Real life or fantasy games?

Do you guys prefer playing games that are set in real life and that have real world events (like WWII for example) or playing in a complete different world and with things like dragons and magic (fantasy, basically) ?


I prefer games set in the modern world, but with fantasy elements… Well
Although recently I’m starting to get bored with it because I’ve played a lot of these games. So now, I’m more interested in stories with technology, not magic. Especially the spy-themed one when MC is some government agent - they can do things and have cool gadgets^^ And the action takes place in the near future.
Cyberpunk is good too. I’d like more cyberpunk stories :thinking:


I’m a fan of both if the writing is good but trend toward fantasy, only because most “real life” stories seem to be about either war or crime, neither of which interest me.


Definitely I like modern games. However, it is a pity that there are few modern games, especially those with a political theme.


Por que no los dos?


Other things being equal, I tend to gravitate toward realism, but that is a highly qualified statement. Nearly all of my absolute favorites would qualify as fantasy (although at least half are “low” or “urban” fantasy). And there are some fantasy tropes or subgenres I absolutely love, and some realistic tropes and subgenres I’m not a huge fan of - I’ll take a magical-school setting over the front lines of a battlefield any day. And a game of any genre can be made worthy of my time by compelling characters and a good storyline.


I prefer modern (current year), near future, cyberpunk or sci-fi settings. I’m feeling quite a bit of fantasy fatigue these days, unfortunately, so that’s the only genre I might skip over. Unless the blurb for the game is fairly generic, though, I’ll usually give it a chance to grab my attention in the demo.

At the end of the day (for me at least), genre is a factor, but nowhere near as important as strong writing, lots of meaningful choices and a focus on character. Of those three things, character is the most vital to me; if I don’t care about the characters, I’m not going to care about the story. If I love the characters, I’ll play the game and read a dozen fanfics about them on Ao3. (I’m looking at you, Life is Strange.)


I prefer to play games set in real life, because I’ve played too much games with a fantasy theme lol

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Fantasy, by far, especially if the world’s well-developed. Hilariously, my WIP is the only COG idea I had that has a modern setting.


It really depends. I love historical games which focus more on the ambiance and cultural - think Tally Ho - and I’ll gravitate towards any game that’s set in the past and is not focused on war. I have no problem with games that show the causes and effects of war, but if I have to engage in military strategy, I opt out. A very notable exception is I, The Forgotten One - I did not expect it to become my favourite WIP based on the premise, and here I am!
I also love courtly intrigue games, whether they’re set in a fictional setting or a real one - I can’t remember the name of the WIP, but you played as the heir to the throne in your typical light fantasy Kingdom of unspecified time period where you could try to forge a marriage alliance with either the heir to the throne of a country yours was at war as, or groom one of the royal guards to pretend to be said heir.
So I usually favour historical or historically inspired settings. And I like games that have are realistic for their universe - I have nothing against fantasy as long as it’s consistent.


Does fiction of any kind count too? Does fiction of any kind count too? Personally, I prefer the syncretism of these real (although I prefer to use the term likelihood) and fantastic elements such as modern fantasy or historical fantasy.

Whether it’s fantasy or real life, you will get war or crime either way. The only difference lies in how far, or close to home the setting hits. That being said, I don’t really have a favourite. However, I would really like something that has to do with my own time and technology for a change. So far, I can think of only two games that has it. One is the parenting simulator and the other is Breach: The Archangel job.

honestly depends on the type of genre of the game but I do enjoy how creator creates their own lore for their stories

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I personally prefer Fantasy Games… Low fantasy counts right? Because somehow the reality games always end up in The same things, school of some sort, crime, or war well I like good Stories even if they are in the modern world but like I said I prefer fantasy because everything is possible… But it must have a good story… Things

So you may ask what is a good story?

I tell you the moment you can dive in and enjoy that’s the first step… Second step feel with the characters for exa3your best friend sacrifice his life to save you… Thinking about this your friend is absolutely awesome but let’s put that aside I mean if you don’t like the characters you don’t care about that dead friend no matter if he is a soldier by your side, or a party member who wants to accompany you an a adventure
… There many more points but this is to much

So fantasy game it is because I like medival fantasy with swordfights and all this stuff


kinda depends on the game xD I’d rather focus on what’s in the game than the genre (such as character relationships, choices, world-building), so if there’s something lacking, it’s a meh to no either way

I do like modern (or futuristic) games, but fantasy if well written is also nice! I prefer low-fantasy over high-fantasy, but mostly because (younger me) has played (and read) so many things with it that I need a break

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Fantasy game, have a much more diversity settings, rich storyline, and intresting lore

Ex: Shadowrun trilogy, VTM

I really like fantasy games. Because with them you never know what to except. The line between reality and imaginary is so thin there. You could play as a infantry commander wagging war from battlefield to battlefield or you could be a frigging Angel raised by demons who set out to bring down the heaven and its Pantheon of gods. (WHY?! Because I can. Because I want to. And because fantasy means freedom in a way XD.) I do love more modern setting games too. But with them if you know the subgenre you can somewhat except what you will be dealing with.

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Fantasy, because i play game to run away from the real world.

I prefer fantasy of mostly any description, if it’s more modern day style but with magic and things then that’s cool. If there’s little to no fantasy elements I prefer historical settings, by that I mean pre gunpowder period because I hate the more modern history


I strongly prefer fantasy settings, though a good enough writer can lure me out of my comfort zones. A truly original and enjoyable real life-based game is better than a dull generic fantasy quest.

All other things being equal, I’ll take the one with dragons.