It isn't long until your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                    #Soft…but uncertain.
                        Your lips meet, soft but uncertain; you want this, but does Nell? That thought distracts you. Nell must have picked up on your nervousness, and she takes over, kissing you back and almost guiding you until you feel more sure of this, and your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips meet, firm and allowing your passion to guide your kiss. Nell murmurs her pleasure at your directness, kissing you back with just as much passion. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips move close to hers, and she leans forward, and you pull back with a knowing smile. She smirks and runs her fingers through your hair before pulling you back in for a kiss. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                You pull Nell closer. She lets out a gasp, but it is clearly a pleased one. She looks up at you as you lean down to kiss her.

                Your kiss is at first…
                    #Soft…but sure.
                        Your lips meet, soft at first, your kiss tender. Nell reacts, kissing you back. It isn't long until your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                    #Soft…but uncertain.
                        Your lips meet, soft but uncertain; you want this, but does Nell? That thought distracts you. Nell must have picked up on your nervousness, and she takes over, kissing you back, almost guiding you until you feel more sure of this, and your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips meet, firm and allowing your passion to guide your kiss. Nell murmurs her pleasure at your directness and immediately kisses you back with just as much passion. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips move close to hers, and she leans forward, and you pull back with a knowing smile. She smirks and runs her fingers through your hair before pulling you back in for a kiss. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
        #She pulls me closer.
            *if (height = "short")
                Nell grabs you and pulls you closer, a mischievous smile on her lips. She looks right into your eyes as she leans in to kiss you, and you lean forward to meet her.

                Your kiss is at first…
                    #Soft…but sure.
                        Your lips meet, soft at first, your kiss tender. Nell reacts, kissing you back. It isn't long until your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                    #Soft…but uncertain.
                        Your lips meet, soft but uncertain. You want this, but would she enjoy it? That thought distracts you. Nell must have picked up on your nervousness, and she takes over, kissing you more deeply, almost guiding you until you feel more sure of this and your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips meet, firm and allowing your passion to guide your kiss. Nell murmurs her pleasure at your directness and immediately kisses you back with just as much passion. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips move close to hers, and she leans forward, and you pull back with a knowing smile. She smirks and runs her fingers through your hair before pulling you back in for a kiss. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                Nell pulls you down to her height with a mischievous smile. She looks up at you as she brings her lips up to meet yours.

                Your kiss is at first…
                    #Soft…but sure.
                        Your lips meet, soft at first, your kiss tender. Nell reacts, kissing you back. It isn't long until your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                    #Soft…but uncertain.
                        Your lips meet, soft but uncertain. You want this, but would she enjoy it? That thought distracts you. Nell must have picked up on your nervousness, and she takes over, kissing you more deeply and almost guiding you until you feel more sure of this, and your kiss becomes more passionate. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips meet, firm and allowing your passion to guide your kiss. Nell murmurs her pleasure at your directness, kissing you back with just as much passion. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
                        Your lips move close to hers, and she leans forward, and you pull back with a knowing smile. She smirks and runs her fingers through your hair before pulling you back in for a kiss. 
                        *goto nell_next_step
        #Actually, I don't want this.
            To Nell's surprise, you suddenly pull back, although it only lasts for a moment before she switches to a more reassuring tone.

            "That's fine," she assures you. "Nothing is wrong with being uncertain."

            "I'm sorry," you say as you hurriedly head back down to the bar and out onto the streets.
            *goto explore_town

*label nell_next_step
*if (height = "tall")
    Nell wraps her arms around your waist as she tries to pull you even closer. She is looking up at you with desire in her eyes. 
    *goto nell_bed
*elseif (height = "average")
    Nell throws her arms around your shoulders as she tries to pull you even closer. She is looking up at you with desire in her eyes. 
    *goto nell_bed
    Nell wraps her arms around your neck as she pulls you even closer. Staring into your eyes with desire in her own. 
    *goto nell_bed

