An interesting concept! I enjoyed reading this and can’t wait for more
This is actually really interesting and got me thinking of other ways I can make this story go other than my original plan. I’ll need to think through exactly how these new paths will work, but I’m excited to have more ideas for my story!
You’re right. I have an inkling of an idea now of how to keep him around as a character without ever letting him find out about your powers. I’ll need to plan out more details if I want this to work, but planning is part of the fun!
I’d say it’s the best time to find out, but like you say a horrible time to blab about it. Smart thing for the MC to do would be to keep it secret until they get a chance to steal the blackmailer’s powers. Then either burn his operation down (figuratively… or not) or explain to him that there’s been a change in management.
Okay, folks, I see a lot of lot of critique that I don’t have enough branches in this game, so I’m going to try (I italicize “try” because I may not succeed) to make some major changes that will allow for more paths. (And I’ll try adding personality trait stats, whilst I’m at it!)
If you felt that you wanted your character to have a personality that my game currently doesn’t account for, let me know, and I’ll try to make choices that allow for it!
Also, if you have any cool ideas on where you’d like the story to go, you can let me know. Even if I don’t end up using it, it might inspire more paths so I can take the story in directions that I wouldn’t have thought of on my own.
This story is really awesome so far I loved it can’t wait for more lol
Really like the story even before we could steal powers. How that we can, it could prove a very branching of story depending on which way to go. Reminds me of Skyler… looking forward to more.
The twin sister became a twin brother when I was telling stolen necklace guy about the twin’s power.
I really liked ur game but two things (the one about blabing too early was already mentioned, i guess) any person even more so a thief would think in certain situations and mc didn’t seem to be concerned enought (too happy go lucky i guess?) pulled me out of the game. first the power to copy things is just to awesome to let go so early. I mean you could copy money forever or until you have enought to be a billionaire, if I had this power I would freaking use it to my hearts content ya know?! And for someone as poor as mc seem to be, he just gave it up so easily. In his situation I think that even if he didn’t need the money he would have it as a precaution or he could rob anything without even actually taking it and just copy it many times over. And second he goes too easily with the flow I get that mc is happy that he has powers and his focus is to test them for now, but he don’t seem to have a end goal and is just there for pure chance (he’s working for this bad company. why? 'cause he was blackmailed, he got his powers. Why? As an acident, and on) u get it? he has no autonomy hes just sort of pushed aroud, all big things in his life has happened not because of him but for or with him (I don’t know if it’s too early to say this but who knows when advices are needed) still ur game is really interesting and I will cheer for ya
I disagree, at this point they’re only making his already rotten life worse not better, as to the world he is already so widely known as powerless that presenting the stolen ones as being a slow learner with a late awakening is now rather difficult and he cannot even begin to contemplate doing so while he is still a slave in any case. So legitimately doing things with them and trying to use them to finally forge his own life out from under his sibling’s shadow still remains far out of reach. Besides the annoying sibling can probably do what we do (maybe they are already doing it? )
In addition to their cool legitimate powers that seem to make them one of the most well known, rich and famous people.
It wouldn’t undo his horrid childhood or crippling poverty either.
What my mc would really want is to be able to stop sulking in the shadows and finally (re)claim his own life and no longer be forced to be a failure sulking in the shadows…this does not get him anything closer to any of that and it certainly does not diminish his horrid youth.
My mc is sick and tired of being mocked, being bullied, being desperately poor and most of all living in the shadows, so gaining a new power set that can only be practically put to use for covert ops in the shadows is almost worse than useless to him as it means he publicly has to remain a powerless loser never being able to stand up to his brother.
So at this moment rather than feeling any sort of joy he’d hate his life and “powers” even more.
At the very minimum that would be nice. Storywise though it would still mean the mc could probably escape only shortly before the end and still not get out from under his brother’s shadow and while mine wants out and killing his blackmailer would be a definite bonus at this point he has about zero interest in running or joining any other shadowy organisation. Unfortunately that is all his stolen “powers” would be good for.
Oh, one other thing. The mc has a rather twisted view of strength mine would actually like the boy who has the guts to confront him about it personally the necklace back…as it is almost impossible for him to look any weaker or more powerless than he already is anyway and he doesn’t really have any “face” to save anyway.
So if it would keep the kid off his back and prevent him from going to the authorities he personally likes the kid’s spunk and would be inclined to give him the necklace back, as there really aren’t any downsides to it at the moment. He doesn’t have the time to fence it now anyway what with being a slave and all and if at any time he does manage to become free well then the only real skills he has are to steal more stuff anyway which he could easily do in such a case.
Exactly. More to the point that copying power was by far the most awesome and one of the only ones that could get my mc out of his brother’s shadow as it is close enough to his brother’s powers that maybe, just maybe he could find a way to make people think he had finally managed to master his own “powers” and thus start to be able to lead a better life and maybe in time even get out from under his brother’s shadow’s entirely. Fire and acid powers don’t do that…at all as to the public they cannot be anything other than highly suspicious.
