May 2021's Writer's Support Thread

I agree with @CC_Hill stealth can be important in that manner. Maybe you could even split up combat? My last WIP I released was my first game I even attempted stat checks with.

I didn’t click on the thread, but I would assume I used something similar to what @AChubbyBlackCat shared here

You can do more than one stat check for an interaction to take place. Like:
*if ((stealth <65) and (combat >=65))
You attempt to sneak up on the guards but you are caught. You managed to knock them out before they can raise an alarm.
*goto next

I’m on my phone so I don’t know if the proper indentions will show up. But with combining stat checks you can have different results, like if stealth is >=65 you are successful at sneaking up to them and if combat is <65 but you struggle to knock them out. Etc.