Mass updates on steam

The problem is that I’m doing these mass updates automatically, via Steam’s API. As far as I know, there’s no way for me to write code to add release notes. I’d have to go in to each and every game, copy and paste in the release notes, and submit patch notes, a few hundred times.

I’ve posted about this on the Steamworks developer forum. If there’s a way to do this, hopefully someone there can tell me what it is. But, until then, mass releases like these with minor changes just won’t be able to have release notes.

As for what’s in these updates, yes, indeed, we’ve added keyboard shortcuts, and improved controller support on Steam Deck. New in ChoiceScript: Keyboard Shortcuts, Disable Touch-Slide Controls

I did that to improve the experience on Steam Deck. The Steam Deck’s screen is about 3.7 inches tall (9.4cm). Showing the title of the game on every screen consumes precious vertical screen space.

(Plus, it’s very rare, almost unheard of, for other games to have the title of the game large and visible on screen at all times, even other interactive fiction games on Steam.)

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