Lost in your eyes (WIP) [3 Ch, 210K words] [Vampires/Romance/Dark Fantasy, supernatural]

Fixed anndddd


Also, I just thought it was a good idea, but Imma do the same lottery system where you can read a Patreon story, This time, instead of a Patreon exclusive story (since I couldn’t write a short story), you’ll get Patreon Exclusive content! This means you’ll be able to read all 190K at the end of the 15th. The rules are the same as always, comment and you’ll enter!


Howdy, got this after motivating Alice.

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Be me:

> *Finishes quick testing and random testing at night*
> *releases*
>*Awesome person shows error*
>*goes back and does quick/Random tests*
>*Looks inside*
> *Shit load of errors*

Any who! It’s fixed! (Or at least that’s what the choice script editor says)


Yeah, it be like that sometimes. Speaking of, got this woth the second choice option.

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Aight, it shouldddd be perfect now. Ran 500 random tests 4 times to make it 2K random playthrough (Flawless logic Amiright?) But it shoulddd work perfectly right now. I’m so SO sorry you had to encounter them again and again >.<


It’s fine. Not called a work in progress for nothing, can’t account for everything.

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Save feature gone? Many sad🥲

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Thanks!! <3

Oh woops, that was my fault there lmao, Save feature Added!


Excuse me but WHAT THE HELL

images (97)


Me naming my character Valentine, nickname Vale then coming here to look at the RO list…HUGE SIIGHHH. Lmao

“you could see that he was fighting back the urge to smack the goofy out of you.”

Mann what :joy: :joy: Not the goofy.

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I errr… Umm… Uhh…

Lmao, I was actually gonna implement that if you had the same name, it’d cause confusion, surprises or in Vale/Valerie’s case, just out right joy, though I was advised against it since I’m already an incredibly slow writer and that it’d just put more work.

You may see more of it once the book is finished though!


My day now ruined, and i am death while crying in bed sheet


Typos and other errors

You remembered Natasha grumbling when she was trying to teach Alice to sleep alone. “That ought to keep you asleep you big baby!” She used to say after giving him a pillow. She always needed something to hug.

The room was barren s1ave for two beds, one occupied by you two and the other empty. Your gaze drifted across the cream-colored barren walls until you found two doors. One that was slightly opened and showed the telltale signs of a toilet, and the other that probably led outside. Not needing to use the restroom yet, you made your way to the other door.

Should be her and save

Taking a deep breath, you approached her and gently placed your palms on the poor girl’s shoulder. A heartwarming smile crept across your face as you gave her a reassuring squeeze, hoping to comfort him in any way you could

Should be her

Your whole body went rigid. Alice opened his mouth but Vigil quickly continued. “For decades, there has been a war between the supernaturals and the followers of church. Since we’ve gone into hiding, it only shows who won.”

Should be her

Alice cleared his throat, awkwardly scratching her arm. “Did—” She paused, trying to find the right words. “Did they ever mention us?”

Vigil despondent look faded into amusement. “Oh they did. Quite a lot too. Nathan was quite proud of you Alina. I don’t know what your relationship with him was like, but you were the reasons he went through so much. And Naasha.” You were surprised with his melancholic chuckle.

Should be her and reason

“I don’t exactly know.” Vigil said uncertainly. “All I know is that they want to make sure those who are living blissfully, ignorant.”

Wording is a bit confusing, probably would be better to add “remain ignorant” or similar

"Yes sir. You nodded."

Quotation marks misplaced

Alice nodded. “Yep, yep. You guys got all those bruises from playing soccer?” Your blond-haired friend asked with a cheerful smile of his own.

Should be her

“Alina? is everything okay?” She whispered and walked over to you. Her cupped your cheeks with those soft hands of her, the same way your dad did when ever you felt dejected.

Should be she

You were strong, you knew you were, but all this was just too much. Your father was ripped away from your life, Alice mum gave you to a stranger you don’t know, and now?

Should be A’s mum

Her’s thoughts soon wandered over to her childhood friend and wondered if Alina was doing alright, whether she was sleeping alright.

Should be her

“Nghhhh!!!” That was you pathetically trying to stifle a scream burying your face into your friend’s chest. As much as you enjoyed Marcus having your back, you didn’t enjoy the surprise medical care that you got, especially when it sent a flash of searing red hot pain through your body!

Slip up on M’s name, the option for their gender is in the same page so probably need to change to they

“I understand Alinam You just… want me to grow up and focus on our world right?” He said with a pained smile and you could feel the sadness behind his tone. To be cursed to live in a world where you don’t know whether you’ll live the next day or not.

