Jolly Good: Tea and Scones

The most British of deaths. Aboard the Teatanic.


Came back to this tread after a while. I am impressed with your progess. I loved the previous Jolly good and I’m excited for the sequel.

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Thanks, @Elilovescola! Me too. I can’t figure out if it has actually been five years that I have been working on this project so far or if I have simply allowed five-years’-worth of life force to drain out and into this game. Either way, worth it.

I am not a naturally impatient person, but there are definitely days where I want things to propel forward so I can share everything with you. We’re getting there! Thank you so much for your words. They mean a lot to me.


I always knew there was a dark side to this game, I didn’t think that it was some sort of mutated online vampire, though


Still working my way through the Vyv chapter, adding tons of content to the party that you are at: intrigue for those who want that, artistic stuff for those who want that, and just plain enjoying a party. Lots of ways to get in trouble, cause property damage, and help Vyv’s career if you are so moved, whether by directly helping in a creative way, by sabotaging rivals, or by staying well out of the way.

Today I wrote a long scene about helping someone with writer’s block, and that was good. Then I realized that I didn’t actually need two other vignettes I had originally planned, and that was doubly good. That counts as writing, when you cut something.

As far as I can tell, I have 15 vignettes left to write for the party, some short (a card game, a shakedown) some medium (graverobbing, dealing with Figs and/or Mopsie) and some longish (a romantic scene on a piano).

That will conclude the major part of Vyv’s chapter, to be followed by a big chase scene that will come in two or three varieties. It’s coming along. The only reason it’s taking so long is because I am trying to stuff it with content such that you are tempted to play the party several times because you’ll feel like there’s a million things going on in the background. But progress is happening!


Now there’s an image.