Invalid use of curly smart quote [solved]

Error: 2heir line 2706: Invalid use of curly smart quote: | Use straight quotes " instead

I got this message for what quickly turned out to be a wrong use of $ instead of @ in multireplace. The message was a little obscure, so I thought I’d mention it, in case anyone else gets stuck on it longer than I.

Basically the code should have been @{c_plural ask | asks} and instead it was ${c_plural ask | asks}. Easy mistake to make, when you’re typing up hundreds of words.

Can you send me your code? This seems like an interpreter error and this:

*create foo true
${foo blah|blah}

Doesn’t reproduce the problem.

There’s not much more to it than what I’ve posted.

*create c_plural  false
*set c_plural h_plural
${c_name}, who was circling the instrument, looks up at you. "The Royal Consort?" ${c_they} @{c_plural ask | asks}. 

Variable creation is obviously in a different file than the code that threw the error. When I change it back from @ to $ the error returns. I’ll check to see if it happens with other multireplace variables.

Hm, can you send me the files? [My first name (at) choiceofgames (dot) com] Because when I run this:

*create c_plural  false
*temp h_plural true
*set c_plural h_plural
*temp c_name "blah"
*temp c_they "they"
${c_name}, who was circling the instrument, looks up at you. "The Royal Consort?" ${c_they} ${c_plural ask | asks}.

I still get this error: startup line 8: Invalid expression, couldn't extract another token: | asks which is the expected error.