You sighed and then looked at the ground, and felt his hands around your shoulder. “I know you didn’t mean too bad okay? Please don’t worry about it” the vampire said, eyes soft and gazing at yours and you nodded. “Right, sorry,” You said, your own smile peeking out from behind the worrisome look. *goto harshdude

The silence was suddenly cut short when a voice chimed in close to the door and Vigil called you both in. "Well… there ain’t no rest for the wicked " You looked at him and shrugged before walking in. Thankfully your whole body had healed from yesterday’s fight.

Typo on MC’s name and code passage on the wild

You were perverted

You looked at your sexy vampire partner and shrugged. If they wanted to give you an eye candy so you wouldn’t bore yourself then why not.

Nothing much, other than the stunning sight of Marcus’s toned and curvaceous body, glistening with sweat as he gracefully executed a series of acrobatic manoeuvres on a lifting bar. Twirling, jumping, and catching hoops with precision and ease, every movement display his feminine form in all it’s glory. Your thoughts were impure.

You stealthily approached him from behind before grabbing his hips. Marcus let out a startled yelp, and jumped forward and you burst out giggling.

The blasphemy with my pure 66% MC D: *shakes head*

As you both stood close to each other, your heart couldn’t help but race at the thought of he possibly trying to make a move on you. With two hugs already under your belt, your mind started to fill with ideas. You could feel your cheeks heating up at the thought of it, and you couldn’t help but feel shy. You tried to compose yourself, and with a meek voice, he managed to say “Thanks,” The words sounding sweeter coming from his lips. Just as things were starting to get steamy, "Michael’s voice echoed through the hallway, causing both of you to jump out of your comfortable embrace. “Hey lovebirds!” he exclaimed, drawing the attention of everyone in the gym. You shot him an annoyed look, but he just chuckled and gave you two a cheeky grin. “Sorry to interrupt the love fest, but how about we work out a little? If not, Give us single guys and gals some breathing place and get a room.” He winked with a teasing smile and you rolled your eyes at the man before turning to Blaine.

Quotation marks misplaced

“Hey! how are you still holding up after… what happened to Alice? I know it’s been a while but I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep in touch with you. Especially when you needed your freinds.” Sagittarius whispered, Putting his hand on your shoulder and giving you a squeeze. Kate gave you an equally sympathetic look.

Should be friends

Of course, It wasn’t because he loved the girl, Such a thought disgusted him. Feelings were nothing but a nuisance, a hindrance in a goal. Vigil had ordered his to make Alina fall for him. To use any means necessary for the sake of not just their race, but for the Alina herself.

Should be him and no the referring to MC

The boy was turning into an emotional wreck as His realized that his was losing the person he…

Should be he and he. Or alternatively to not repeat he so much, could rephrase it as: as realization hit him/her that he/she was losing the person he/she…

Continuity error when rejected Blane on low affection and checking on the code it was due to the option “turned away, knowing cutting him loose is for the best.:heart:” (and excuse me being nosy but- there’s a angst variable?! That isn’t used after?! I beg of you for content for it pretty please :face_holding_back_tears:)

The fact that Marcus had the courage to confess his feelings to you was… intriguing. Although you declined their advances, it did add a layer of complexity to your relationship. Could you really trust him to do the right thing in the future? Oh well, you never really cared much about any one’s feelings anyway. What mattered the most was finishing the mission.

Depending on whenever rejected or not that may count as continuity error since it will appear on both paths

Your cheeks started to warm up at his outfit. How was it that $Despite being in awe, you remained frozen and speechless, like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle. However, in this case, the impact Marcus was about to make was even greater impact.

Wild $

Marcus’ssually shy demeanor transform into pure joy. he shyly grabbed your hands, but with a burst of excitement, pulled you towards the photo booth, his smile stretching from ear to ear. It was adorable seeing a usually timid boy unable to contain the happiness that you just gave him.

Should be Marcus/Melissa’s usually

The camera made a whirring noise as two pictures were produced, One to be hanged while the other to be kept. “I think this will be a good picture to hand one to Jazz don’t you think?” Marcus asked with an innocent smile and you You smiled and walked over to jazz, your cheeks still warm from what just happened. “Oh hey! Did you enjoy the Booth- OH MY GOD!!” Jazz almost screamed in in joy as she looked at the picture.

Double you’s

You chuckled at that, Remembering that even you had a gaming PC at home. But you went to missions so often, You barely had the time to indulge yourself in playing.

Possible continuity error, I don’t remember minimalist room MC having a PC much less a gaming one

“Wow,” {Bhe} breathed. Both of you taking in the scene before you. Multiple spotlights were waving left and right before they settled on you both. You froze up, remembering that one mission where you and Marcus had to assassinate someone in prison but the feeling of his fingers intertwining against yours pulled you out of your thoughts.

