Love Undying: A Kiss Before Dawn - HEART'S CHOICE - BETA CLOSED

Pursue romance, power and politics as a vampire in Victorian England! You have arrived on these windswept shores seeking a new home for yourself. Will you find love and acceptance here, or be driven out for good?

After an angry mob forced you from your European home, you have fled to England in search of a fresh start. The Cornish village of Boscawen is bleak and beautiful, quiet enough to hide in—or so it seems at first. Danger lurks everywhere on these clifftops, from the vampire hunter who has followed you across continents to the established coven whose territory you have invaded.

Your actions will decide whether you have found a place of safety, or merely another viper’s nest. Will you protect yourself by exercising intelligence and restraint, or lean in to your physical power and brute instincts? Is safeguarding your personal interests paramount, or will you stand up for others at your own risk?

Though you have walked the Earth for a century, you have done so alone—until now. Who will capture your immortal heart? Your loyal familiar, who nurses a secret ambition of his own? The village priest, determined to improve the lives of his flock? The leader of the local coven, as dangerous as she is beautiful? Or will your long-standing rivalry with a vampire hunter transform into something entirely different?

This is a Heart’s Choice game. It is not connected to any of the VTM games.

The PC is gender-variable. There are four ROs: two male and two female. This game is rated 2 out of 5 chili peppers on the updated HC scale.

Directions for beta testing:

  • First, read the Beta FAQ if this is your first time testing: Beta Testing FAQs - Please Read Before Applying!
  • Then, email us, beta AT choiceofgames for access.
    DO NOT POST ASKING WHAT THE BETA EMAIL ADDRESS IS. The first test to becoming a beta tester is inferring what it is based on how we describe it above.
    Do not send DMs/PMs through the forum mail system, Discord, text message, carrier pigeon, or any other method than email.
  • When you send your EMAIL, include:
    • the game you want to test in the Subject line of the email.
    • your forum-name
    • your real name (first and last).
      Please indicate if your family/surname comes first as well. Beta testers’ names are listed in the game’s credits, which are accessed with the “About” link you’ll see within the game. If you don’t want to appear in the credits, or you want to be credited under a name other than your real one, please let us know.
  • Do not email us multiple times about joining a beta. If you don’t email us as soon as we post a beta, you go into a queue. As we post new drafts, we admit more people from the queue. Eventually, we will get to you. Some beta processes last longer than others, and it may take up to a few weeks to reach the front of the queue.
  • When you have been admitted to the beta, we will send you a link, a username, and a password as a reply to your email.
  • If you have tested before, do not use the same password that you used to test any previous game. This game has a different password.

When you have feedback to submit:

  • Return feedback as part of the same email thread where you were admitted. Copying beta@choiceofgames on that email is the best way to make sure your comments are seen as soon as possible.
  • Please send screenshots or copy/pasted quotes whenever you can; it helps us track down whatever observation you’re making. In particular, the author may see things that you don’t, and/or the screenshot may contain more information than you realize.
  • If you’re submitting feedback using the Bug/Submit button in the game, make sure you include your handle/name in the body of the email. The Submit button obscures your email address, and I can’t give you credit for feedback if I don’t know who you are.

A few more notes:

  • You cannot be testing two games at once. If you are already testing one game, send in feedback on that game before you apply to another. If you apply for multiple games at the same time, you will likely be admitted first to whichever game has testing slots open up first, and we won’t be able to admit you to the other one until you send in your comments for that one. (From an admin standpoint, it’s easiest if you don’t apply to more than one game at once – applying to multiple games makes it more likely that we’ll miss admitting you to one of them.)
  • If you’re admitted as a tester but realize you won’t be able to send in feedback for that game, please let us know! You won’t be penalized in any way - we’ll just take you off the list of testers for that game. But if you sign up to test a game and don’t send comments or withdraw, it will affect your chances of being admitted to future betas.
  • There’s no standard length of time for a beta testing period to last, and we usually don’t know exactly how long a game will be in beta when it opens. The best way to know how long a beta will be open is to follow the thread for updates.
  • It’s fine to send multiple feedback emails, but if you have a lot of quick comments, it’s easier to keep track of them if you bundle them into one email.

Tips on How to Give Feedback
We’re looking for “high level” and “low level” feedback. Not mid-level feedback.

  • Low-level = typos and continuity errors. A continuity error is when a character’s gender flips, or someone comes back from the dead, or you run into a plotline that just doesn’t make sense (because it’s probably a coding error). For these low-level issues, screenshots are very helpful. If you see a problem, take a screenshot, or copy and paste the text that is in error, and email that.
  • “High level” feedback has to do with things like plot, pacing, and characters. “Scene A didn’t work for me because x, y, and z,” is useful feedback. “B character was entirely unsympathetic, because u, w, and v,” is also useful feedback.
  • “Mid-level” feedback describes things like grammar, style, word choice, or the use of commas. As I said above, I do not want mid-level feedback. In particular, DO NOT WRITE TO ME ABOUT COMMAS.

