Hello I’m new to this but last year I literally quit coding choicesript because of an error i couldn’t fix after some time i came back and still i am unable to fix it i was wondering if anyone could help me out. I am working on a “mmo rpg” story and i already put a lot of effort into it already. Here is my code:
Growing up what interested you the most
(Once you pick a sub class you cannot change it.)
(you can choose 2 now and in the future you will be able to pick 2 more )
*set mining +1
*gosub sc2
#trinkets (crafting)
*set crafting +1
*gosub sc2
#weapons (blacksmithing)
*set blsm +1
*gosub sc2
*set fishing +1
*gosub sc2
*set farming +1
*gosub sc2
#animals (animal whisperer)
*set anwh +1
*gosub sc2
#science (alchemist)
*set alc +1
*gosub sc2
*set gard +1
*gosub sc2
*label sc2
how else did you spend your free time?
*selectable_if (mining = 0) #minerals (minerals
*set mining +1
*gosub min
*selectable_if (crafting = 0) #trinkets (crafting)
*set crafting +1
*gosub craf
*selectable_if (blsm = 0) #weapons (blacksmithing)
*set blsm +1
*gosub blsm
*selectable_if (fishing = 0) #fishing
*set fishing +1
*gosub fish
*selectable_if (farming = 0) #farming
*set farming +1
*gosub farm
*selectable_if (anwh = 0) #animals (animal whisperer)
*set anwh +1
*gosub anwh
*selectable_if (alc = 0) #science (alchemist)
*set alc +1
*gosub alc
*selectable_if (gard = 0) #gardening
*set gard +1
*gosub gard
*label min
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label craf
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label blsm
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label fish
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label farm
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label anwh
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label alc
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
*label gard
Growing up ores always interested you. You would read books about the different materials across the nation. Part of you wanted to go out mining and find these ores.But you knew you were just a kid and it was dangerous.
The error I keep receiving is line (with selectable_if) of startup: Non-existent command ‘selectable_if’
i used selectable_if during stat selection and it worked fine but when it came to selecting your “occupation” it didn’t work