I may have created a random name generator. I’m not sure though since I just mashed it together in a brief time and I’ve only tested it using the choicescript tester. And I’m not the best coder.
http://pastebin.com/dsBViM4q was what I came up with. I couldn’t remember my dropbox info so that’s just code, not testable.
Is there a better way to do this? If I’ve done it a weird and convoluted way and there’s a much easier method I’d love to know. If the code actually works and anyone would like it for randomly selecting a male name for any purpose feel free to grab it.
That’s about how I would’ve started. Just add some girl’s names, some last names, and probably some way for the player to preview the name and either accept or try again before setting it in the permanent stats.
Of course, having different versions, such as fantasy/modern/futuristic/Japanese/whatever would be awesome as well. That’s probably a huge workload, but I’m certain many people here would love to use one of the flavours of the script for their games.
If it’s to be used to generate NPC names, I’d probably also add a check in to ensure that it’s not randomly picked the same name previously.
The if you don’t like this name then try again option should be easy enough.
The female name version should go quicker, as should the last names.
I’d been vaguely considering a werewolf name generator too but I was looking for a list of names. And doing it just using syllables to make up fake names.
The modular syllable version sounds like it’d be tricky for most western names. Can’t lie, though; it’d be awesome if you could design a way for that to work well.
I’ll probably then add something to make sure the first name isn’t the same as the second and also to allow you to reroll only the first name, and perhaps create a fullname variable as well.
Please if you want to use the code, alter it, whatever, take it and do with it what you want.
Wow. I forgot I made this. I did give the werewolf name generator a go but I got bored of it. Ditto for the syllable one. Bumping this in the hope it’ll encourage me to have another look.
Does anyone have lists of parts of werewolf names? Or syllables to make up fantasy names or something? Or hey want to try making a choicescript generator of your own?
Have you tried looking at Seventh Sanctum, at least for ideas for names to use? They have different kinds of generators for names, from normal, to greek names, to vampire to fantasy and a number of others.
There’s also another site called chaotic shiny that has a name jumbler, so you can put in a normal name and it’ll put out a load of strange/unique jumbles of it.
Well this could really be used in name selection, you could also give the player to choose a random name if they don’t like any of the names and don’t have any ideas of their own either