Neverending Choice Loop

One scene in my game forever loops and the *temp variables I have in place to add/remove options seem to not activate no matter what I do. Can anyone explain what I’ve done wrong here? Thank you in advance!

*label spaceship
*temp checkonray false
*temp fuel false
*temp airlocks false
*temp systems false
*temp route false
*temp custsast 0
*temp fuellevel 100
	*selectable_if (checkonray = false) #Check on Ray.
		*set checkonray true
		You look to your right and spot Ray checking his monitors. He noticed you watching and flashes you thumbs. "Ready?"
		*gosub spaceship
	*selectable_if (fuel = false) #Double check fuel levels.
		*set fuel true
		Your fuel levels are at 100%.
		*gosub spaceship
	*selectable_if (airlocks = false) #Make sure air locks are seated.
		*set airlocks true
		All air locks are shut and sealed.
		*gosub spaceship
	*selectable_if (systems = false) #Run systems test.
		*set systems true
		Loading systsems test...
		Test intializing...
		Running systems test...
		System test complete...
		Result: Passed.
		*gosub spaceship
	*selectable_if (route = false) #Set route.
		*set route true
		Route set. Destiniation: Delta-713, Quadrant 219-722-779, Mandrake Solar System.
		*gosub spaceship
	*selectable_if (route = true) #Pull lever.
		Your seat begins to vibrate, lightly at first but gradually it becomes more and more agressive! The Room is filled with a rumbling noise and you grip the arm rests of your seat. The sky zips by you as you hear your boosters roars as they propell you upwards!
		Then, almost as sudden it starts it stops. You're thrust into the dark, arounded by thousands of distant stars and planets. Incredible!
		*gosub spaceship2

Most of your options end with *gosub spaceship. But label spasheship stands before you establish your temporary variables. So they reset each time. Do you actually need *gosub instead of *goto here? Try to change to something like this:

*label spaceship
*temp checkonray false
*temp fuel false
*temp airlocks false
*temp systems false
*temp route false
*temp custsast 0
*temp fuellevel 100
*label spaceship_1
	*selectable_if (checkonray = false) #Check on Ray.
		*set checkonray true
		You look to your right and spot Ray checking his monitors. He noticed you watching and flashes you thumbs. "Ready?"
		*goto spaceship_1
	*selectable_if (fuel = false) #Double check fuel levels.
		*set fuel true
		Your fuel levels are at 100%.
		*goto spaceship_1
	*selectable_if (airlocks = false) #Make sure air locks are seated.
		*set airlocks true
		All air locks are shut and sealed.
		*goto spaceship_1
	*selectable_if (systems = false) #Run systems test.
		*set systems true
		Loading systsems test...
		Test intializing...
		Running systems test...
		System test complete...
		Result: Passed.
		*goto spaceship_1
	*selectable_if (route = false) #Set route.
		*set route true
		Route set. Destiniation: Delta-713, Quadrant 219-722-779, Mandrake Solar System.
		*goto spaceship_1

Not sure about the last option. I don’t know what’s under spaceship2.

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That was the problem! Thank you so much!!

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