Knights of Venus - 37k word Mech WIP - Updated 05/16/24

time to play as Literally Him (koschei)
praying for more sunny content


Ty all for the kind words! Just dropping in real quick to say that the Dash demo is now up as well.


Liked this quite a bit.

Some thoughts:

  1. Getting to take Koschei’s name because he’s the Deathless is cool enough that I’ll probably never pick anything else.
  2. A few more call signs in the selection list might be nice, though. Naming things on the spur of the moment can be hard for people. Same with the armature.
  3. Diana seems awful. I love her.

If you refuse David’s offer, does the game ends right there or do you get another opportunity for something new? And regarding the callsign. Ngl, I was real tempted to type in Raven since I’ve beaten Armored Core 6 before.

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Yes, it goes to a bad end.

Go for it! I’ve beaten AC6 and the other games uh… a few times, there’s acknowledgement for Ravens and Lynxes.


I haven’t gotten far yet so idk all of the customization options or whatever but will some armature options include tails, claws, wings, etc? Cause the callsign I entered was Drakaina which basically means a female serpent or dragon and was wondering if it was possible to have my armature look similar to it in the future?

Stabbed a corpo in the back (through the turret ring, more precisely), gambled into a better payout than the mad scientist arms manufacturers. Also Lei wins the award for cutest character this update. 10/10 would fail babysitting job again


aren’t I still in an IA, not a CA?


Is anyone else getting Armored Core vibes-Ohhhhh, CA.

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For your armature? No. These are decently grounded robots, nothing too insane on them.

Now for the player…. IDK. These who’ve checked my notes in the code will know I’m considering some weirder mods and augments for the MC, we’ll see what makes it in.

You are indeed, good catch.

I wear my influences on my sleeve :sweat_smile:


@apple found this:

prologue line 1022: It is illegal to fall in to an *else statement; you must *goto or *finish before the end of the indented block.

That’s very weird, should be covered by Implicit Control Flow. I’m not quite sure what the issue is, are you playing on Dash or CoGDemos?

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i selected that dash demo link for the recent update.

Unfortunately, I can’t seem to replicate this bug. I’m really not sure what the issue is.

In other news, I realized I forgot to disable reuse on the equipment loop. I’ve patched it on my end, but I’m not gonna push an update until I find/have more stuff reported. If you come across any bugs or odd behavior, please let me know. In the mean time don’t pick the same weapon twice if you don’t want to potentially hit bugs.


On it. :saluting_face: (guess who’s finished his work projeeeeeeeeeeect!!! :smiley: )



Enjoyed the update an in my playthrough didnt encounter any game breaking bugs so good there at least lol. Looking forward to seeing more and testi g out some different choices.

The line cuts off awkwardly here.

Got this line about the rifle despite not equipping it, probably a mix up in the coding there.

Great update! I killed some unlicensed miners and then proceeded to sell a wrecked SPIDR to some shadowy cabal that will surely not cause any problems in the future.

Click here for mecha stoffs. MECHAAAAA! :DDDDD

“confuses you”


“extendable” or “extensible”

This paragraph cuts off midway, I think.

“would be”


“good a cue”

Double verb - remove the “'s” or the “is”

It’ll be forever depressing to me that, whenever faced with a “why do you want to do this” type of question, I always answer with “are you kidding me? it’s fucking MECHA!” and everyone always finds it weird. These people know no joy.

Errant space.

So I can THROW them! :facepunch:


Spider-Can, Spider-Can,
usurps the song of Spider-Man

Well, I didn’t really have this in my priority list, but, y’know, for you, Sunny, I’ll make it out alive. Man, and I don’t even get a good luck kiss out of this. (also, you have an errant space after “cockpit” in the last sentence)

Speaking of contracts, I presume David et al. take a chunk of the mentioned fee, right? Those 50k for spidersitting aren’t all coming my way, are they?

Speaking of credits, request to have a bit more added to the Credits entry in the Glossary, so I have some idea of what 50k credits MEANS. Like, how much is this compared to the wages I was getting as a miner? What’s the average cost of living? It’d be nice to know these things (yes, I’m weird, that’s a fact confirmed by multiple sources).


Feels like I should ALREADY be getting paid just for reading the SPIDR’s specs and identifying a list of vulnerabilities longer than my armature’s arm.



The first thing on a list doesn’t get “alternatively”, it’s the base choice.

You know what. :wink:

Ok, there’s a lot of “it’s” that should be “its”, so in the interest of not making this post that hard to get through, I suggest you Ctrl+F (or whatever) the code for “it’s” and switch the ones that need switching. Remember, “it’s” is the contraction of “it is”. The possessive is “its”, no apostrophe. :slight_smile:

I THINK that’s an “o”? So either you mistyped and meant a ‘0’, or you dropped an ‘n’ from a “no”.

D’aaaaaw. :melting_face:

Noooooooooooooooo!!! It’s overrrrrr!!! :sob:

Anyway, got the job done. Presumably, going through with the ACTUAL job instead of going for either of the two higher paydays gets me a better merc rating, or, at least, a reputation for dependability. Will I be able to get extra credits by telling Rhodion the flaws I found in the design when I examined the specs? :thinking:

Surely not, they sound trustworthy!

Typos/Bug reports

Fixed, I had been editing that line and never actually filled in the rest.

Fixed, I think. Had an *if instead of an *elseif.

Not a typo, but added bc you’re right that it flows better.


Done, extendable.

It did, fixed above.


Fixed, with a comma instead of a period.


Fixed, mentioned above.


Squashed all of these, I think.

Fixed, kind of a funny bug, affected other items too.

You are correct, should have been a no. Fixed.

Thank you both so much for the reports! I’ve pushed an update that fixes everything I’ve mentioned.

This is a good request, and honestly I don’t quite have a good answer yet. Money numbers are still very beta, will be firmed up once you’re actually allowed to spend it.

These pop up a lot around *ifs, especially with punctuation, I need to find a better solution.

Not something I’d considered, but perhaps. They’re aware of most of it’s hypothetical weaknesses, the goal of the field test is to see which ones actually, yknow, matter.

EDIT: I’m not fixing it, but I fucked up its/it’s again in this post. What the hell is wrong with me.


Not hell. I’ve seen people who DO have hell wrong with them, and let me tell you right now, it’s waaaaaaay worse than errant apostrophes.