It’s also a status symbol for high society events and some versions are cute and bling-y and cost more than $50k. At events were the “penguin suit” is still mandatory for guys it’s also the only thing that really sets the male guests apart from the hired help such as butlers who may wear the same kind of suits but obviously have no accessories.
Quality jewelry is also the thing that you can never really get on the cheap, unlike the clothes themselves because of its high innate material value.
So still sad that even choosing to milk the fame stat won’t actually yield us much of anything. Except more worthless “exposure”.
That said my mc already favours Kerse so he would like jewelry like this:
Or this:
And not the cheap steel and plastic imitations for once. Not at high society events.
And for good measure the sort of casual outfit my mc actually would want to have but can’t afford:
Only Sera and Gisela ever change their presents around and that depends on what classes the mc takes and if they’re human or magi, never on RO status. All of the other’s presents are fixed.
I have never managed to get Gisela’s present in the actual game tho.