Keeper of the Sun and Moon (WIP)

Possibly. Though in-game him calling Leon out would require either Leon or Astrid starting on his own parent situation or the whole “keeper” mess. It’s a way to turn things around if they go into that unpleasant territory with my mc. But, yeah, after having actually met Leon’s dad my Nephilim mc might actually be a tad jealous too.

Which game are you referring to with that?

So your real father is a wealthy deadbeat who was largely absent from your life until you somehow became unwantedly famous and he thought he could use you to his advantage?
If so you have my condolences.

Naw, for me the pecking order goes Alty/Cy > MC > Astrid/Leon > Kol/Sera > Thalia > Yakov > Briseis > Maybe Cressy, but only for Cy’s sake.

Leon is nice to look at and he does grow on my mc somewhat and he is cute together with Astrid. But both Alty (though I am afraid of some possible impacts the new prologue could have on Alty’s storyline in particular. :worried: ) and Cy are better boys by far.

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Yeah, mc got it way worse than Leon. But doesn’t it seem like you’re trivializing someone else’s personal situation? Not all problems are equal, some are worse than others. But as far as I can remember he doesn’t actively whine about his daddy issues. I mean, there was this one scene at the Winter solstice and the dinner scene when he did display negative emotions regarding his father. Other than that, I don’t know (and I don’t remember). Having an absent, workaholic parent can actually be damaging especially if that person is the only parent that you have. Even if the MC had workaholic parents, even if the MC’s problems are way worse than his. Should MC have the right to silence someone’s problems like that? His reasons may be petty but they’re actually reasonable. In a way, both Leon and MC have an absent father. It doesn’t matter if you live under the same roof, what’s the point if you barely spend time together?

Thanks for coming to my TED-talk.

Just call him a Lion and watch him burst into flames :eyes:


Yep, only ones who might have it worse than mc in the magical parent department, in spite of being filthy-rich would possibly be Cy and Cressy.

Like I said, my mc is most likely to retaliate with those particular observations if Leon and/or Astrid (likely at the behest of Astrid because she sadly is the meddling type for it) are either trying to get him to “connect” with his own deadbeat dad or any other parental relative or pressing him on unpleasant keeper business. Since at that point they are already making an unwanted deep intrusion in my mc’s life, so my mc would feel free to retaliate. In that case it would be a more severe version of Astrid/Leon “back the fuck off!!”.

Yeah, except mc’s doesn’t actually care about the mc nor about being a provider, in spite of his wealth, just and only about what use he can potentially wring out of the mc’s (entirely unwanted in my mc’s case) supposed “keeper” status.

Way I see it from what I remember from the demo, mc’s single mom alone works just as hard/much and might have been just as absent as Leon’s dad in order to provide at least a lower-middle class standard of living for herself and the mc. Because magical dad is a complete and utter deadbeat.
So, yeah, as far as he is concerned his “dad” and any other parental relatives are dead to him and he wouldn’t appreciate any of the suitemates/ Ro’s trying to meddle in it, no matter how well they might mean it.
If they try expect my mc to retaliate by butting into their family business too.

Any ideas what your next game will be!

In Overlord 2, they called the mc witch boy.

Mostly the first part, he came into my life based on other people’s unwanted urging. Though he was a rich dad absent from my life who didn’t support my poverty stricken family.

Yeesh caring about them over yourself? How… selfless? It’s cause you think they’re cute right? So selfish?


Ugh! I hate deadbeats like that. Particularly wealthy ones.

Again, for whatever it’s worth you have my condolences.

Exactly. Those observations about Leon are something my mc will keep in check, unless and until he and/or Astrid are possibly getting under his skin about either his parental family or his unwanted keeper status or both.

As you’ll note the mc’s magical dad isn’t in any hurry to contact his kid even after the jig is up and they’re into the magical world anyway (as Patil’s pathetic little charity case no less in the new opening. :unamused: )
But he waits until after the public keeper reveal to make any move at all.
So, yeah, as far as my mc is concerned he can go screw himself at this point cause he wants nothing at all to do with the guy or any other paternal relatives he might have. He might have duped the mc’s mother with his masquerade nonsense, my mc isn’t having any of it.

Hey! We cannot possibly let such beauty be unjustly taken from this world. :heart_eyes_cat: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nah, of course cuteness always helps, but Leon is cute too, as is Yakov and my mc wouldn’t take killing blows for either of them. Alty is maybe the love of his life and Cy is a genuinely good friend who actually shares some of his concerns about the magical world most of the others are either deliberately oblivious to or in denial about.
Cy and Cressy are also the only ones of the peer group who are likely worse off than he is (even after the whole keepers reveal), despite their immense material wealth.


