Morsus Mihi, Law enforcement game dealing with superhumans (Updated:11/22/18 Episode 1 45% Complete)

Hey friend, I didn’t play the game but I noticed there’s a lot of errors going on. I suggest you try testing it more thoroughly or use QuickTest and RandomTest to find the errors.

With CSIDE you can quickly run these tests to find all errors in your game and then correct them.

To install the save feature in your game, you must activate the option use smPlugin by CJW in dashingdon and then place this line after all the *create commands in your startup file:

*sm_init Morsus_Mihi | 3

(Remember to remove or comment this line when testing in any other place than dashingdon — such as while testing offline — or the game will throw an error; add then back or uncomment when uploading to dashingdon again.)