I’m pretty sure those guys are all the result of some black ops super soldier type program.
Pulse Academy, aye. It seems to be very-very dead from what I’ve seen.
For what it’s worth Malin’s partner has Remnants WIP (26 000 words in demo), though I don’t know about any updates. It’s perfectly gross and fleshy in the proper Evangelion way and is also angsty as fuck.
jesus christ I accidentally on purpose read this entire thread (over the course of a week). it was very entertaining!
it also re-introduced me to Infamous. I was really happy to see that it got updated from when I last read it, but the more I read about G the more I dislike them. I already have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to in-universe-universally-beloved conventionally attractive characters who are described as being magnetic and charismatic (+ without me feeling charmed by their dialogue), but G is such a dickhead. I enjoyed the way that they were written but I can’t imagine romancing them; the way that they talk about Victoria after you pick certain dialogue choices where they’re basically saying “can you believe how much of a nag she is?” is so gross to me when it’s like, dude. all she wants is for you to wake up before noon to go to the gig you’re contractually obligated to attend. she’s got her own career to worry about, why does she have to be your personal wake-up call and maid too, you dickhead. the flirting with the MC while married thing was lame to me too, but i get the feeling the marriage is gonna turn out to have been a business arrangement or something this whole time, so it wasn’t the main thing that made me dislike this character. I don’t care for Seven either, but G was just so much more skeevy to me.
You should go to the Infamous thread for your comments about it, the people there nowadays are quiet…but they will introduce your comment and make it a whole debate.
And how did you read the whole entire thread???
hmmmmmmmm maybe I will, pretty clear now I think that I greatly enjoy reading a debate or two or two thousand six hundred and sixty five.
And how did you read the whole entire thread???
i wish i had a better answer for you but it’s just: things are pretty slow where i work ahahah
That’s the first G hate post! Omedeto, we can mark off another point off the checklist.
…do you have an actual checklist, or was that just a turn of phrase?
The forum equivalent of watching a 5 hour video essay.
For me re: G vs. Seven, I think I’m holding out hope for a G character arc. They’re an extremely messy, fucked up person, but that gives them a really good starting place to have a good arc with a lot of growth. I don’t think it’s going to be a “wow Victoria and MC, I see the error of my ways! I am now magically fixed of my problems, which we’ll never see again!” kind of arc (nor would I want it to be), but I think it has a lot of potential. i can fix him i swear
That’s kind of why I don’t like Seven. They have a lot of issues and flaws too, but their main conflict is interpersonal with the MC, not based in the self, and I just don’t see the potential for a satisfying arc based in character growth and self-reflection.
fair enough, I can see the appeal in a character having so much room for growth. the selfishness and general dick-headedness is part of the whole shitty addiction situation. it’s not a situation that, without already knowing and caring about the person, i would want to involve myself in, but it is sympathetic (and now that you’ve described your view, understandable for someone else’s taste).
I… honestly have more problem with Vic than G. G is… messy but they’re not the one dragging MC by the hair to witness a married drama. MC didn’t have anything to do in that scene, their contribution was hunkering down with G or ‘helping’ Vic (where she didn’t need help) then getting dragged to cafe where they were allowed to order water as thanks.
That scene destroyed any romantic notions I had for Vic and G romances, I don’t think I’ll warm up to them. There’s nothing in the next 18 chapters that can make up for that opening. I was expecting MC to be seduced and used (in a sexy way) not just used like a… I don’t know, fan? I don’t know what the thought process was. First impressions matter.
All the doe eyes and sad excuses Vic can throw MC’s way are not going to win me over after her selfish behaviour - and I’m not sure if it’s going to be treated as a character flaw yet.
With G at least there is promise for further growth.
My husband sent me a meme for this, because when I get insomnia (which is almost every night, lol), I have no attention span to do anything productive or even play a game, so I end up reading arguments between strangers for hours on end and being amused by them. Half the time, it’s on nextdoor, so I don’t know the people and don’t care about the topic, but it is still funny to me to watch people bickering. So I completely understand.
What do you think of Seven? (since this is a RO we hate thread and I freaking loathe Seven with the heat of a thousand suns)
I am slightly holding out hope for G, too. G is an alcoholic, I believe, and shows all the symptoms of someone with addiction (seen enough addicts in my life to easily recognize it). I don’t expect it to be dealt with in a realistic manner, but I think he might snap out of it, realize what he’s doing, and get himself together. Hopefully, with the MC’s help.
