One thing I’ve noticed while browsing the Steam achievement statistics of CoGs and HGs is that female ROs are generally more popular than male ROs.
Some games with fixed-gender ROs provides achievement based on the characters you romanced, which gives a rough estimate of the popularity of the characters as ROs. Here’s a summary of the most popular male and female COs and the percentage of players who romanced them respectively in different games. Note that none of these games have fixed non-binary characters.
Breach: the Archangel Job
Most popular female RO: Avelyne/Mouse (27.6%)
Most popular male RO: Gabriel (15.5%)
A certain character, Mouse, can be chosen to be either male or female, and f!Mouse is romanced almost thrice as often as m!Mouse (27.6% vs 10.8%).
Choice of Magics *
Most popular female RO: Tal (30.4%)
Most popular male RO: Cos (8.9%)
*I ignored Vance/Vera because their gender is flippable
Jolly Good: Cales and Ale
This is a weird case because the achievement is not directly linked to romance, but to what I understand as an optional romantic encounter. Two characters, Tabby and Gilberto, have fixed gender, and the romantic encounter of Tabby (9.5%) is done quite more often than of Gilberto (6.9%)
Keeper of the Day and Night
Most popular female RO: Seraphina (24.2%)
Most popular male RO: Leon (17.5%)
*Note that the character routes in this game can be pursued either romantically or platonically.
With this admittedly small database, it appears that, while the extent varies, female ROs are universally more popular than male ones. I thought that CoGs/HGs will attract more female and LGBT+ players, but it seems that straight males are still the largest subdivision of the player base, at least on Steam. Are the demographics different on this forum or on other platforms? Perhaps, and I’d like to know what you think about it.