Be SPECIFIC in your feedback. General comments like “I had a great time and saw only a few spelling errors,” is not useful feedback. In fact, it’s the sort of thing that results in you not being given access to future betas.

Some examples of useful feedback:

  • In Choice of the Dragon, you get to choose what type of wings you have: leather or scaled. Someone wrote in and asked about having feathered wings. Great suggestion! Done!
  • In “The Eagle’s Heir,” someone asked about Eugenie. They said that the romance moved too quickly–because she only appeared in the last third of the game–and wished they could have had an opportunity to meet her earlier. So the authors added an opportunity to meet her and start the romance earlier in the game (in a scene that already existed).
  • In “Demon Mark: A Russian Saga” several people commented on how the PC’s parents were unsympathetic, so the authors added a choice or two to deepen the relationship with the parents in the first chapter, to help better establish their characters.
  • Pointing out a specific choice and saying, “this is who I imagined my character was at this particular moment, and none of these options seemed right for me. I would have liked an option to do X instead,” is also really helpful feedback.
  • If you choose an option and then the results of that option don’t make sense. Like, if you thought an option might test one stat, but it seems to have tested a different one.

New draft, v49803! Changelog:

  • All reported typos fixed
  • Changed a line in Ch6 to sound more period-appropriate
  • Changed phrasing of choices in Ch4 and Ch8 to clarify the skills being tested
  • Changed dialogue in Ch5 to avoid similarity with earlier text
  • Reduced threshold for all skill/trait checks in Ch4-9 by 5% in response to feedback that many tests were too difficult to pass (relationship and secondary skill tests remain the same) - can keep tweaking this in response to further feedback
  • Stats definition page added to choicescript_stats
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New draft, v50281! Changelog:

  • All reported typos fixed
  • Sylvain confrontation failure text in Ch8 adjusted to allow for different relationships with PC
  • Lowered success threshold of florel test in Ch3
  • Tweaked some text for period-accuracy

New draft, v50289! Changelog:

  • All typos fixed
  • Majority of stat test thresholds reduced
  • Adjusted multireplace flavour text and final disposition subroutines to reflect new thresholds
  • Many Suspicion penalties for failed tests reduced
  • Bumped up a number of Skill increases
  • Split stat definitions into different screens
  • Toned down some of the phrasing in the Florescu romance route
  • Adjusted covjoin/vigilante test text in Ch10 to make conditions clearer
  • Adjusted text in Ch1 to make Florescu romance choice clearer
  • Added line about PC bathing dirt off before bed in Ch1
  • Added option in Ch4 to reflect PC wishing to hunt with the coven to learn more about them
  • Stopped wmfinish label in Ch4 executing twice
  • Adjusted text about flying’s impact on clothing in Ch7

New draft, v50318! Changelog:

  • All typos fixed
  • Phrasing for ‘attacked by friend’ option in Ch2 edited for clarity
  • Bug where Sensible/Theatrical increases were the wrong way round in Ch4 fixed
  • Background set bug fixed in Ch2

We’re moving toward the end of this beta - please send in any remaining feedback as soon as you can!

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New draft!


  • Tweaked a few phrases throughout for continuity
  • Changed the faction approval achievements to present tense
  • Changed text in Ch2 so players with South American heritage fled to Egypt instead of Brazil
  • Changed text in Ch3 to better reflect either outcome of the discussion with Florescu
  • Changed phrasing in the ‘remaining hours of darkness’ choice in Ch4 to clarify stats tested
  • Dropped threshold for Florescu vouching for you in Ch6 from 55% to 45%
  • Ch4 expanded convo with Sylvain
  • Ch5 expanded convo with Alvarez
  • Ch9 expanded convo with Jowanet

New draft, v50351! Changelog:

  • Fixed typo in Ch2
  • Expanded romance endings added to Ch11 epilogue

New draft, v50851! Changelog:

  • All typos fixed
  • Phrasing in Ch1 changed to clarify that the Silent Woman is the public house

The beta will be ending this week - please get any final feedback in in the next few days!

The beta is now closed! Thanks so much to everyone who sent in their feedback.

And since the art wasn’t ready when we first posted the beta thread, here’s a taste now!



This game will be released this Thursday, May 23!
You can play the first two chapters for free today here: Love Undying: A Kiss Before Dawn