Point and Click Games?

The Legend of Kyrandia, all three parts where hilarious
Hm in original I think it is called broken sword( comes from a time, where german games often had very different titles, here it was called baphomet´s curse)
Chewy escape from F5
Woodrow and the schnibble of Azimuth

All of them are very old, I really liked some funny games back then^^

Escaping The Prison on mantigames. It’s an online game. As a bonus, it’s free

I don’t play much point and click…

but those 3 ! omg…those 3 I highly recommand to anyone who didn’t play them . Just…don’t go beyond ‘the longest journey’’ …the sequel are so shitty…

and Syberia 1 and 2…are one of a kind…true advanture…leave you wishing for more…its so beautiful…you be crying at the end! So get kleenex!

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Oh and I really liked the Gabriel Knight series.

I have actually been working on some art and animations for an upcoming point-and-click game with elements of both interactive fiction and turn-based combat, with a beautifully rich Hayao Miyazaki inspired artstyle. Keep an eye out for a kickstarter this summer, it’s called The Girl of Glass.

Hello everyone! I just came across this forum and this particular discussion and wanted to tell you that I’ve been working on a 2D retro point and click game that might be of your interest, it’s called Stellar Mess and you can look for the demo on Steam and itch.io. The first chapter will be released in mid-February next year (2023) but you can added to your wishlist, I hope you like it!