March 2021's Writer Support Thread


I was actually pretty good in cutting down the scope of the game - it was just that the planning phase ended up taking half the time! I just find it so easy to distract myself with nonsense.

I could submit my game without an ending, it would fit the theme of my game and the topic of the contest very well.


It is something you end up learning from experience. Next jam or contest will be easier for you planning. Thatā€™s the reason why I cheer up everyone to trying jams and contests. It is a good way to learning how deal with stress, dealines and planning without lost the same as if you actually publishing it.


March is going well this far. Sure, my wordcount total is probably only at a few hundred words, but Iā€™ve done two writing sessions on the Halloween game from Maraā€™s writing jam now. Last month I tried, but didnā€™t know where to start or what to do, so itā€™s definitely progress.


Making a late push to at least get to my secondary goal of 10,000 words. 3,000 to go so it will be a hard thing to manage. I want it on the record now that if I fail, @Brian_Rushton gets part of the blame.


??? oh noā€¦lol

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I finished Knights of the Old Republic 2 the other day (still a terrific game, still a lousy ending) and next up on my docket for an iPhone game was the campaign you mentioned you had made for Wesnoth. I should have been out her trying to write like an hour ago! Instead I was trying to keep those bony buggers from wiping out my newly minted team of fire drakes and leveling up my first pair of Saurian Ambushers.


Thanks, thatā€™s so kind of you to say! Iā€™ll have to port that to 1.16 when it comes out


End of the month check-in. I have not met my two sentences per day goal for fiction writing, but I focused on other types of writing (mainly for employment purposes so cover letters, resumes, etc.).

I need to exercise my discipline to sit down everyday and write and overpower my perfectionist tendencies. Iā€™m still not sure if Iā€™ll able to reach my goal of releasing a substantial demo (20k words or more) by the end of 2021 but weā€™ll see.

Hereā€™s to April! :tada: :sunflower:


Well here I am after dropping off the map for forever again. Figured I just needed to throw myself into the deep end and just release something so that I had some motivation to update every day. So, following that goal, I decided to put my main project on pause because I donā€™t have the energy to plan stories right now. Instead I just released a demo a couple hours after coming up with the concept for it and I have it posted now! I will be pushing myself to update it every day, no matter how small the update is. Iā€™d like to finish the prologue by the end of the week, with a stretch goal of finishing by the time the April support thread comes around :smiley:


lmao, this guy.

i did finish the draft up to the ending, which there areā€¦ twelve, with five of them having slightly-different variations. So, seventeen total. Next month Iā€™ll complete those, and then Revising (of which i already have a list of two dozen things to fix. Yikes!)

it is what it is! but iā€™d like to have it done and ready for beta readers by the end of april. we will see how that goes!


Hey thatā€™s still a ton of progress! The end is in sight, so congrats!


Iā€™m quite happy with how this month ended. Took a break for one week after updating my WIP, and I feel ready to get back to writing again. It has received positive feedbacks so far. And well, just hoping I can maintain it until the end. Plus, the next chapter will be quite a challenge to write, so good luck to me, I guess.


Posted the latest chapter (even as rough draft) that took me over 3 months to write. What used to be 2 weeks per new chapter is probably 2+ months per new chapter from now to who knows when it will finish. :joy: :triumph:
Still many continuity bugs to catchā€¦ :pray: (secretly want to just move on to next chapters of branching nightmare, hahaā€¦ :sweat_smile: )
Thank you @Jayffel for your thoughtful engagement of the content and valuable feedback. :heart: @CC_Hill Donā€™t read update yet it doesnā€™t have the stuff you want. :grin: :dog: @Jackpot1776 Hope you are managing scope-creep well this time, but even if not the branching can be pruned. :scissors: Thank you all for your support.

Best wishes to everyone struggling with pushing through difficult/unenjoyable parts of oneā€™s writing. :tea: Take walks, naps, do chores, the brain is still working on ideas even when one might not be actively writingā€¦


Congrats on the update, the good part is you are writing :slight_smile:


Never stop writing! I am waiting for the final verdict about my very first Hosted Game.

Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:


My goal is simple

  • forge my skills of writing the best I can

I am 17k without code in the Contest game. So I think I can finish it on time, fingers crossed. But I suppose due I am a slow writer my game will be the shortest one on the contest.


Good luck!


Donā€™t worry about being the shortest - Iā€™m way behind you and have been mostly writing nonsense.
Probably wonā€™t manage to get it in a state to submit for the contest either.


My advice as participant in lots of events, it is present the game even if you tell the judges donā€™t make score public and go off contest.

Because Their feedback will be key to helping you to improve.

I promise you that I will get you all feedback I can when the games are public!

We are all here in same page, trying to improve ourselves.