We don’t normally do formal beta tests for Hosted Games, but this is a special case.
Please send me an email for access! jason AT choiceofgames DOT com
You play a clockwork android in a Renaissance-Italy like world.
We don’t normally do formal beta tests for Hosted Games, but this is a special case.
Please send me an email for access! jason AT choiceofgames DOT com
You play a clockwork android in a Renaissance-Italy like world.
New draft up!
Thanks for the reports so far, everyone. In this new version I’ve fixed all the bugs found yesterday, and added more to some conversations across the story as well as the flashback at the top of Chapter Four.
New draft up!
New draft up!
I’ve gotten to most of the reports by now. (Not all of yours, @snowpanther! The small issues, at least, are easy enough to fix.)
Besides small bugfixes all over and reworking the flashbacks, the biggest change is more exposition added early on. To avoid the infodump feeling, I’ve tried to space it out and only really detail factions as they’re first encountered. If you’ve tried it out before, I’d appreciate playing the new version and seeing if this extra explanation helps alleviate confusion/directionlessness at the start.
Thanks, everyone!
New draft uploaded!