Same here. Though, I think Seven’s real problem is an internal one. I just don’t think it will be handled that way, however, because Seven would have to recognize that MC may have hurt them, but that doesn’t justify the outright insane vitriol on Seven’s part. I mean, I agree with Sev being upset over the vote, even if the MC voted against the others–personally, I would’ve walked and found a new band (but I don’t like the band members, either), but I don’t agree with the way it manifests.
And I hate Avina. (not a RO, but they’re so much a part of Seven now that I had to get it out there again)
That actually bugged me as much as Vic dragging the MC to get G out of bed. The least they could do is offer a damned coffee to the MC, instead of water. G isn’t the only one who needs caffeine.
But yeah, I liked G better than Vic in this scenario. And I think G shows potential. I’m just hoping the MC’s life doesn’t get ruined if they romance G.
They are rich celebrities that have people to serve them at all times. Of course V dragged MC to fix her problems.
I am slightly holding out hope for G, too. G is an alcoholic, I believe, and shows all the symptoms of someone with addiction
The writer said, that G is 90% of the time either drunk or drugged out of their mind, so you are correct.
And I hate Avina.
Yeah, and that’s what I mean, if it’s treated like a flaw - no complaint there, I’ll get over it. If it’s not and Vic will always be presented as a brave victimized wife… oof, hard sell.
She is the one that has to keep G in check, deal with Viktor when G screws things up and put her career on hold to follow G in the botb. V can move on from all this, but it will probably require MC to be involved either platonically or romantically in an absolute trainwreck of a marriage.
Yeah, and that’s what I mean, if it’s treated like a flaw - no complaint there, I’ll get over it. If it’s not and Vic will always be presented as a brave victimized wife… oof, hard sell.
I felt like a child with parents who are approaching a messy divorce in that scene. Straight from horror.
oh god i’m gonna have to figure out the formatting on this stuff. is this what coding is?
anyway, i dunno, i saw V (it didn’t occur to me before that this would be a genderchanging character, whoops ahaha) as being at the end of their rope in a shitty situation they’d been in a million times before and had no clue what would make things different this time. it was very uhhmmm, the exact word’s escaping me now, i wanna say “asshole rich person-y” to just yoink the MC along for the ride, but i thought it was kind of understandable. although it was extremely annoying with what it’s done for the cheating allegations.
and when i think about it, all of this didn’t make me wanna romance them at all, cuz as you mention the constant brave victimized wife thing can be pretty one-note. it just made them more of a sympathetic character to me, which wouldn’t have been hard anyways cuz i didn’t really see any reason to feel anything positive for them before. i mean, all we get about their character prior is what, they’re pretty?
honestly I found Seven’s whole thing kind of boring? there just isn’t much depth there in my opinion. i’m hesitant to say that because i really enjoy the work as a whole, but i just wasn’t captured by any portion centering Seven. after a certain point it was just repetitive to me, okay i get it we’re gonna argue but you’re gonna have this glimmer in your eye hinting at feelings from times long ago. i dunno, it just doesn’t speak to me.
maybe all this is cuz i’m already so besotted with the manager, maya’s parent, the lead singer from the other Enemy Band, and the photographer. my poor indecisive mc simply cannot take another beloved
To be honest, same. Maybe that will change - their emotions are written beautifully in POVs but that’s all there is to them, emotions. Outside of MC’s situation, completely taking them out of context, Seven seems… annoying.
Imagine dealing with them as a part of their band - this oversensitive, enmeshed, moody child who keeps obsessing over their ex and has very naive ideas about fame.
It’d be a ‘no’ for me.
*disclaimer: I love messy characters and when I criticize them or don’t like them it’s not criticism for how they are written (unless I specify) or expressing a need for a more palatable crew.
I saw people talking about “Seven” and “V” and was so confused. I was having war flashbacks to Mystic Messenger arguments from my school’s anime club…
Wish Seven’s route in MM was as good as it seemed on other routes…
He could’ve competed with Jumin in my heart, alas.
Interest Check:
If I set up a Google Poll to figure out the statistics of how much you all hate certain ROs, would anyone actually fill it out? I’m in a pie chart mood and I wanna make some pie charts.
As long as they’re some kind of multiple choice or dropdown option, hell yes. Input-text quizzes make my brain shut off.