(POLL) Help me pick a cover font for Talon City please (follow-up question about chapter headers)

Not that I’m one to talk (the fonts in my covers are nothing to write home about), but I can’t say I like any of these. I did pick number 2 because it has the most character to it, but it, too, isn’t great, in my view. It is more interesting than the alternatives, however, as number one looks too comic sans-y, number 3 is a bit too cartoony looking, and number four is too bland.

I do love the artwork though; it’s awesome! Very noir-esque, but has a nice fairytale-ness to it as well! :blush:

Echoing @The_Lady_Luck and @hustlertwo, it would be cool (if possible) to make the font look like it was scratched on by talons, or something like how Gabriel Knight did it with its day-to-day transitions:


Thought process:

Down the rabbit hole

I agree that font 4 lets the art draw more focus. With a simpler looking font compared to the other fonts, it feels more ominous in the sense that looking at the font, it’s harder to get a certain read on it compared to the other fonts. (It could be just me)
The lines are clean, neat, and well-rounded feels like the calm surface of the water, in addition to the art in the background, produces that ominous feeling of not-so good things lurking beneath the surface. Feels more mysterious. = is what I thought 5 minutes ago and now I see the appeal of the other fonts too

This is a stressful game for me :sweat_smile:, it’s amazing and exciting, just somewhat overwhelming for my brain. The 2nd font does a good job capturing the busyness, intensity and stakes. Holding one’s breath in anticipation. But that can also be applied to the 4th font.

Boiling down to #2 or #4! Sorry for my indecisiveness.

Looking forward to the release! I really like the art.

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I like the second one. Only because it seems like a bird took a talon to it. But also it felt like it fits more to the story.

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Thanks, you just reminded me that Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned won’t run in modern machines and that we’ll never see a GK4. I hate you.

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2 looks like it was written with a quill-tip so there goes my vote ^-^

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Thanks, everyone! I’m going with the winner!

I appreciate the feedback very much.


Follow up question. Scrambling to try to get more finishing touches done this morning. Do you think Chickenscratch works for chapter headers too? Or should I go with the crisper, clearer font?


If you’ve already decided on Chickenscratch then I think it would be best to use it in chapter headers as well, for consistency.

(Assuming that each chapter is titled) It might also be a good idea to use different fonts for CHAPTER and for the title of the actual chapter. So the title might use Bebas instead (I think that’s the other font? The sans serif one).


I like the cleaner font for chapter headings. The 1 in Chickenscratch is a bit illegible. Plus, that first one just feels right for a legal story’s chapters.


Yes, @Kshatriya, Chickenscratch will be the game cover title font. And Oswald will be the game cover author name font. So both of them connect back to the game cover in some way.

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Okay I see. And here I thought it was Bebas xD Need to brush up on my graphic design knowledge!

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Are… are chapter headers necessary? (I ask because none of my games have them and I’m insecure about it) :sweat_smile:

As for the question, both fonts look good, in my view, so feel free to use whichever you like best!


Nah, not at all, IMO (although I think all of the CoGs have them nowadays).

I do think it adds a bit of polish.

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I prefer Chickenscratch.

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If “no chapters” was good enough for Sir Terry Pratchett, it’s good enough for anyone.

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Alright, Chickenscratch it is. My writing group was unanimous about it too, and they agree on nothing (except they all sort of look up to me). :face_with_monocle:


i do like the cleaner font better, but that’s probably just because it is way easier to read for me as a dyslexic person. :sweat_smile: chickenscratch font seems to fit the story better and match the cover font though, so it may really be the best option.

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