NEW Update! Agents of Lucifer (WIP) UPDATE POST 256!

I’m not good at explaining.
Um… the difference is the choice you make would repeat and read like a book. Rather than you making a choice and the scene continuing from there.

A CoG author replied-?! :face_holding_back_tears:

:sweat_smile: im blind… ok im gonna have to go with the first one too.

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:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: I kinda irritated you with similar thing in your another WiP. Like @HarrisPS said, repeated dialogues/text is annoying.

You did? :melting_face: I have no memory of this. Though it’s possible I may not have been annoyed if that’s true! It may have come across that way in writing though… :face_with_peeking_eye::skull:

I prefer having the choice repeated, maybe not word for word, but then a slightly different version, mostly because sometimes I forget what choice I picked😭 especially in dialogue if I accidentally press next on the wrong choice and I wanna know if I gotta go back and redo or if I can live with it


I understand that! I’ll keep it in mind! It seems so far, the best thing to do is to avoid repetition- I should probably make an actual poll, huh? Thank you for answering!


Either way I’m cool with, but if you do decide to have the choice appear in the next page, you could always rewrite it in the next page. That way it still has the same message without feeling too repetitive. But that’s just a suggestion :sweat_smile:


Feel Free to Ask anything!

(As Posted on Tumblr) Note: this is being posted here so anyone not on tumblr can see the tidbit below!

I need to stop posting nonsense and focus on posting actual updates/content bits. That said, here is a tidbit!

“Say the word, [surname], and I’ll muzzle Ashwell.” Andrei/Anya said lightly. Yet the strange gleam in his/her eyes makes his/her words feel more like a threat.

“No one is muzzling anyone,” Eryn sharply interjects. She comes directly to my other side, examining me from head to toe and back again.


quiet self applause

(As posted on tumblr)

I got quite a bit done today, I was pleased! I think I’m gonna save Ch.15 for last?? Just because the variables confuse me even though… it literally isn’t even that complicated. I believe I got to… chapter 8? I went through 5 to 8. It doesn’t sound like a lot, I know. :skull: But I had a feeling a June demo release wasn’t going to happen, just because I do work slowly! It was more of a hopeful goal than a truly realistic one!

The “complication” with 15 is that (don’t worry, no spoilers) is the change in POV, so to speak. So, you can choose this person to do something and narrative continues in their POV. Then there’s the option to either continue with them or go to another character. It probably seems superfluous, as I orignally thought “I’m making unnecessary work for myself”, however, I know there are instances you may not want to stick with solely one POV for a while? Like, “I chose the character then for xyz reasons but I really like someone else so therefore”. Basically, it was my way of allowing more choice with the LIs/ROs since there’s little romance to be had here. Which, if that saddens you- I understand. But I hate rushed romance!

That and… I’m… really bad at it… :unamused:
(This post was mainly just to let you guys know I’m still working on the WIP.)


It’s been a minute; have a snippet!

(As posted on Tumblr)

“What if Clyde overpowers you, [firstname]?” The warmth in Min-Jun’s eyes has been replaced by something colder. Something that leaves little room for argument and is more befitting of the supervisory agent title. “What if he overwhelms you and we’re not there?”


Fuck, no. I’m not afraid of that Clyde.


:joy: You got me laughing over here.


:grin: I can’t take a person with this name seriously.

Clyde soup | Elementary my dear watson, Elementary sherlock, Elementary tv


Big Development News!

(As posted on tumblr)

I. AM. FINALLY. DONNNNNNE! It’s about damn time! I am so sorry for how long this has taken me. But it’s done now! Every choice is fleshed out, scenes are done… So what happens next?

Well, we’re not quite there for the demo. Because this is going under the second (technically third) round of editing. From here, my mother has graciously volunteered to read everything and make all the edits and suggestions. Now, she’s a fast as heck reader, but it’s going to take a little more time before I go into making whatever changes we feel are necessary.

When all the final edits are done and she’s helped me figure out everything (including stats and stories coming in the future), then will the coding begin. This is gonna be interesting because I haven’t done this in a, uh, long minute. :sweat_smile:

But we’re almost there! While I missed my idealistic June demo release, I’m still so, so happy.

Also, this is a dang near 600 page document in word. :eye::lips::eye: A fair bit of it is copy and pasting but uh… wowzers.


Let’s gooooooo mother support :heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart:


Minor Update, As Posted On Tumblr.

I’m sorry! :tired_face:

Hello to those that see and read this! I’m apologizing for my silence and lack of updates. Editing has started, I promise you that. However, that editor is my mother who has a full time job and a hectic schedule that’s finally loosening up, so she can comfortably commit more time to editing. Just in the bit she’s done so far, she’s opened my eyes to a lot of errors I couldn’t see. At some point, writers become blind to a lot of it because, well, we know what we’re trying to convey.

But as readers… you might struggle!

Book Two is giving me a headache, ya’ll. I did a little bit of the… prologue? and then chapter 1. And then went to try writing out my ideas per chapter. It’s looking like, overall, there will be 3 or 4 books total for the series though. I think that’s a good number, yeah?

I don’t want Agents of Lucifer to overstay its welcome. My hope is that, sometime during all of this, I’ll be able to go back to Amberwood!


I really cannot wait for book 1 :black_heart: is there a date in mind when you plan the release?

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Nope! I don’t want to jinx anything by having a hopeful date. So, I just hope for a general before the end of the year. :face_holding_back_tears:


i’m like 4 months late, but good to see you back.