*label nell_bed
She steps away from you, those bluest eyes never leave leave yours as delicate fingers skilfully untying her leather corset, letting it spring open and drop to the floor. Nell's chest heaves as she can finally breath easier now. 
    #You push her onto the bed.
        You push Nell onto the bed, which results in a beautiful laugh from the courtesan. She lets herself fall onto her back, her curls almost bouncing when she hits the duvet, and with a hungry smile, she beckons you to join her while simultaneously hiking up her dress. Hurriedly, you unbuckle your belt and remove your trousers before you get on top of her. 
        *if (drunk > 2)
            A task made more difficult by your inebriation. 
        *goto nell_bed_top
    #You guide her to the bed.
        You guide Nell to her bed, trying not to break your kiss. She lets you take the lead, although you feel her subtle touch as she still manages to undo your shirt.  The courtesan has gotten it off you before you reach her bed and she breaks the kiss so you can unbuckle your trousers before you spin her around so you fall back with her on top of you. 
        *goto nell_bed_bottom
    #She pushes me onto the bed.
        Nell smiles as her fingers trail up your shirt, then that smile becomes a hungry grin as she slides her fingers back down and before you realise it, your buttons come undone and the courtesan pulls your shirt off. She gazes approvingly at your bare chest, which she starts to run her hand up and down your body, before her palm stops and with glee she pushes you back onto her bed. You look up at her, your heart skipping a beat as she pulls your trousers off you, before she jumps on top of you. 
        *goto nell_bed_bottom
    #She pulls me onto the bed.
        Nell smiles as her fingers trail up your shirt, then that smile becomes a hungry grin as she sharply slides her fingers back down and before you realise it, your buttons come undone and the courtesan pulls your shirt off. She gaze approvingly at your bare chest, which she starts to run her hands up and down your body. Nell starts pulling you towards her bed as she undoes the buckle of your belt and is already slipping your trousers off while trying to hike her dress up as you finally fall on top of her. 
        *goto nell_bed_top

I’m hoping to try and do this for all the scenes with the ROs


Oh! Something I like that, I think, ties in with what I mentioned about “feeling like each of us is contributing to the relationship”: I love when I have a sense that there are things the NPC really likes and cares for about the PC. That all people in the relationship have aspects about them that the others value, not solely the NPC being the most exciting/attractive character involved.


Nell to me, is a woman who knows what she wants, but at the same time knows that not everyone is like her so she can be dominate or submissive, she can be led or take the lead. Even if Robin initially goes but changes their mind, this is Nell’s response.

Nell's Response to changing your mind

To Nell’s surprise, you suddenly pull back, although it only lasts for a moment before she switches to a more reassuring tone.

“That’s fine,” she assures you. “Nothing is wrong with being uncertain.”

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That paragraph was addressed more to people posting in this thread. From what I see here, you’re doing a great job at providing variety.

I don’t mind reading comments from people whose personal preferences are very different than my own - in fact, since I usually don’t play self-inserts, I play characters with different romantic tastes and standards than my own all the time. But I’m really upset by the tone of some of the comments I’ve read. I’m not a child or a relic, and I really don’t understand why that kind of comment is acceptable here.


Oh please don’t worry I didn’t take that as directed at me. I just wanted to say I am trying to allow for different kinds of romances so people can choose what they love/are comfortable with :slight_smile:


WAAHHAHAHAHAHAH :joy::joy::joy: the way I cackled when I read that

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There was an assassin WIP I read a while ago where the “shy flirt” option was simply looking at the RO and said RO noticing and not necessarily reacting a lot, just… filing the information away. Sometimes a few words softly spoken from the MC to the RO. When enough flirt options had been chosen (4-5 I think?) the RO would initiate flirting. I enjoyed that so much, made for a great slow burn - and it was so refreshing to have the flirt options be something besides “Bold/overt flirting” and “Stuttering and blushing”.

Another Viking WIP had the choice to shut off any romance paths you wanted before beginning. I thought that was neat, too.
(Though it would have bitten me in the aforementioned WIP as I thought I would like one specific RO before playing and then completely changed my mind a few chapters in.)


When it comes to fantasy and historical games, I like to see relationships that don’t feel like 21st century dating. We live in a time of fluid gender roles, affordable birth control, low religiosity, short attention spans and (formal) legal equality. Characters in a Robin Hood inspired setting may be subject to some of these factors, depending on what level of historic accuracy you’re working with, but I wouldn’t expect the ROs to share all our attitudes towards romance.

It’s not that I want anything specific. An RO in such a setting may be horrified by the concept of pre-marital sex, or love long and verbose poems, or have their view of the PC heavily tinted by their class differences. There are many possibilities to explore. But if an RO offers to take me to a restaurant in a medieval town or treats a village market like a shopping mall, I’m out.


I like to see characters that have a past, both the NPCs and the PCs. Past romantic relationships. Exes. One-sided crushes. Even just an established “type” or pattern of attraction.