Project Deadly Lime (new demo available)

Very well. I see now I shouldn’t have released that rough draft.

I am hearing the criticism, although I admit that there are some things I will not change because this is a story I would like to tell and certain elements are crucial to the plot. If I remove these then the idea, the story I was so excited for and proud of becomes an entirely different story. It becomes meaningless to me.

The final draft will not have…
1 The MC being in ANY romantic relationships prior to the game, being as it lends towards the story.
2 A “fixation” on virginity, but romance is a big part of this game and a lot of people (not all) enjoy being intimate with their partner.
3 As small of a gender selection. I do plan on offering female, male, transgender, and nonbinary options.

I may add the option to choose a messy hairstyle, but that choice was more just to determine the length of your hair.

I will continue to write, taking into consideration the current feedback. Then when I feel that I have enough I will release another demo.


I think I understand what you all are saying. I’ve been thinking from my point of view which is “I am biologically female, therefore I am female” but that is not the case for transgender people. As ParrotWatcher said, They are who they are, which means “I am male, but I was assigned female at birth”.

Uh, did I get that right? I think that’s what I’m getting here.

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I disagree. We’re all here to help you write, but without seeing what it is you’re writing, we can’t do that. :slight_smile:

I certainly enjoy intimacy in games. What I don’t like is being forced to fixate on whether I’ve already been intimate or not; this seems irrelevant to me.

That sounds about right, to me at least.

Good luck with the game! :smile:


Aww, I missed the demo! :disappointed: The premise looks interesting though-I’m looking forward to seeing the updated version. :slight_smile:

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Um, that’s just not correct. Aromantic people (including myself) can enjoy reading about/playing games about drama and romance just as much as anybody else. Just because I don’t want to engage in all the activities some of my characters do does not mean I can’t enjoy developing those characters and their personalities, oftentimes because they are so different from my own. I love thinking about the world from a different perspective-it’s eye opening and fascinating! :smiley:

No worries, I’m not offended or anything. :grin: I know that you just said that out of ignorance and weren’t trying to hurt anybody. I’ve probably said a few things that border on offensive because I just didn’t understand myself (like that comment about considering BDSM a form of domestic abuse :confounded:). And I’m actually grateful that you provided me with the perfect opportunity to finally utilize the :face_with_raised_eyebrow: emoji! :rofl:

So…I hope I made sense here. If I didn’t, just say so. :blush:

And good luck with your game! I’ll be looking forward to playing it! :grinning:


I love that! The world would definitely be a better place if more people were open to thinking about other people’s perspective.

That makes sense, actually. I don’t necessarily count myself as a dragon and yet I still enjoyed Choice of the Dragon game. I’m glad to have opinions from all sides so I can be corrected and learn! :grin:

So the new demo is up. There are still a few things I’ll want to change about it, but I still wanted to provide something more concrete than just a synopsis.


I just played this. It is very entertaining so far!

Standing in only your pajamas, half-asleep and ready for a shower, in front of the mirror allows you confirm that nothing had changed overnight.

Honestly, I don’t think you need to say what we’re wearing here; I imagine it’d be different for everyone, and doesn’t really need to be specified.

After wrapping yourself in a bathrobe the color of red wine, you step back to the mirror to finish cleaning up for the day. Dry hair; check. Brush teeth; check. Wash face; check. Apply cosmetics; check.

Not all people use cosmetics… :confused: (Less importantly, the bathrobe seems an odd detail, but this doesn’t really take me out of the game in the same way.)

It looks like glossy ink.
It looks like tawny owl feathers.
It looks like daylily petals.
It looks like champagne.

I think someone may have mentioned this before, but the colours used here feel overly descriptive, in a manner that doesn’t really add to the story. I don’t even know what a daylily is, and a Google search shows any number of colours… Plus, ink can be blue, Tawny Owls have white feathers, and I really wouldn’t ever say blond hair was “the colour of champagne”… :grimacing:

A athletic twenty-three year old man with shoulder-length sleek black hair and eyes of whiskey brown stands ready in the mirror, dressed for a day of academics at Anthony Montérre University.

Should be “An athletic”. Also, wasn’t I just in my bathrobe? :confused:

Also: no more dead boyfriend! Yay! :smile:

Otherwise, everything’s looking pretty good. Good luck with the game. :smile:


Thank you, I’m glad you’re enjoying it so far!

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