Model Citizens: Unmasked (WIP - Update March 11, 2022)

Don’t you just hate it when that happens?

Pretty much, yeah. She’s blunt, and she’s not afraid to say something that she knows is true.

I mean, that’s fairly accurate for his and the MC’s past relationship. Rebuilding things in the present is more like…

Well, it’s more like if that tea spilled on the blanket and then the blanket was set on fire and by the time you put it out it was little more than a tea-stained shred and now you’ve both gotta not only restitch that blanket but also find the materials to do so but all of the fabric shops are closed 'cause it’s a holiday and technically you should be enjoying yourselves on this holiday but everything has gone horribly awry.

… There are certainly some… fun times ahead with V.

Shhh, don’t feed my addiction.

Multiple playthroughs, my friend.

You can go for the full heartbreak run.

… I should make that an achievement once I actually start looking into achievements, shouldn’t I?

The most fashionable and dangerous couple in that alternate Nickelport.

Ah, cool. Sounds like a fun time.

Gotta love the matchmaking kitty-cat.

Gotta also love Nickelport’s second ray of sunshine.

… Right.

((It’s usually a pretty safe guess to say that it won’t be perfectly fine when it comes to Nickelport.))


Of course. The logical solution.

What if I put that safe in a safe?

You’ll see! :wink:

The only way to win the game is by buying all the fish in Nickelport and placating her.


I’m holding you responsible for introducing us to a wonderful character :stuck_out_tongue:

Achievement: Maybe in another life


He better be wearing dark blue jeans! Otherwise his wardrobe needs some help too!!

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But will she confess if we don’t move on? I really really really can’t wait to find out why we split up so I can try to make sense of things :thinking:

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Heh, now I’ve got an idea how my alternate mc will let Vince know that he knows Vince is Likewise (if that theory is true).
By dressing up in some Vince’s clothes and dying his hair red. I wonder how Vince would react to that surprise?
Imitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery,right? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I try to reprimand you and you turn it around and say something sweet- now what am I supposed to do? :scream:

Oooh that’s good.

And painful.

Then in that case: he was. :wink:

Mmm… yes. She’ll confess…

But that doesn’t mean she’ll restart the relationship right away.

Like I said, it all has to do with what happened! :grin:

Honestly if the MC dressed up as V as dyed their hair red then V would probably start crying with pride.


Little typo x3 is this going to be an actual scene in the story btw?

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Whoopsie! That’s the result of typing it up in a hurry, I suppose. I’ll fix that right up!

Yes… kinda? The shorts I write are (almost all) gonna be actual scenes in the story. (Save for the Lucy POV). But they’ll be heavily modified from the current form that their in- as they’re all written very linear right now and there would be options within what you’ve read.

So say for the extra-short short I put up just then, there’d be the option to not follow the cat, or to not look through the peephole. So it would change depending on what the MC does in that situation.

Well it does help that V apparently has some very nice clothes in their wardrobe. :wink:


Oh dear :anguished:



The best kind of combination :wink:

Anything for Trixie. I, for one, welcome our new feline overlord


I wanted to do a progress report, but most of my recent work has been sorta flittering between the different scenes that still need things added to them and slowly plowing through Yolanda Waltz’s now somewhat monstrous interview.

So in lieu of the normal ‘here’s the specifics of what I completed’ I thought I’d offer up an approximate word count of how many words have been written so far in the update. (This is including that which I’d talked about in previous progress reports as well).

So, yeah! About 64007 words written in the upcoming update so far. (According to google’s calculator)

… I guess that number doesn’t mean very much without context, but I wanted to keep with my progress reports to keep you all in the loop but I didn’t have very much to say about any one specific scene I focused on this week as it was kinda a ‘jack of all scenes’ week.

If that makes any sense??

True, true. It would be hard to complain while dressing like V. :grin:

That’s… certainly accurate.


And yet I’m not entirely sure the people of that poor Nickelport would agree with you…

You’ll get the good ending, then.


Now I’ve got to see that in-game! If you do have a costumed ball somewhere later on it is settled that the costume of my second mc dating Vincent, will be to go as Vincent Bayer, red hair and all. :grin:

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Update soon? /shot

Take your time! I’m just very excited for when this comes out (like ready to throw my money at you excited) I’m sure whatever heartbreak you have planned is so worth it

//waves tiny support flag

I’m…not sure how to feel about this bit of info :))


That would make a very funny easter egg type thing…

Hmm… alright, I think I can find some way to work that in. We’ll see. :grin:

Aww, thank you! I appreciate the tiny support glad! (And I hope to make the heartbreak worth it!)

My goal is to get the update out as soon as is possible, and while I don’t have a specific time frame I can give you I really dislike the long periods of blankness inbetween each update- which is partially why I enjoy keeping you all up to date with progress reports.

That’s a fair reaction.


I’m more impressed you can give us tiny snippets and oneshots! You spoil us plenty tbh :3c

Please keep up the good work!

(Meanwhile I will be here worrying about the fate about my Raf-mancing MC and hoping for the best)


You can’t even trust the punch to not be spiked with plutonium-239. :unamused:


Now I just gotta get the music perfect…

Safeception! :scream: But aren’t matryoshka safes kind of pointless-- wait I take that back, if you do it right people will get frustrated with going through the safes to get to the innermost safe containing the secret, rage quit because there’s nothing in the innermost safe, or unsuccessfully try to take it. :smiling_imp:

So it’s going to be added in the story? :smiley:

Raw fish isn’t really good for cats, if it’s specifically prepared for cats it isn’t too much of a problem. I mean a tiny bit as a treat every now and then would probably be okay, but if the cat’s primary diet is raw fish it can cause a thiamine deficiency. (source)


I’m always happy to spoil! (Just ask my dog.)

I’ll do my best!!

Well, I mean…

Good Luck With That

05 PM

I mean, it keeps the parties lively at least.


Maybe make a kidnapping playlist so that it’s not just one song on repeat?

Exactly. See? This plan will work flawlessly.

Like I said: You’ll see! :grin:

It’s the thought that counts? Besides, she probably has her own personal chef (coughcoughRafcoughcough)



Like this?

(Tbh if that’s the case, I wouldn’t mind him being my personal chef too)

Jeez at this rate I might just end up starting another playlist or two

But right now I only have a small collection unrelated songs (when I have more, I’m absolutely having Womanizer by Britney Spears and Dance with Me from Ra Ra Riot for Ricky)

Anyways, I found a song that made me think of the angstier bits of MC and the Exes (works for either of them)

This one too

Foxtrot, whoever they may be?

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What’s wrong with the people of Nickelport 0_0

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I mean, I wouldn’t complain.

Also- those all work so well! (And woah their voices are so pretty!)

Life gets weird when you start having superhero insurance.

Let’s just say that the MC isn’t having a very fun time right now with what I’m writing.