A folder is included, brief description and instructions for it on the download page.
Anyway, if you use notepad++ to edit your scenes/code, then maybe you’ll find it useful. If you do give it a go please let me know here if you find issues or want corrections etc.
That’s a good snapshot of a few of the differences. One of the main things is I liked highlighting all of a command line, not just the command (so I can see it more easily). I also bold words in [b] tags and italic those in [i] tags.
I guess which one someone likes is down to personal preference.
Note: People can change the actual colours - of either UDL - to whatever they like using the “View” – “Define Your Language” option in the notepad++ menus.
I see the color scheme is for facilitating the user to maintain focus in all the command tags.
I usually use the notepad++ to locate and replace multiple words across the pages. The whiteness of the background hurt my eyes. (Come to a doc, he said I may have developed photofobia or something. Asked for a blood exam, but I run from needles when I see them)
I’ll shamelessly plug mine too, while at it. My UDL (ChoiceScript_Szaal) is built around my style (CScript_Szaal_Style) which is centered around a dark theme. Preview images and quick how-to are attached. Szaal’s NP++ UDL and style for CS
That’s great to know. I was actually about to ask because I’m not a huge fan of lots of red and orange text on screen when writing. I’ll have to take a look