Leftover code

Beside you Marcus just kept touching the rim of the glass, drawing circles on it. “What are you doing?” You asked the timid boy only for him to perk up. “Oh! I was… I’m a bit nervous about trying out Vodka, is all.” he chuckled nervously, making you smile a bit. “You don’t have to write it if you don’t want to you know.”

Probably should be drink

Alice rubbed his cheek against the back of your hand. “Thanks Alina,” Marcus murmured softly.

"You don’t look fine Marcus?. You kept your tone gentle.

Should be Blane’s name and missing end of quotation marks at end of question mark

When leaving on the mission and Vigil talks about what name to choose, the option “A fake name.” gives the error: “chapter_3 line 603: It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.”

Vale turned towards you with a smug smile playing across his lips once you entered the room which made your stomach twist in knots. “You guys had fun?” he purred seductively, sending a shiver down your spine. Marcus’s face contorted with anger but he knew better to keep falling into Vale;s trap again and again.

Should be Vale’s

It was a few days ago that Vigil told you about your mission. The details were hazy, but you knew it was about finding your parents. Vigil had warned you not to tell Alice, but you couldn’t keep it from her. You couldn’t deny her the chance to help save her own parents. And so, Alice had burst into the room, hand in yours, pleading with Vigil to let him join you. After much persuasion, Vigil had finally relented, and you were now on this dangerous mission together.

Should be her


I wheezed at that XD Sorry for the mistake! Fixed now :heart:

Heh, this will go in the Poly route. Can’t say much for now because of spoilers but if you decide to kiss one of the other three RO’s then, well, let’s just say Blaine’s going to be a little more than heart broken. Got a few things planned for that!

Other then that, almost all of them are fixed! Thank you so SO much for your help! I hope you have a wonderful weekend :heavy_heart_exclamation:


U finally did Blaine justice with the update. All us Blaine fans are thankful for it.

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Okay, so this week was WILD! I have a niece AND a nephew lmao, so that’s kind of awesome. (Dunno if you guys would like to know but I’m happy and it’s always good to share happiness XD) but yeah, since that happened, the first few days were HECTIC I won’t go to the details but yeah, it was pretty fun ngl. HOWEVER

I’m not here to make excuses, I’m here to share achievements! >:3 I spent a few sleepless nights (Mainly on friday and saturday and slept lots on sunday but also wrote lots too) and the goal was complete!

The goal of getting to 186K words this week was completed! The book is now sitting at 186K words!

I introduced the new RO’s! Tying up some knots to make it more presentable. Here’s a sneak peak of John and Elizabeth.

They both have different personalities and also different sets of clothing XD John’s a bit, as mentioned above, kind and a lil bit controlling while Elizabeth is uhhh… She’s a bit wild with a motherly side. She’s harsh, not exactly controlling but yeah, she’s uhh… she’s something. You’ll love her though (hopefully XD)

That’s pretty much it! Just got done with Writing John’s side of the encounter and all’s that’s left is writing Elizabeth’s which means it’ll take me abouuutttt 2-3 days I guess? After that, working on FDS!




The patreon version is now up! Sorry for taking too long, I’d blame my irl issues and ailments but you guys already know I’m not one to back down.

As promised, I’ll take two days of rest (Not that I have any choice seeing I suffered from a heat stroke and now got rashes all over my body. On top of that I’m sick enough to copy paste this from my discord channel then come up w it h something original) so yeah!

The following things are in the patreon version:

  1. Find out the fate of Blaine!
  1. The new ROs have finally been introduced
  1. A small interlude which shows Al. Who’s Al? Why do they know the MC? The plot thiccens
  1. Elizabeth and John are two different gender choosable characters! Each with their own slightly different personality and widely different coping mechanisms.
  1. The patreon version is close to 195K long! Yes, I jumped from 186 to 195 in 5 days so yes, I lost a lotta sleep lol. If it wasn’t heat stroke and rashes, I’d have reached 196 or 197K something but blegh.

Anyways, I got my results back and unsurprisingly I literally got A’s in 3 subject, B’s in 2, and failed accounting for the third time in a row (Man, fudge accountings :/)


Hopefully you can get a better score in accounting, but again if you need to study do it instead of making a story. :heart:
And wow how to you get amazing scores in 5 subjects and balancing 2 stories and the same time??? :laughing:


It’s funny because the only way I usually wind down and relax is when I’m writing XD plus I am guilty of writing when there were exams going on :sweat_smile:

They’re Computer science and management so they’re easy because I can just give it a once over and remember most if not all, not to mention I have a whole schedule made (Since I also have a job (Which helps with the studies believe it or not lmao) and tutor two kids hence the bad writing at different places cause I usually end up writing at like 2 am XD) so yeah, a schedule (And self made weekly goals) goes a long way if have a lot to do :heart: