Reaching the Dawn [WIP] | A tale about Greek mythology!

Even that kidnapping thing is, unsurprisingly, Zeus fault.


What country is the story set in? At first I thought it was Greece, but names e.g. the city doesn’t sound very Greek.

It’s not based on any country haha. It’s an imaginary city :laughing: I thought of writing about Greece but I don’t want to butcher it since I’ve never been there before! :smiling_face_with_tear:


Thank you for giving this a try!! :heart::heart:

Oh oh :heart_eyes: I love this!! The characters and the MC are so interesting. The creatures sound like thralls :laughing: (TWC :heart:) I’m looking forward to the next update :heartpulse:
You did an awesome job!!

((Pandoras Box :package: :heart_eyes:))


Ahhhh, thank you!! :heart: I’m glad you love it, hopefully future chapters will be more fun to read! :heart_hands:


And Jamie reminds me so much of Tina Poname from TWC (so adorable :heart_eyes: )

The idea of Mc opening the box is soo angsty☆
The one who saves life, the doctor, ultimately releases diseases and death upon the world ? ow!

This may also explain Hades’ presence there. They absolutely do not need another pandemy and more overtime :upside_down_face:


True to that :laughing: but at the same time the adventure needs to start with a bang :joy:

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I just want to open it and start the adventure :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Tina was so annoying :weary: I hope Jamie won’t be too much like her…

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Interesting concept. Will definitely check it out. I just saw in your post that you implemented a save feature and wanted to say thank you.

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If our doc mc can punch a thrall or, a big badie that even our super overpowered LI can’t… then i’m sold on this book! :rofl:

Already loved your version of Hades with heels


Now i can finally say “Malaka” in my head while reading this.

Also what time period is it set in? Before or after the peloponnesian war?

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time period is about 2023, our present, so definitely after the war. :joy:


Lol I liked her too much, she reminds me of my best friend :laughing:
I hope we can have more best friend time with Jamie :heart:

thank you for checking this story out!! :heart:

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I think Hades is going to be the one I romance first but I’m going to hold off until we meet the others


I was hoping for a time before or during hippocrates.
He is the father of modern medicine after all.

I hope there is some humour in this book like some people still worship and give offerings to asklepios in a modern time.

Oh, hell yes! There’s definitely humour (& also some serious stuff) in this book regarding worshipping Greek Gods. Just a long way to go before that happens haha.

Hades seems to be everyone’s favourite at the moment haha :rofl::rofl: I hope the others can also win everyone’s hearts one way or another :heart_hands:

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