Muse: A Life in the Sky

I volunteer, sir! *salute*

@Ajax And I will no doubt keep in mind your willingness! I’m not picking any right now, though. Once I pass the point that I’m willing to demo, that’s when I’ll need testers.

And I’ll be waiting in the wings patiently. *throws_smoke_bomb_and_is_gone* :open_mouth:

Hoy! Wonderful! -clap clap clap clap- I’ve been waitin’ for some skyshippin’!

Will there be different races? (Bird-like race, Average human, war riddled race, etc) I hope you can add it later on.

@trollhunterthethird I cannot disagree more emphatically on that point.

Maybe a race that can even survive the badlands?

@Drazen @trollhunterthethird
I’m going to try to be diplomatic here and say if it fits the setting and general feel of the game then I’m okay with it - if it’s done right. But in the end these are “our” opinions and it’s @Julian928 's decision ultimately - he’s the writer and he knows the setting and atmosphere he wants to achieve.

EDIT: @trollhunterthethird Given that there’s flora and fauna native to the Badlands I guess it’s possible, though I’m guessing they’d be rather bestial/tribal if they’re sentient at all.

I hope Julian is able to do that! will even helped If he asked.

@Ajax Well, yes, of course. I’m simply stating that from what I have seen thus far, any such gaudy additions to the environment would not be beneficial.

This reminds of Carphank’s work, which makes it good, well done =D>

I’m just stating that if the writer has the time and the motivation, I don’t want badly made races!

And personally I share you’re view the minute I see the cop-out description’s like “birdlike” I’ll be the first to chastise someone, but, if it’s done right and the races created are original, with fleshed out cultures and characteristics, and as a whole add to the world created by the writer then I’m all for it.

BTW was anyone else slightly irked by the fact that “Lumin” was “luminescent”? /:slight_smile:

EDIT: @trollhunterthethird Admittedly if @Julian928 hasn’t envisioned this world with other races in it then it’s probably not going to happen but I’m sure he will come up with plenty of other good ideas that may include other races.

No, @Ajax, I just couldn’t stop myself from adding “-iferous Aether” onto the word, whenever I saw it.

Each to their own I guess

This is a wonderfully done introduction, and I can’t even begin to explain how relieved I am to see that you’ve decided to go with a mixed-gender military.

The only real issue I have with anything is that the question of orientation is a bit… jarring, I guess? It just seems very out of place and somewhat pulls away from the flow of the story.

Is there any particular reason it needs to be included in that specific section, or can it be woven in more organically at some later point?

I hate it when all the good games are cruelly left short…

@Bagelthief @MIGHunter @Ajax @Drazen @trollhunterthethird @CS_Closet I love all of you forever just for trying the game. Now, onto responding to FOURTEEN posts. First come, first served.

@Bagelthief I know, right?! This was just waiting there, so untouched!

@trollhunterthethird I will say definitively that there won’t be other playable races. Are there other societies? Certainly. An empire isn’t one if there are no other people. As to a Badlands race, well… *coughTHENOMADScough* Oh, pardon me. I will not confirm or deny that there are people in the Badlands. There is some interesting wildlife that, given several hundred thousand years to evolve, could plausibly become sapient. I’ll also say that one such life form, a Wraith, can threaten an entire shippy. Sure would be a bitch if one attacked the Muse, wouldn’t it? Eh, the odds are so low that it’s downright cinematic.

@MIGHunter Ooh, who’s that?

@Ajax and @Drazen Glad you guys noticed! It makes me more confident in the validity of my references. Just wait until the puns start.

@CS_Closet Well, that was sort of supposed to happen. I’m assuming, though obviously I could be wrong, that when you say it interrupted the flow, you mean it caught you off guard and threw a little loop. I wanted it to feel like “Well, yes, I am quite dangerous. Oh, thank you. Well-- Wait, the f**k’d you just ask me?” If I’m wrong, then by all means, pipe up! I can’t guarantee that I’ll do anything about it, but if enough folks share the sentiment then I will definitely look into it. The only reason it came so suddenly was that I’m starting to introduce potential love interests almost immediately in the next chapter, and they all have variable genders. I don’t want to change my method of introduction, which leaves very little time to make such decisions. I considered doing a subconscious sequence, but that’s something that takes up the entire second chapter of Dis. I also didn’t want to do a character-history cutaway, at least not yet.

In general game news, one of my very good friends has offered her services to do game art gratis, so I’m very excited to show everyone (in the nearish future) the INV Muse as I envisioned it.

Also, I know I put a lot of text into my responses to CS_Closet and trollhunterthethird, but that doesn’t mean I cared less about what anyone else posted. Keep ‘em comin’ at your leisure!

Ah! If it’s an intentional disruption, then you did a good job indeed. I was just a little confused as to whether it was a normal question in-universe or not. There wasn’t much indication one way or another and things went on normally afterwards without much of a reaction from my character.

It’s probably just me not reading properly into it, though. Either way, absolutely no need to change it’s placement.

I wish you luck with with your writing! I’ll remain a willing and happy play-tester/fan/stalk- um, watcher!

@CS_Closet Actually, if you question Lt. Commander Sebastian about it, he does point out that’s it’s part of the paperwork.