New Hosted Game! "The War for the West" by Lucas Zaper

Quoting post #32. Since this is a FAQ wouldn’t we be better off with having it added to the OP?


Thanks but i need more details like what kingdom they are and what they do.

Dannel and Danna: children of Lord Dulsen.
Ullus: mercenary captain.
Noyades: Lord of Sielccia
Janneth: Our spy.
Wyneva, Hereya and Petka: sisters of the northern prince.


How can female MCs get married to Jenneth if the religion in this game forbids homosexual marriage? Does the need to produce an heir only apply to Male MCs? How can we reproduce if we marry Jenneth as a female? It doesn’t make sense.

There are a few ways, but it’s not like there’s a ceremony or anything. It’s mostly about ending up together.

You have to convince her not to kill herself, though. A high Social and/or picking the right choices when speaking to her is really important. The result might also depend on whether you fought her or not.

That shouldn’t happen. By the start of the timeskips(after the battle), if you had a bad relationship with your spouse, there will be an option to try to “mend things”. If you pick this one, then yes, you can have children. If you didn’t do that, then it’s likely a bug that the toddles came up.

I had to check the code because others asked the same question. As far as I am aware, you can’t. (Sometimes I do hide certain branches so well that even I end up not finding them, though).

But yeah, being able to have a relationship with her is one fo the things that I would likely implement in a future update.

One of the “possible starts” for the sequel is with you and Jenneth together, yes. People don’t know she’s your half-sister, so there shouldn’t be a problem there.

Sorry about that, I have no idea why this is happening. It is probably something the people in the company are working to solve.

I’ll be honest with you, that’s the canonical ending as far as I’m am concerned, lol. I find it much more interesting as a starting point for a sequel than the endings where you win. Although I will predict ALL outcomes, I love the grim ones.

Anyway, there are a few ways to avoid this. With high enough combat and the right choices(like having protection, not drinking from the cup on the way up, etc) you can win the battle at the first attempt. If you don’t win it, then with the right choices and high Knowledge or Social, you can get “another shot” by basically tricking yourself into believing that what happened was just a vision and sending your dying consciousness back in time. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me, it will eventually make sense.

Who were you married with when it didn’t appear? I know I put it there, but maybe the conversation is missing for a particular spouse.

You actually can. I think the only way is by “dying” the first time during the Summit, sending your mind back in time by picking the “Lie” when in limbo, and then making the right decisions so that their plan is thwarted before it has a chance to unfold.

It should be, you can win a lot of money by being evil with Sielccia after conquering it, or by making certain monetary arrangements.

@Pode They always die, but this is something that I’m always thinking about changing in a future update.

By opposing the religion. You can become a heretic and create your own system of belief in certain paths of the game, and then you decide how you want it to be.

It won’t come easy, and there is going to be a lot of bloodshed, but you can do it.

You can end the game without an heir. It’s not obligatory. People expect you to have it, but you can tell them to go sard themselves.


So, is it possible to end up with one of the male ROs as a male MC by fighting the system or is it only for Jenneth?

From the lack of response and from what i read in the comments above, I’m gonna assume that it’s a no. If that is so, how unfair.
You gave the choice to destroy the current system and become a heretic as a gay woman, but not as a gay man.
Anyways, this isn’t meant to attack anyone or the game, just my opinion.
Even though i will be skipping this one, good luck with the game.


How do you romance Kenir?

Is this available on google play?

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Hi! It’s available as a standalone app over at the Playstore

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Thank you for the reply! I really enjoy your game, and I managed to get the romance with Jenneth by focusing on my social score.

Forgive me if I’m being too annoying, but after Emyria is attacked, I stumbled upon an option to hold a cleansing ceremony with the two priests. However in other playthroughs I didn’t. Is this triggered by a score check or completely random?

Dannel was my MCs husband. I had two scenes with him. One the marriage, after it my MC claimed to be sick to avoid sex. And I had a “spend the day with my husband” scene later, in this case MC said now isn’t the right time (or something like that) to deflect his advences. But other than this my MC was nice to him, she just didn’t want to have sex.

Dannel again.

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In case you have not found it already, I think the problem is the following:

In event34, the “produce an heir” decision treats spouseRelation <= 0 as a bad relationship.
In lateGame where children happen, a bad relationship is considered spouseRelation < 0 so having spouseRelation = 0 which is what happens for claiming to be sick would still produce offspring.

For Vayden on the wedding night:

Vayden stops and raises one eyebrow. "Is anything wrong?" he asks, evidently puzzled.

 #"I am too tired. Can we leave this for later?"
  *set spouseRelation + 5
  *goto tiredTonight

Was that really supposed to be a plus instead of a minus?

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SPOILER: I wonder if she will ever tell the MC that they are related

Out of the ROs who are marriage materials in this game I can only imagine Ullus to be indifferent enough to religion. The nobles would be raised to be religious. Just a theory.

Also since we are at the topic in a way, I wonder how came the northern prince isn’t listed as a marriage material? After all he offers to marry a female MC?

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Isn’t current MCs heir the MC of the sequel? (I think I’ve read that somewhere, correct me if I’m wrong.) Then how would the sequel work without a heir? Or do we play as old current MC?

Edit: Sorry for the double post.

Edit 2: I noticed something strange with the timeline: After the battle against Noyades, the Lords Summit happens years later. Still the timeline text about the “Great Betreyal” lists it under the same year as all previous events.


You are dead because you have too many knights…
It’s a punishment from God for cheating.
Btw…do i have to die and lie to myself at the summit in order to see the future?


Guys made an account just for this , awesome game there author San , I also really appreciate the extra touches like save option and cheat menu , but I really badly need to know how to romance jenneth while fighting against noedias in detail please!!


Ah i am often stuck in war against Lord Noyedas. It is quite a challenge to defeat him while playing male ruler, in contrast to female ruler which fair easy i only need to marry him and stab him where i had the route done yesterday

Is there a way to save all the lords so they not die at the end of the game? And also how far we go back in time if we die at the summit, is it on the beginning of the game?. Hope someone can answer my question

Just my thoughts on ROs (marriage material ROs): I think this is one of the few games where a female MC is better off. I appreciate diversity (even if not all romance routes would lead to a happy ending). And Dannel, Noyades, Ullus, Vayden and Jenneth are quite different considering not only their personalities but their background too, while as for the options for male MCs, three of the ROs have basically the same background or at least they come from the same place despite the difference in talents and personalities?

And it seems I forgot about Vayden here: a spy of the Meinstrels, at least that’s what I found out in my playthrough with a male MC.