I just started writing with choicescript and have been liking it a lot. My story is flowing but im still having trouble with the code.
My issue right now is i have choices written and you can click them without errors appearing, but instead of just showing the choice you choose it will either show one then the other choice when you click next. There is also one that shows both choice answers.
Here is how i have the code written out:
It was third period one of the elective classes you took at the start of the year. Slowing down to a brisk walk you sat down in your…
#P.E. class.
*set Strength +25
*set Agility +25
*set Intellect +10
*set Will +10
*goto gym
#Anatomy class.
*set Intellect +25
*set Will +25
*set Strength +10
*set Agility +10
*goto anatomy
*label gym
You were always one to stay physically fit. From your track achievements to football there was a list of examples of your drive to stay in peak shape. P.E. lets you raise your physical standards
and with the addtion of the health class you learned its functions as well.
It wasn’t that you didn’t have a taste for your studies, but the fact that nothing got your blood pumping more then pumping some adrenaline through your body. Hell some of
your club activities went against this grain.
*label anatomy
Logic was the name of the game and you excelled at it through and through. Whether it was knowing the parts of the human body to the construction and maintenance of a diesel engine,
you wanted to know it. It wasn’t that you disliked the physical part of life or anything of that sort. You just always found understanding the body processes more important then performing them.
Anatomy gave you that understanding and by understanding you could practically apply it.
Yet at the end of the day nothing you did at school could take away from your true passion for the world of fantasy! Just thinking about the magic, lore, or even the danger got
your blood boiling. Since you can remember its always been your fuel for life, the thing that makes you tick and move. Memories of your introduction to this captivating world
tend to start at the same place.
Any help would be great!