If you kiss N, you start relationship with them, as far as I understood. You get the same option if you’re in their solo romance route. So it seems you need to hesitate in this scene to give LT another chance.
Wow 788,000 that’s quite impressive. Book 1 was quite awesome, am sure this will be just as good
700k words of romance, thriller/horror fiction, you are heaven-sent!
When will this book be released on PlayStore?
I want to let you know about the LT and your query.
You are still in the LT if you start dating N. Mishka said she’d make it obvious later on if you decide to end the LT.
I just want it to be clear so people don’t misunderstand and think the opposite.
Thank you for explaining! I was absolutely sure that kissing N will ruin the LT completely. But if it doesn’t, does it mean that at some point Detective will be able to literally cheat on N with A? (maybe kissing them/confessing their love/etc)
Thanks for the clarification, then I can still call this save tri-bastard.
Not sure about the rest of you, but the way I go about the LT is that in public my Mc is not so subtle with N and when in private I’m trying to coax A to admit they like me.
Also, what’s everyones take on Bobby now after what they tried this book?
Congratulations Sera!
I’ve been looking forward to this release; I have to hold off on playing it for a bit, but it is there waiting for me now.
Congratulations @Seraphinite!!! Thank you so much for giving us book 2. Especially with this pandemic, it will help me get through this and give me a mystery to read :)) tysm!!
This and whenever Zombie Exodus Safe Haven: Part 3 comes out.
Congratulations and great job @Seraphinite. Really enjoyed the first book and I’m looking forward to enjoying this one as well.
Don’t want to sound like a party pooper but Wayhaven for me was always this one game in CoG collection that I found unappealing. The premise (detective Vs supernaturals) sounds too generic. Yes the other stories also exploit well-known settings & tropes (fantasy & wizards, future & superheroes) but this particular story sounds like it takes reuse & recycle approach one step too far; I just don’t see any new or original ideas in it. I wonder if I’m missing something. What makes this story interesting for you people?
It’s the romance. The detective part is nothing special, it’s not complicated. People play (including me) for the romance.
This was absolutely amazing! I’ve only finished M and N’s routes, but I’m blown away with the detail and individuality of each route so far! You’ve absolutely out-done yourself, which is hard to believe considering how good book 1 was
This was awesome! I’m not saying I’d give up both Nate and Adam for Falk, but I’d totally give up Nate and Adam for Falk lmao
In my opinion it doesn’t matter how “unoriginal” and idea/setting is. If the writing is interesting and there is a good quality to the story and the characters you interact with, the setting becomes secondary to the overall quality of it.
In the end, if the author is not good, their story won’t be good no matter the setting they use, on the other side, if the author is good they will manage to make any setting shine with their own light.
I can’t wait ‘til I get home, so I can finally crawl into my bed and play this over and over again
Congratulations @Seraphinite !! I’ve been looking forward to this book for a long time and, deep in my first playthrough with M, I am absolutely delighted that it not only has lived up to the hype I had but succeeded it!!
So excited!
By the by, did CoG stop releasing individual apps? I can only find it on the omnibus. Wasn’t the requirement to make it an omnibus relaxed, with the plan being releasing new games as apps and removing old games into the omnibus?
There are some countries that the standalone app will not be available. Currently confirmed by CoG are South Korea and Philippines.