I’m sure this is a beginners problem but I can’t seem to set my page buttons the way I want.
#visit the pottery shop
*goto todo
#visit the glassware shop
*goto todo
#visit the rug/tapestry shop
*goto todo
#walk to the central stairs
*goto todo
#leave the west quarter
*goto leave_westquarter
*label leave_westquarter
#exit to NE Fishta Boulevard
*goto_scene fishtaboulevard
#exit to North Shyn Market
*goto_scene shynmarketnorth
#exit to East Shyn Market
*goto_scene shynmarketeast
#exit to South Shyn Market
*goto_scene shynmarketsouth
*label todo
This section still to be done.
*page_break Continue
I have put the page_break code in every place that the tutorials say to place it along with the name I want to use with it. The initial page here will only display NEXT no matter where I place the page_break Continue. If going to the todo page it correctly uses Continue for the button but when going to leave_westquarter that page will only display NEXT as well.
The page break will only stop you when you reach the label todo since it can because it is in your way.
However the label Shynmarketsouth lands in a place where does not seems to be affected with that PAGE_break
#visit the pottery shop
*goto todo
#visit the glassware shop
*goto todo
#visit the rug/tapestry shop
*goto todo
#walk to the central stairs
*goto todo
#leave the west quarter
*goto leave_westquarter
*label leave_westquarter
*page_break!! Continue
#exit to NE Fishta Boulevard
*goto_scene fishtaboulevard
#exit to North Shyn Market
*goto_scene shynmarketnorth
#exit to East Shyn Market
*goto_scene shynmarketeast
#exit to South Shyn Market
*goto_scene shynmarketsouth
*label todo
This section still to be done.
*page_break Continue
I have tried the page_break the way you list it above and that does not work. I looked at the doc markup as well. Why is embedding goto_scene inside a label a problem? It executes just fine. And why does the page_break Continue work with one label but not another? I can find nothing in the documentation that says to do it any other way than we have discussed.
Also, this scene page itself will not display the page_break Continue when listed at bottom of page. I am a bit confused that this code system is entirely dependent on associating blocks of code yet it doesn’t seem to acknowledge page_break as a book end in multiple settings throughout one given scene of scripting. Either that or I am doing something terribly wrong here.
You’d probably need some text after the label leave_westquarter and before the page_break Continue suggested earlier. Also, when selecting a choice from a list the button for going to the next page and thus selecting one of the choices seems to say Next by default. I doubt it’s possible to change that, though the local coding wizards might prove me wrong on that account.
Right on. Will try the additional text. I just saw that in another post as well. Will have to see how that all fits together. Thanks to all.
Look back at your code.
Goto (label todo)
-Lands on “label todo”
*page_break Continue
// Now the other code.
*goto (label leave_westquarter)
New choice.
*goto (page name)
(No page_break Or not showed in the list above.)
Default- Next.
I am not sure what you did in the others pages but maybe you just did not wrote the *page_break correctly or there is something between. Like Cecilia said, maybe the problem is at the next page more than here…