New Hosted Game! "Life of a Space Force Captain"—Live a futuristic life as a starship captain!

I’m not sure if anyone knows of any particular appearance that some of these characters have but, I shared this game with a friend who was soon very much into it.

So much so he developed a bit of an attachment to Kl’k, so when his birthday came around I wanted to give him a bit of a gift in the form of a rendered piece of his beloved boy in a tuxedo for the hangar party.

Would it be alright to share this?


I just buy this last night and already playing this game for 2 times although i always get paradox ending, and still gonna play this because it’s always my dream playing star trek themed game with narrative style, i honestly have no regrets buying this :+1::blush:

Also is there any guide to get every game ending?

If the paradox ending is the one I’m thinking of, you’re supposed to mimic your actions during the treehouse and bombing events exactly and you’re not supposed to deviate

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I still don’t understand, sorry I’m dumb :pray::pensive:

During the flashbacks, you must do exactly the same thing you did back then, so be sure to remember what you did. Otherwise you will be lost in time.


Ahh that lot’s of things, so i need to remember and taking the same implant and needed to recruit all the guy’s again without minus anyone’s, that’s a lot :pensive:

Easier. There’s a clearly marked option to not make any changes. Gotta watch out for those paradoxes. :slight_smile:


Second hosted game I played through and it was definitely a fun time! Got the War Hero ending first time around, though it was a close call with the ship stats. Pretty satisfying run overall with my main regret really being Kyle, who I romanced and married but let explore their hidden memories/nightmares… so they went crazy and deserted me. Still sad. Might go back another time and try out what happens if I install that extra security when they bring up their nightmares.


Fan-art? Share, share!

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our favourite Linneran lad Kl’k at the hangar party dressed in a tuxedo


Very pretty and dapper! Great work.

I’ve played all of Lucid’s other games before so I went into this one knowing loosely what to expect, and it lived up to what i remember, a pretty fun experience that seems pretty in line quality and layout wise with past titles (ignoring the genre shift of course), though i would say the start of this game is a lot more fleshed out that past games, which is a nice surprise.
A really nice cast of characters too, don’t think I’ve managed to get all their storylines yet but got quite a few, as well as the cybernetic vs psionics choice, both have a pretty nice range of options, though for some I felt I used the powers less than others.
One complaint i do have is that I feel the RO’s kind of all bleed together later, and lose a lot of their personality that the schooling section imprinted on them in my opinion, but it’s a pretty minor complaint all things considered.
Hopefully I’ve worded this pretty decently, but yeah all in all i enjoyed the game and it’s setting, it feels like Sci Fi choice games are a bit more rare than the old days so nice to see one again!


Really love this. :slight_smile:


I have challenges

  • Narrate "Life of a Space Force Captain " in one meme
  • Narrate the Entire Lucidverse Story in one meme

Hi, is there a way to romance Alex/Rachael in collage?

Not during college, no, you’ll have to wait a couple more chapters

Does Lucid have a Discord?


How do you stop Kyle from going mad? Or staying

Don’t try to explore that new part of their mind

These are secrets synths were not meant to know…