New Heart's Choice Author Interview! Leia Talon, "Ink and Intrigue"

Originally published at: New Heart’s Choice Author Interview! Leia Talon, “Ink and Intrigue” - Choice of Games LLC

Heed magic’s call! Find love on a lush tropical island among immortal warrior-mages as you explore ancient mysteries, craft dragon-rune tattoos, and discover your true loyalties. What passions shape your path?

Ink and Intrigue is an interactive erotic fantasy novel by Leia Talon, author of Their Majesties’ Pleasure. We sat down with Leia to discuss her upcoming game. Ink and Intrigue will be out on October 17th, 2024; you can wishlist it on Steam in advance of release—it really helps!

We’re so excited to have another game from you! Tell me all about this follow up to Their Majesties’ Pleasure. What can players expect in Ink and Intrigue?

Ink and Intrigue is set in the same world as Their Majesties’ Pleasure, but on a lush island far to the west where magic flows through dragon ink and portals connect the multiverse.

There are lots of fun new elements in Ink and Intrigue! You can bond with a dragon, griffin, or phoenix, and will explore a series of initiations to become a warrior-mage as you infiltrate the island as a spy. The world building is extensive and there are countless gems to discover, from a hidden library to otherworldly realms. You can engage in blackmail or worse, decide the fate of a treasonous mage, leave a trail of destruction in your wake on a mission to another world, dance around a bonfire as the ocean crashes on the shore, and go surfing with friends who treat you like family.

Though there are many similarities, the tone in this story is quite different. Their Majesties’ Pleasure was a romp and a riot, while Ink and Intrigue is more intimate and soulful, and perhaps more intense, depending on your choices.

What changed in the way you approach crafting an interactive romance from your first and second game?

After Their Majesties’ Pleasure I told myself I was never writing another game. It was so much work! My brain protested all the different paths and seemingly-endless details. And then it was finished, and people played it, and lo and behold players seemed to actually like it, and before I knew what was happening I was coming up with concepts for another game.

The process was easier in general this time, though it was still a challenge toward the end. At least I knew how to work with ChoiceScript and had practice wrestling with the necessary complexity of an interactive novel. I also tapped into the community on the Choice of Games forum, which was helpful for camaraderie and to pick up coding tips. The longer I write this style of interactive fiction the more respect I gain for other authors out there doing the same. It’s a major endeavor, but having the experience of another game under my belt did wonders to help me write Ink and Intrigue faster.

One major difference is that Their Majesties’ Pleasure had several polyamorous routes while all the romances in Ink and Intrigue are monogamous. I had planned for a poly option, but the characters told me they didn’t want to share and the farther along my writing progressed the more I realized that was the right call for this particular game. The one-on-one relationships deepen the intimate feel of the story.

You can develop rich relationships with all of the romance characters in Ink and Intrigue, and I’m hoping players will find satisfaction in the depth of those friendships and the closeness of a chosen lover. There is also the dragon/griffin/phoenix storyline so there’s another key relationship in play.

What were you most surprised by in the writing of this one and from player feedback during the beta process?

The characters surprised me, but they always do. My favorite part of writing is the discovery as things unfold. Even with a detailed outline my characters take control and come up with much better ideas than I did at the start.

I realize that might sound a bit ridiculous. I’m the writer, after all. Aren’t I supposed to be in charge of things? But, no. My process is very much about getting out of the way of my characters and letting them do their thing. If I trust them, the words flow. That’s just how it works for me.

I want to extend a special thank you to everyone who provided feedback for Ink and Intrigue! Also, thanks to everyone who played the demo and commented on the forum or shared it with a friend! Your thoughts and encouragement are most appreciated.

I ended up writing an entire extra chapter during the beta process so players can accompany Kai and Teo on a mission to Kai’s world. It adds lots of action and emotion to the game. I’m really happy with that last-minute addition and I hope you like it, too!

Was there a character you enjoyed writing most for Ink and Intrigue?

I love them all! I adore Teo’s soft-spoken strength and the brotherhood between him and Kai. Rae is super fun, all sass and tenacity, and Thea is mysterious, revealing her playful side once she’s had a bit of moonshine. Artanian the hermit librarian wasn’t planned but he turned out to be a lovely character, and La’rast the alchemist prince became a bigger influence than I’d anticipated.