With the magic versus technology discussion here, that still leaves a question… how much technology do the magi have access too? Because if they can use modern weaponry as well as magic, that puts them at a rather significant advantage :sweat_smile:

Or at least you’d want something more explicitly written as a tragedy :sweat_smile:

I don’t even know how I’d make a ranking :cold_sweat: I mean, Kol is pretty tops but I also really like buddying with Katia and the Seraphina story is moving and Alty is cute and Briseis is adorable and really I just like everyone so much… :cry:


I think I’d always put whichever of the cuties guys I was going for first… :thinking: and Kol second, because seriously, he needs to be protected… :hugs:

Agreed. :sweat_smile:


They can, I think part of non-magical combat as a subject deals specifically with teaching magi students how to use guns and maybe even heavier weapons if they advance even further in the subject.

Nephilim mc isn’t that competent in non-magical combat, but witch-boy certainly is and if we can obtain one later on, he’d certainly feel much safer with a normal gun as a solid backup or even primary weapon too.

RO Careers

Katia and Seraphina already have careers, Astrid and Leon are uncertain, and Kol and Yakov’s would be spoilery. Altair is interested in magic-technology innovation. Cressida is interested in ruling the world being involved in politics. Cyrus and Thalia are considering becoming professional duelists.

So when will the mc get to decide on their career track. And please don’t say Keeper is the only option because that doesn’t sound like it’s a paying job at all, let alone a well-paying one. As absent, a demon/angel/celestial war the position seems to be a sinecure if a very dangerous one due to the crappy enforced use of celestial and only celestial magic all of the damn time, held by scions of immeasurable wealth, which the mc is quite obviously not.


So then the question is just how far into the latest technological advances they get :thinking:

Well, and population… if humans have a strong edge in numbers that could make a big difference as well.
Though I imagine it wouldn’t get to a complete one against the other anyway… I can’t see any reason that all humans would side against magi… we’re not that good at cooperating…

Oh huh, I guess my MC and Altair are interested in the same field :astonished:

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Well NMC does seem to be a bit ahead technologically. Those advertising holo’s for example. They’re not common use in most human cities. But from what we’ve seen there is no radical tech divergence either. Magi tech still seems to consist of logical offshoots or derivatives of human tech, improved with magic perhaps, but from what we’ve seen thus far not much more than that.

I imagine you may be right. Don’t tell secretaries Monroe or Patil that, it might have very bad consequences. :fearful:

With the old prologue, Nephilim was probably interested in magi political science or law (in order to possibly try his own hand at magi politics. But that particular dream and ambition is likely going to be shattered by the new, worse opening and being Patil’s pathetic little charity case. :unamused: ) So I don’t know what my main mc might actually like in the new and worse situation. :confounded:
Maybe an ordinary science major, biology, physics or more likely in light of money issues, architecture or engineering.

Witch boy’s preference remains ritual magic however.


MC can be a human, magician, elemental, drakaina, kitsune, nephilim, or cambion.

Altair: near black hair, dark brown eyes
Astrid: medium blonde hair, dark brown eyes
Cressida: near black hair, brown eyes
Cyrus: near black hair, brown eyes
Katia: black hair, hazel eyes
Kol: medium brown hair, black eyes
Leon: light brown/dark blond hair, blue eyes
Seraphina: copper red hair, hazel eyes
Thalia: black hair, brown eyes
Yakov: pale blond hair, grey eyes

At this point in the planning, it’s possible for all characters to be saved.

Your concerns over being Patil’s charity case are very prescient given what I’m writing now :joy:

I am currently working on the sequel! I’ll be posting a new WIP thread for it about a month after Keeper of the Sun and Moon is released.


Great one more reason to add to the big stinking pile to hate his magical “dad”. :unamused:
He already disliked the guy with the old situation, it seems here we might be one step away from actual, murderous intent.

I still think the new opening shatters, at the very least, an almost perfect balance, where the mc felt neither over nor under-powered (nor over or under privileged), that was present in the game with the old situation and introduces potentially unnecessary, cascading problems in later chapters and story-lines, but I guess I’ll need to wait till I’ve had the opportunity to do a proper playthrough and compare it against my old notes from the beta to see how bad, or not bad it has truly become in comparison.
It is also true that with the almost definite prospect of this becoming a trilogy overall balance probably needs to be properly judged on a playthrough of all three games, though of course that won’t actually be possible until the other two are written.

Still I’d like to caution against making the same mistake as the first Heroes Rise trilogy, where the mc’s power levels were on the pathetic and worthless side until the final part of the third installment where they suddenly become godlike overpowered. Neither state of being was particularly fun for either me as the reader or my mc there.


asdhfkddl thank god bc I am READY to sell my firstborn child to save Leon

2019 is gonna be a great year!! Good luck author!


A lotta brown-eyed girls

60% of them have brown eyes, compared to 55% of the world’s population being brown eyed. So it isn’t exactly a lot.


Only 55%? Huh… That was less than I expected…

I have brown eyes :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t have eyes… instead I have two black holes and they are emitting red light eerily…


My mistake, that’s for Europe. Worldwide, it’s closer to 80%.