New Hosted Game! "Dragon Racer" by Tierra Wright

Three?! That lot of wait there.


As a happy customer who some how never checked out the wip, I am curious about your inspiration?


Iā€™m enjoying this amazing book so much that I finally made a forum account after years just to say thanks.


TBH THIS NEEDS MORE LOVE!!! It was an amazing story. Although the lack of growth kind of made me sad, but Iā€™m guessing the way the story was cut that it was going to have a next part?


I highly encourage giving an evil red dragon a chance, theyā€™re hillarious.


So Iā€™m at the team cup portion of the game, and Iā€™m trying to get through the maze. I really donā€™t want to have to restart just so I can get through the first time, so if anybody can give me directions Iā€™ll be eternally grateful.

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@Logan_T If not mistaken, itā€™s right, right, left and then straight, straight, right. I donā€™t exactly remember the last direction for each part but it is always the opposite of the first two (that, Iā€™m certain). Good luck!

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i am a dragon lover so everything about dragon, i take it. hope this thing worth it

I doubt it, at the end it didnā€™t ask for an email to save your character info. Looks like that was the end of the story. And right when it got super interesting.

Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but Iā€™m pretty sure that cog policy is that they donā€™t let you make a save until the next book is out


When is the sequel coming out? The ending was really just the beginning of a really good series!


There is currently no set date for the release of the sequel, as far as I know. Iā€™ve browsed the authorā€™s tumblr a few times and it might be a while since sheā€™s working on multiple other projects, mainly Superstition.

And I think she has plans to move her work to other sites, but I donā€™t know if thatā€™s her plan for Dragon Racer.