It’s hard to choose a favorite, but Kai has a special place in my heart. This story started as a manuscript I’d shelved. The game is quite different, but Kai was one of the original main characters and he helped me translate various ideas from the manuscript to the interactive novel.

Kai is utterly determined to make things right in the world he’s from, which involves vengeance, violence, and blowing things up. He’s fierce and masterfully skilled and pretty much unstoppable as a warrior and mage, but he also has this sweet, patient, tender side to him that I absolutely love.

What else are you working on/what’s next for you?

I have several other concepts for games set in the same world as Their Majesties’ Pleasure and Ink and Intrigue, including one fully outlined. I couldn’t stop the ideas as I was writing this game. They all wanted to be written at once!

That said, time is precious and my kids are growing fast! I pushed hard to write Ink and Intrigue in less than a year and am needing to slow way down now to focus on self-care and family. While I do hope to write the other games I have planned, I’m going to take a break for a bit and explore other creative outlets like sewing and making music. When I return to writing I’ll be seeking a work-life balance that’s more sustainable.

If I could wave a magic wand I’d have three more games set in this world ready to go! Alas, they take an incredible amount of work to bring to completion. However, when they’re finally ready you’ll be able to return to Ink and Intrigue and discover all kinds of Easter eggs scattered throughout that tie into the future games. Maybe you’ll pick up on some of them in subtle foreshadowing as you play. If you do, please pop into the forum and share your guesses with me!

My sincere gratitude goes out to everyone who has played Their Majesties’ Pleasure and expressed interest in Ink and Intrigue! I hope you enjoy it!


I am really looking forward to this release. :revolving_hearts:


Wonderful to read your thoughts on the game @leiatalon! I’m really looking forward to when Ink and Intrigue is out.


I’ve been meaning to play Their Majesties’ Pleasure, so I guess this is my cue to get a move on! Ink and Intrigue sounds incredible. Fully get you on time being precious and kids growing so fast—it’s my constant struggle.

Can’t wait to play!


I’m so glad to see a second Leia Talon game in the world. Her games are utterly delightful, and she’s a wonderful person besides. I hope everyone enjoys Ink and Intrigue as much as I have!

@mk_england Nice seeing you here!


You too! I saw the name and went… this has to be the same person from instagram, right?? :grin:


Yup, that’s me!


Ah, @leiatalon , you’ve finally taken your game to the next level! From my Spring Thing review, I’m already on my toes for this one!


Congrats to Leia!!! I relate so hard to characters making outlines go off the rails. I’ve wishlisted Ink & Intrigue on Steam :grin: :dragon:


I love the cover art! The demo was so good, looking forward to the release :3

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I’m looking forward to this release!

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What a wonderful little birthday treat this will be! :grinning: Very much looking forward to it, after enjoying TMP!

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Congratulationfor the next amazing game :heart::confetti_ball:
I would love to wishlist it but Germany is so weird with games with sex scenes :roll_eyes: they don’t show the game when I search for it lol.
I’ll wait until I get it on the app. :grinning:


Maybe it’s just the setting of your store preferences? (click your username at top right corner, select store preference, and under ‘Mature Content,’ check all the boxes.)

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Thank you :grinning: sadly it still doesn’t work for me lol

Can I ask what the price will be? Thinking of getting it, and may need to budget.

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Based on what the author has said about this game’s word count, it’s likely this game will be priced at $5.99 (USD), discounted to $3.99 during release week.

The Steam page says it’s 300K words, which is an overestimate based on what the author has said, but if it were accurate, the game would likely be priced at $6.99, discounted to $4.99 during release week.

If you can set aside six dollars, that should be more than enough to purchase the game, including any sales tax if applicable, and you’ll most likely have a couple dollars left over.

Meanwhile, to help you decide: the official demo isn’t out yet, but the author submitted the first three chapters of her WIP to this year’s Spring Thing, and you can play them here:

I was a beta tester for both the Spring Thing chapters and the final version, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. :slight_smile:


Thank you for such a fantastic response Aletheia! Was simply unsure after some of the more expensive titles, have a pleasant weekend!


You’re very welcome!

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That 300k word count is surprisingly real. :rofl: :face_with_monocle: I don’t know how that happened.

(Adding another chapter in beta testing and adding more to all the others. That’s how it happened. Still blows my mind, though.)

Thank you all for the congrats and shared excitement! :revolving_hearts: