Minigames in Choice of Games titles

It isn’t actually any kind of anagram–I don’t know why I thought it was when I called it that. It’s really just a “guess the letters” game.

I was going to go back and update it so it made more sense, but I’ve picked up a few dayjob projects so I think I’m just going to scrap that particular one!

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We need an implementation of Wordle in Choicescript!

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We’d need to find a way to colorize text on CS first :slight_smile:

There are a few ways. You could create 26 images for the letters, in three sets with different colors, and show them with the image tag. Or you could use a little Javascript. Or you could use multiple fonts and weights (italic, bold). There was also a little library that would convert the text into other fonts like gothic etc (I can’t find it now, maybe @cup_half_empty remembers it).


This one?

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Quite scary to think about the loading time :slight_smile: it would be really slow on old phones and totally unreadable with screen readers.

If you look at some of my games, you’d be surprised what modern browsers can do. :grinning:

RacetraCS: Car Racing Game or Two-player 3D game demo: The Dungeon of Lamurloq (first-person POV dungeon crawler)

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It doesn’t work

You may have to choose “desktop mode” on your phone’s browser.