New Hosted Game! "The War for the West" by Lucas Zaper

Jenneth can’t be our sister because she’s a romance option.

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(laughs in Targaryen)


How do you unlock the wyneva achievement

You should use the spoiler tag, and yes she is our half sister. It’s confirmed in one of the ending, and I think it’s written something in her character page

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Is the only way to save everyone in the end, against the Triple Chalice, to die? I’ve read that after you die, you then go back in time and then once you get there you warn everyone? I must’ve read this around 2am, so forgive me if this is totally wrong lol

How do you make the texts look blurry

When you reply, near the symbol that looks like a calendar you click the “option” button, and click blur spoiler


You do realize that this game was inspired by Crusade Kings, yes? If you don’t know where I’m going with this, then you need to check out the game’s subreddit…

But yes, Jenneth is our sister. Yes, romancing her is incest. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news there.


Hey, first off i love this game. Kind of hard to get the hang of and the immense amount of options were initially overwhelming but once you find the “flow” it gets much easier and fun. The wait for the sequel is going to be agonizing, especially with that kind of ending. The whole game felt like a prologue too.

I played a combat focused northerner with social as a dump stat and it was oh so satisfying when I killed Jenneth and the other 2 guys that ambushed me that i forgot the name of with epic sword skills. Just needed to die a couple times before i finished the game without dying.

I did find a few bugs however, one was that when playing Cardeed, by clicking the stat menu you can change the cards you get. You can basically get rid of terrible hands easily. And the Stonefort event where you pay money to fix their roads made it so i paid for their roads even if i refused. I essentially got free taxes.

Also, will there be a save system for when the sequel comes out so we can transfer our progress?

Thank you.

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You can’t get a save system unless the sequel is in the publishing queue. Once it is, then the game can be updated with a save system.

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also it’s not like you will be the only one doing incrst. In general many of your ancestors as well as other lords/ladies have committed to invest. In that time line it was not that rare. But as long people can’t find out, there is no risk of backlash. Lord/ladies are good at hiding things.

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So how does MC find out that Jenneth is their half sister? So far I didn’t manage to stumble upon that in game only saw it mentioned here.

I hope that’s a miscalculation on the authors part. I’d really prefer not to play basically a teenager MC once again. Tho if I do the math correctly then by the time the Lords Summit happens MC would be around 20, that sounds better.

What I did waspretend to join Noyedas when he offered to join forces then I betrayed him. Well, Jenneth killed him. Then there’s a scene where the MC is summoned by the king. I showed my loyalty and slept. Next thing I know the king is dead and murder will be blamed on my MC. My MC is then betrayed by Jenneth (I’m assuming this is probably because I have less Social than needed) which turns my MC into the Triple Chalice’s oracle. From then on my MC keeps getting visions of the past and the bit about Jenneth is revealed. Jenneth is talking with the MC’s father, discussing his death by poison. Father calls Jenneth his daughter during that scene. I dunno if this has anything to do with it but I also went to the Templar Tribune and survived the never ending death-vision cycle. I do this by offering the Abyssal Spawn body to be taken by the inquisitor.

I also found a minor bug with the conversation between my MC and his wife Wyneva. The “Darker?” option is already on the list of possible things to say even though I haven’t chosen the particular option that would lead Wyneva to say something being darker – thus leading to the “Darker?” response.

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Yeah it seems like we are basically sixteen at the beginning of the game and end game at being 20 yrs old. Although I guess it isn’t too big of a deal since everyone considers us a full fledged adult. Although I do feel it makes some of the marriage and romance options more awkward than others

So if I understand it correctly: we’d have to become the Triple Chalice’s oracle to find out about Jenneth being a family member? Guess then my MC will stay ignorant of that fact unless there will be other chance to find out about it in the sequel.

@JVM Guess then I’ll just headcanon my MC a few years older than that, I imagined her already a bit older than sixteen at the beginning since iirc it’s only the letter which would give a hint about exactly how old our MC is (and I didn’t bother to do the math).

I got the network error after buying the game too. Refreshing my connection didn’t work but restarting the whole game worked even if I didn’t start the actual game yet lol and I have iOS too.

Nothing works for me. I’ve restart the game, tried other networks as well as other devices, i’ve sent emails with complaints, reports and even Analytics, but no dice. Like i said, I have gotten them to unlock it for me with the receipt and now I can play it online, but i’d really like to play offline also. This omnibus thing messed up big time. Sometimes the app will crash on startup, or when accessing the library. Life of a mercenary and war for the west won’t load and the achievements for the last wizard is missing.

When does the feast at Dullis happen? I realize I gotta use the skip time function in order to get there asap right?

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Using Skip Time was not what I meant by ASAP. I meant accept the invite to go to Dullis ASAP once the invite arrives as long as you have at least 150 aurens. You would be better off doing Hold Court to try for the See Silk trade deal (event9) as a means of passing the time.

EDIT: Removed incorrect reference to event11. My apologies. @Denzil_Melgior_Nagel is correct about the 27th of the first month. Thank you for mentioning that.

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