Hi! I’ve not yet posted any topics on this forum so do forgive me if I make any mistakes or anything. In short, after reading WIPS and works on here for quite some time, I’ve decided to try my hand at creating a story of my own. This thread is made mostly to know if people are interested in reading–or, well, playing–it. Just to be clear: you would have the choice to be female, male or nonbinary; heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or aro/ace.
Now, as for the story…
The only present you were ever given by your parents was the shawl they wrapped around your little body before they left you in the underbrush to die. Though you were alone, and afraid, kept company only by the leaves and warm by the breath of the animals that watched you with their misty gazes, you did not die. Instead, you were told, the trees around you bent over and kept you safe from the scorching sun and heavy rain until you were, eventually, found by your true mother and father, a farmer and his pregnant wife. Alongside their own sons, one not yet born, you were fed, nurtured and taught the way of things, with a tenderness unfamiliar to you.
Since that very day, in the slight, sleepy village you call home, you have lived a life of routine—ekeing out a living through an unending cycle of growing, harvesting and trading fruits, vegetables and herbs with the other families. And since that very day, too, you have lost. Of your seven brothers, since you were taken in by your family, six have died. The one your mother was expecting, born lifeless. When you were six years old, three were taken from you, one by one, because of a disease that turned many women you know wives to widows, innocuous children to orphans. One took his own life in the wake of their passing. The very eldest one succumbed through a foolish incident out on the fields—an incident you, alone, were witness to. Your mother despised you from that day on to her deathbed. The last thing you remember of her, her face drained from all of its color and so much of its flesh, is how she spat on you and called you a curse–penance, for misdeeds she must’ve been guilty of in another life.
And now, barely a fortnight ago, your youngest brother, Iosef, too, has vanished, with not a word to you, or your father, or any of his friends. With not nearly as much indications as you possess resolve, only the word of your brothers implied fascination with the cult in whose shadow your village lives, you leave your home behind for the first time in your life to return your grief-stricken fathers only child to him. You do not go alone, however–you are joined quickly by an old companion of yours who worries too much, and your brother’s former ‘friend’, too, insists on coming with. Together, can you find Iosef, and bring him home safely?
I have in mind (for now!) 3 romantic options!
Your (somewhat estranged) childhood friend, the tall, dark-skinned Astid. The two of you grew up together, playing along the river and scaring one another with tales of fanged beasts in the dark, before the two of you drifted apart, as old friends so often do. Still, through the years, while you’ve tried to keep your distance out of fear Astid would end up like your brothers, she has remained fond of you, and worries about you whenever she is not entertaining the village children and very much intentionally upsetting her father. Astid is female, uses she/her pronouns and is romanceable by all MCs.
Iszak (male; he/him pronouns; again, romanceable by all MCs), a travelling monk you encounter along the way. Iszak warms up to you quickly and feels for you when you relay to him what you’ve been through, because he has known a great many losses in his life, as well. Speaking of purity, honor, and duty in a rumbling baritone, Iszak is a bit peculiar, but seems trustworthy, and that is enough for you. Iszak is a behemoth of a man at almost 6′3″ with fawn skin, loosely curled, tawny hair and dark eyes.
The third RO would be Oryx, a… being more than they are an individual. They have pale skin, pale, long hair, and sharp eyes. Crowned in gold and glory as the object of worship of the Children of Oryx (in other words: the leader of a cult of their own), they hold life in their hands as one may so many grains of sand. They are mysterious, treacherous, and, as you quickly find, irrevocably interested in you–but not particularly in the way you may expect. As they themselves would say, they transcend age and gender. Oryx would be solely romanceable by female MCs.
… So! That’s that; that’s what I have thus far!
Thank you to all for even reading this, and I hope you’re all well!