Nebulas adding a Video Game Writing category!

LEGITIMACY! Or some semblance thereof, anyway.

It has been announced that the Science Fiction Writers of America is beginning a Video Game Writing award, beginning with this year.

Anyone who’s published a COG title and can make an argument for sci-fi or fantasy is already guaranteed membership in SFWA, as we were accepted as a Qualifying Market a few years ago.

But Hosted Games authors can also also qualify by meeting certain criteria.

It does cost $100 a year for dues to be a member of SFWA. The Nebulas–the SFWA awards–are apparently voted on by the members. (Unlike the Hugos, where anyone who pays their $35 can vote.)

I would strongly encourage everyone that can to join so that we can see about getting some nominations and even someday an award!


On that note, any authors that need documentation from me for their application, feel free to ask!


I have been accepted.


Congrats, Jason!
Or, to be old school… “Conga Rats!”
(Let the line dancing ensue.)


Ok! The Game Writing rules were announced last week, and now the nominations are open!

However, I can’t nominate any of our games! The rules clearly state that authors, publishers, agents, and editors can’t nominate “their” games.

But that doesn’t mean that you all all can’t! So, if you’re a member of SFWA, please go here and Like as many of these COG games as you feel appropriate. More importantly, go here and formally nominate whichever (all) of our games you feel are the best of 2018. If you don’t have time to do more than one or two, and you don’t know which to do, I’d encourage you to focus on Choice of Magics.

Please let me know if you have any questions!