Kingdoms: Embers In Ashes[WIP] [OLD VERSION]

Uh…no I dont think so, He was in war all the time and before that he was exiled in Duke Velas’ Kingdom for his safety and I dont think he’s charming enough to woo someone…correction anyone


Probably not.

He’s the golden child of the family, the crown prince.

Now maybe the king is enough of a jackass covered jackass with a creamy jackass filling that he’d pull this on his favored child, but I doubt it.

So I think our dear brother didn’t raise a single peep of protest. Just like he apparently couldn’t even bother with a single “I’m sorry for how things worked out, brother.”


All this talk of marxus gave me an idea for a question. Hey @Sophia will there be possible bromance moments for the mc and marxus in the future?


probably, but i don’t think so. He is really dutiful and probably didn’t have time for that.

I think I recall that it is going to be possible, might want cofirmation from her though.


i hope it was possible. using love potion or whatever

Thats not what bromance means your thinking of romance


oh well, sorry for my mistake. have a great day

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Yeah, that was rather disappointing of him, to be honest.

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He is clumsy around women, so yes, You are correct.


Marxus 101

  • Doesn’t like frontal and direct approaches.
  • Will most likely keep his own thoughts and feelings to himself.

Does that mean Marxus going to express it in ‘subtle’ way if he feels sorry to prince mc?


Good evening, Your Majesty

how are you today?

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IF, my darling. If. :smirk:

Good evening to you, Earl. I’m having a pleasant day. Thank you for asking.


…She is? :open_mouth:


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There 2 more things that I found



I think these dot/fullstop should be changed to comma since the ones who speak is same person :thinking:


That is a oddly ironic combination; a man who pursues the way of the warrior does not like being direct most of the time and keeps everything he’s feeling under wraps. Not a common combination with a good deal of warriors). Sounds like Marxus is the type to handle the battlefield more efficiently than his own social life.

If he has a good bond with the Second Prince, I hope at the very least he’ll be honest about the situation (even if he’s not really sorry about the matter).

Though if he does try to take the subtle route, Arlan would probably try to make Marxus be more direct about the matter if my Second Prince had to deal with his older brother’s indirectness and over-subtle way of doing things for too long. And considering his own past feelings for Melissa, he wouldn’t want too much subtlety to be involved in the conversation and simply tell Marxus to talk with him about the matter when he truly feels ready to speak with him more openly.


You mentioned that those of the Northern Kingdom looked favorably upon those who have leadership qualities, assertiveness, have a muscular build, and have proven their strength with their own hands. Would they have any of the Northern Kingdom respect Marxus or not trust his indirect, bottled up nature (which could possible be seen as a weakness in character)? Would the fact that Andus seems to jump in and give his son things without Marxus gaining it with his own hands bite him in the butt in some way (since it could also be seen as Marxus not gaining certain things with his own hands)?

I mean, it feels like the Melissa situation wasn’t the only time that Andus jumped in and gave Marxus what he needed without actually letting Marxus gain the thing with his own hands. I know you said that Andus has been pretty equal in his avoidance with both his sons, but it seems like the King (while not particularly fatherly in most ways) does jump in the moment that Marxus seems to be in a situation he can’t handle with his own strength. And it’s not the first time I’ve seen a kingdom of warriors not being keen on interacting with someone who is too subtle or indirect in their dealings outside of the combat field. Yet you also said Marxus is capable of being a good king and he is likely a strong warrior, so it feels like the Northern Kingdom’s opinion of him can go either way.


This sounds pretty common
The battlefield is simpler to understand
The social battleground the warrior can’t bring their sword or just speak up louder and intimidate, they are effectively stripped of their greatest skills and weapons and still expected to show grace and skill (the reason why in the days of old many warriors were single or considered crude)

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Usually the warriors I read weren’t going for coming off as the loudest or most intimidating of the room; much of the fact that they were direct in both the battlefield and their normal lives tended to give the impression of a person who handle both aspects of their live with confidence and no pretenses (for better and for worse).

But true; being a warrior with a sword is one thing. But being a warrior born into nobility that seems pretty cutthroat is another matter entirely (a matter that I can’t see Marxus being able to really handle alone).

Social life. Nobles look down on him, and that makes him uncomfortable around social gatherings. After all, the smiles and compliments of the nobles are not sincere.

Yes, they would not have a high opinion to Marxus. But, Marxus can still gain their respect. Strength plays a big role in them. The high chief is the strongest. If not, he/she is stripped off his position. Marxus can still earn their support by proving to them his strength.

Bite him in the butt? :joy:

Anyway, King Andus has this “controlling” attitude so there you have it. He wants things to go in his way and discipline is his middle name. But considering Marxus’ personality, he wouldn’t complain to his father’s decision despite him not liking it.

PS. I like where this conversation is going…


Milady Writer, how else were you expecting me to describe the situation? I mean, I did have another way to describe it, but I don’t think a young lady of your age should have that sort of imagery in her head (and I don’t want to be too crass about the matter, even if it is a matter that involves Andus). :sweat_smile:

Oh, it’s going to be really interesting to see if I can get Andus raging either silently or vocally due to Arlan VERY rarely going along with his controlling nature or demands, or just flat out handling a situation his own way rather than a way Andus wanted. I wonder how Marxus himself will react to seeing his younger brother constantly putting his foot down due to not wanting to do something that goes against what he believes is right and displaying a more independent nature that makes him constantly butt head with their father in some way. He’d probably see the behavior as extremely reckless most of the time (especially since he knows that their father doesn’t favor the Second Prince), but I wonder if a small part of him would envy the forthrightness in the Second Prince’s behavior and the zeal in which he deal with life (despite getting a bad situation that is equal to that of Marxus’ own in a way).

It’d probably be quite the wake-up slap for Marxus to have a Kingdom he is not born from pointing out the flaws about in his compliant behavior toward his farther regardless of his true feelings and how his actions are perceived by those outside of his homeland.

His reaction to them favoring his younger brother over him would likely be equally as interesting. Especially if his younger brother isn’t as strong he is in regards to being a warrior, but makes up for that lack in immense physical strength by displaying a stronger personality.

I’d ask why, but I’m pretty sure that the reason lies somewhere in the dark abyss where all the other spoilers lay dormant at the moment.


Someone quoted you saying that Melissa was 15 when she met big bro, the MC was almost 15, so that would make Melissa at least slightly older.

Now in game she’s always seems lightly younger than the MC to me, but Melissa can’t turn 15 before the MC and be younger.

Unless you’ve changed your mind since then?