Knights of Evallon (WIP) [Updated 27 Jan 2024, 59k words]

Sorry ‘hannya’ not ‘hyena’’ but a hyena mask does give a certain ruthless killer vibe.

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Princess Amelia: Won’t let me take the throne, fine I’ll fall in love with the enemy assassin then :blush:


Oh, lol. I had no idea. Also, I’ll Google it. XD

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Haha! Serves them right.


Damn, I haven’t started reading the demo yet but just by reading the introduction, I am already hyped as fuck. The ROs seems interesting too. This WIP really got potential


What types of weapons will Twilight be using in this story if u don’t mind me asking?

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@Ava_Xx Thank you! But now I am afraid it might disappoint.

@Cartman Well, in addition to rifles, handguns, and his custom knife, he will also wield ‘Scarlet Night’. There are some legendary artifacts that I haven’t finalized yet. Also, he will eventually have the option to wield magic.

Btw, I am open to suggestions.


Sorry for so many questions, this is my last one(for today LOL) why is the MC’s code name Twilight?Are they a Stephanie Meyer fan.

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LMAO! Maybe they are. And feel free to ask as many questions as you wish. Twilight is their codename/callsign. They have sort of a partner whose code name is Sunrise.

And although Terra is not our world, I put a reference to it where Belmonte asks the MC if their name is the reason they dress in black and lurk in shadows.

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:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:I see what u did there.

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Is this Runeterra as in League of Legend’s Planet Runeterra?.


@Cartman Yeap! XD

@ilovecoins Yes! The only thing inspired by Runeterra is the fact that some nations haven’t embraced technology and are entirely medieval.

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I am getting extreme Darker Than Black vibes from this WIP.


I wonder why. :grin:


Yup. Twilight’s look is inspired by Hei and Joker.

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Just finished playing the demo and this is far from being disappointing. Really enjoyed the dick measuring contest with Elbert :rofl:

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A little thing i saw after that one guys takes the woman as a human shield, i knocked him out but she still says you almost shot me.

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Wow, MC is such a badass! It’s kinda hot xD

The story seems to be really interesting - conflict, two opposite sides, enemies… MC’s conversation with the Inspector was fun. I like the guy already!
Also, law officer x criminal is one of my favourite ships.

Do you ever plan to add more customization sometime? Like hairstyles or skin tones.


Actually enjoy the choices of killer or don’t it and I like that what you mixed they weren’t faceless enemies

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I want mc to be deadpool style, a guy who is not serious at any time and the romantic interest I want him to be the inspector


@Ava_Xx Haha! I am glad you liked it. Thanks for reading.

@Jordan_Crowther My bad, I’ll fix that. Thanks for the report.

@Cingulum_diaboli it’s one of my favorite ships too. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

@Takashi_Shin Thanks! I really appreciate it. And yes, i hope to make the villains understandable if not sympathetic.