This too…his brother has everything in part because he can conjure up free money with this power the mc could finally make it seem like he could too and start to finally get even with his brother.
Again, sulking in the shadows with other powers in no way does that. But if it is too difficult for the story maybe change the kid encounter to something else. Right now it ties into the whole the mc is a big idiot think as this is one power he might be able to use “legitimately” as it can be made to look like it closely matches his brother’s.
But like I said letting the mc keep this awesome power will probably make the game too easy right from the start and I think it would be better that stealing a power as cool, useful and most of all a relatively close match to his and his brother’s real powers should be a somewhat difficult goal to steal in the last half of the story. So, again, maybe give the kid another elemental or much more limited power. Maybe he can only duplicate clothing, or maybe his duplicates only last a relatively short time like hours or at most a day or so before dissolving into nothing again?
I don’t know, I (and by extension my character) see the new power(s) as a way to get out of the shadows. Of course it will require a bit of judicious work from within them, but he’s spent a lifetime there already; what’s a few more months/years? Of course nothing can undo what he’s already gone through (unless there’s a time travel power out there? ) but I think his newly discovered powers alter the game enough to give him a lot more choice what his life will be like going forward.
Mine isn’t seeing that as there is no plausible way he can pretend the stolen powers are truly his for any length of time and certainly not in the ultra-elite circles his brother moves around in. Since it is fairly well known the mc is powerless and no one will hire them for anything legitimate.
The only way my mc currently sees, assuming that he can stop being a slave, to move up is to make the potential sidekick into his billionaire boyfriend, but he doesn’t see that as all that much better than where he is now. As publicly he’d still be the powerless and submissive trophy boy husband some billionaire has chosen to take pity on and “rescue” from the gutters. So that won’t get him any genuine respect in his brother’s social circles nor a life that is truly his own. It would just be different kinds of shadows in a gilded cage and as it would have him move in the same social circles as his brother it would be all the more worthless and humiliating for it.
In short far too much, as in probably years, of hard work from the damned shadows for a potential payoff that is basically worthless and humiliating to my mc.
No, what my mc will probably try, if it can even be done is that since he cannot legitimately lift himself up he may be able to drag his brother down, if he can could steal his brother’s powers. But even that, like anything else, first requires that he is no longer a slave. And since our brother is stronger and has more practice, possibly including in stealing powers himself that might not even work in the first place.
Revenge may be the only option left, both against his enslavers and his brother/family. But that remains a poor substitute for a better life.
Unless it is also an age regression one it would still be worthless. Except for killing his asshole father. But again that might get him some measure of revenge without actually improving his own life very much. It also potentially creates any number of potential problems associated with time travel.
Yep, not even stealing healing powers that might actually fix his brain fully would do that now. Assuming any mental or healing powers that can do that even exist.
I agree with life altering it’s just that my mc doesn’t like the new set of potential “choices” and outcomes that he can see right now any better than the old ones as they cannot get him what he truly wants. There are possible paths to wealth, maybe even to fame, but all still seem to require that the mc still drives from the backseat or tops from the bottom and none will openly get him the kind of respect that he’d crave most, far more than mere wealth.
And for the final time none of them are worth anything or lead to even marginal improvements as long as he remains a slave.
Of course it doesn’t help right now that the mc is canonically an idiot who blabs to the very people who enslaved him and strangers and on top of that discards the most useful power he steals almost right away and keeps more flashy but far less useful powers outside of combat around.
Even if the kid’s duplication powers are nerfed or revealed to have relatively short duration then, even for operating from the shadows, copying say your murder weapon in such a way that allows you to frame the assholes you copy it from is potentially far more rewarding, if less flashy than killing someone with stolen fire powers.
Utter misery and also the clock is ticking, since my mc wants the fame, the respect and the adoration that his brother has and then some more and that is worth far more while still young and sexy. Only eclipsing his brother when he old and falling apart is a worthless, pyrrhic “victory”.
I didn’t expect that this game will create a philosophical debate
Nor did I, and I am loving it.
Is there any way to edit this topic so that it tells what the game is about instead of just asking if I should change the stats?
@moderators, can you guys make the first post a wiki, so that the author can edit it? Thanks.
I went ahead and changed the first post to a Wiki post, meaning you should be able to edit it now. Just be aware that a Wiki means anyone can edit it; we have never had any problems doing this, so it should be fine.
Also, once your community trust level goes up, you’ll get more editing powers for your own posts.
Thank you very much! This is probably a very silly question, but where does it say your trust level?
If you click on your profile, it says basic. Or under badges
And here are the requirements to get to member:
@Jackpot1776 has it right – to review user levels in depth, click on the badge itself and follow the links.