Live Wire -- Android WIP

This game sounds awesome so far :smiley:

Shoelip, either way, it’s a good movie

ROBOTS! I love robots, this WIP makes me so happy. I especially love that each android has its own functions like how the P.A.T.T. can detect the specific temperature whereas the Droid 243 can scan for viruses.

I found a few errors, but they’re not huge or anything:

CPA v4:
Even more strange, you no longer feel bound to Jax. Isn’t his name Dax?

You run a quick scan that consludes that your body heat is at 37 C Shouldn’t the ° symbol be here? Or the word degrees?
Also, typically the core body temperature is 37°C whereas the external temperature would be slightly cooler. Having an external temperature of 37°C would be too warm for human comfort, I think.

Droid 243:
which may be why he is made to work so often
Doing his projects is not your prerogative, as you are meant to create hovercraft not help.
These two need rephrasing, maybe? :slight_smile:

@SpaceLesbian Oh no! You need to write that game! I want to play an android game, too! =(( COUGHCOUGH. Being a turncoat may or may not be one of the options. Oh, any btw, I messed up in the description. The city is called Trinity, and the organization that’s after you is Zion. Whoops!

@Bloodhawkreaper Thank you so much!

@heyyoungblood Thanks! Haha, I like them as well. I’ve never been that into space operas, but I like film noir sort of stuff, so cyberpunk is the only sci fi for me.

Haha, his name is Dax. I almost named the other guy Destin, and I didn’t want two D’s. I liked Dax better than Jax, though, so I changed it back :wink: I did use the core body temperature, but you’re right, choosing external would be better. I’ll fix everything in the next update! Thanks again.

This vaguely reminds me of an old WIP someone here did a while back with a similar concept. I can’t remember what it was called, though.

@RagEgnite, Someone did mention that earlier

@Doctor It’s impossible to dictate tone on the internet, so all I can say is that reiteration is fun.

@RagEgnite, Someone did mention that earlier

You mean dare to dream?

@8, Does the link to that one still work?

@Doctor Yeah I tried it yesterday, and it says wolf was online may 3rd
Link to the link

Yep, that’s Uncanny Valley, when something looks almost human, but not enough, so that the result becomes very unsettling. With Conformity, unless you get a hardware change, I assume it’s how your robot acts? Like, low Conformity, forgets to swing arms while walking or running? High Conformity, does tiny little quirks like scratching their arm?

Hey guys, just wanted to say this is still being worked on. The busiest part of the season is almost over, and I have a lot more time off. No more overtime! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I’ll have finished the P.A.T.T origin by this time next week, or a little after.

*still alive plays in the distance*

@Pendrew Yes, exactly! You can get a hardware change if you make enough money, but you can also up your conformity through learning. Once I’m done with the origins, there is a scene where you can customize your stats a bit more.

It’s alive!

Loved it so far ! :wink:

I love the concept.


What choices i will face, what outcomes will i bring!?

Will i be able to liberate my other robot bretheren? Escape and create a society of our own to live in peace away from our chaotic creators?

Or will I Destroy them?

—Kinda reminds me of mass effect…i kinda like some geth tech, they have sleek and cool looking stuff

I will be Bender so Trinity can bite my shiny metal ass

Would be nice if it were long though. But nice work so far! :blush:

So will we upgrade/customize our bodies?