I found a thread that is a billion years old, decided to start a new one instead of reviving it. So this is a follow up of this: Preset Player Character Names
“For whatever reason some choose your own adventure games DO NOT allow you to choose your own name, or gender.
Why do they do this? What benefits do you think it has? If we saw more choicescript games using such methods, would you play them, if not, why?” (quote from the original topic)
My thoughts;
I’m not sure how it’d be useful to have the character preset although I wouldn’t mind it, if the character in question is Spartacus I’d say Hell yeah, so if the character is interesting, I’m cool with it.
(sexual/romantic orientation is different, because it’d be impossible for me to relate to the character if he/she fell in love with a man, I wouldn’t be able to relate. In Creature Such As We I didn’t care for romance, just for adventure, so I accidentally got romantically involved with a male character whom I thought we were brothers in arms, not lovers - great confusion once it escalated)
So outside of that, if the character is great, it would make me want to play it. Villeneuve from Broadsides, I’d have loved to play him for example.
My thoughts:
What I do see that could be extremely useful is a preset past. In real life, I’m sure we’ve all made decisions at a point that we wouldn’t make today, as if someone else made them for us. Yet we still have to live with them. If it’s a mistake, or some anecdote that happened [in the game] one of the player’s goal could be to deal with the consequences.
That would result in two types of consequences: those caused by the players decisions, during the game, and those caused by the character’s younger self. It would make it more of a narrative and immersive thing, but even in games where a past isn’t initially implemented, it can be added.
Of course, in Mobile Armored Marine for example, you could choose your past. Which felt wonderful. Maybe a preset past with the details chosen by the player (the what happened isn’t changed, only the how). What are you thoughts?
(New here, I apologize If I accidentally broke any rule)