“Psy High” is now available on Steam

Psy High is now available on Steam! It’s discounted to 34% off until January 2nd.

When the kids at your high school start developing psychic powers, you and your friends must team up to stop the principal from taking over the world! Psy High is an interactive teen supernatural mystery novel by Rebecca Slitt. It had a fantastic opening weekend last week, quickly becoming the #1 Paid RPG in the iOS App Store. We’re very fortunate to be able to bring Psy High to you on Steam.

We need your support to continue delivering our games on Steam. Our goal is to release our entire catalog of interactive novels on Steam. Based on the performance of Choice of the Deathless, Thieves’ Gambit: Curse of the Black Cat, and Mecha Ace, Valve has allowed us to ship Choice of Robots and Psy High. We’ll need to continue to deliver outstanding results to prove that interactive fiction can be successful on Steam.

We’re asking all of our fans to follow us on Steam. Even if you don’t use Steam that much, it will be a big help if you sign up to follow us there, because the more followers we get, the better visibility we get on Steam’s curator list. (Our goal is to hit 3,000 followers for our Steam curation page; we’re about 15% of the way there as I write this!)

When you follow us, you’ll see our games and our recommended games right on your Steam home page. It’s free, and it’s a big help to us, so follow us today!

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