Cool so the testing app is bouncing back quite a few *if and *selectable_if commands, saying these commands are non existent, which doesn’t make sense as I’ve used them before earlier in the story. Also it gave me this weird message
RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: Endurance line 1348: Non-existent variable ‘stay’
for the line
*if (astridr > 1) #Stay with her
why is it treating #stay like *stay?! it should be an option
so the *if works now, but *selectable_if doesn’t because of some parse thing. This is all super confusing because I have done this before and it has worked lol
*selectable_if (astridr > 1) #Stay with her
*set astrid +20
You hear Astrid say something muffled, but you can't quite make it out. You're not sure you need to. You lead her back inside where she finds a couch to relieve her feet of their duty. As you join your teammate, she slowly collapses and lays her head on your lap, making you the world's largest pillow.
She stops shaking a minute or two later as she falls asleep. You're not far behind her.
You know what? I think you messed up with the indentation.
Do another round of screen-staring and check the indentation of the *choice and the #option.